Lobby Settings
- Seasonal event game modes to choose from as templates (like Lucioball, Yeti Hunter, etc) are no longer available (were available in OW1).
- Route 66 is also an available map for FFA/TDM, but not for Bounty Hunter.
- In the Workshop Settings screen, an issue with Workshop Setting Integer, disallows users to enter numbers with more than three digits in it's number field next to it's slider.
- Slider is not affected and works fine.
- Workaround: To avoid using the slider and gain more precision on your inputs use Workshop Setting Real instead, to allow users to input those values.
- Workshop Setting categories are sorted alphabetically, whereas before it was sorted in order of declaration in the script.
Hero Setting Changes
- Ability Cooldown/Charge/Resource values are incorrectly returning null or 0 for some abilities. The actions also have no effect on these abilities. See below for the affected abilties.
- Ramattra's Void Barrier cooldown request still just returns 0.
- Baptiste's Immortality Field cooldown request just returns 0.
- Ashe and Roadhog's Ability 1 cooldowns start the moment the button is pressed, but are restarted when the cast animation for the ability ends.
- Setting ammo / max ammo doesn't work for some heroes, see below for all affected heroes.
- "Secondary fire" has no effect for disabling Sojourn's secondary, you must use "Railgun alt fire" in custom game settings.
- When a hero's max health is reduced, their health will exceed their max health if they die and get Resurrected. This makes it look as if the target is taking no damage as long as their health is above max health.
- Workaround: Use Set Player Health to set the player's health to their max when it goes above max.
- When setting the cooldown for Symmetra's Sentry Turrets (Ability 1) through
Settings > Heroes > Symmetra
, it also affects the cooldown of Symmetra's teleporter (Ability 2). - Ammo and Max Ammo fails on some heroes. See below for affected heroes.
- Event Ability fails for some heroes when primary fire was used. See below for affected heroes.
- Mercy's Caduceus Blaster is now considered as the first weapon (Clip 0)
Is Firing Primary
is always True for Illari unless she is using any Ability input, meleeing, reloading, or firing primary/secondary. -
Is Using Ability 1
does not trigger for Illari. However,Is Using Ability 2
does. - The value for Juno's Glide Boost Duration Scalar is removed when copying settings from the UI
Is In Alternate Form
always returns False or Null for Ramattra when using Nemesis Form.- Possible Workaround: Use Is Using Ability 1 for regular Nemesis Form and Is Using Ultimate for Nemesis Form during Annihilation.
Workshop Text Changes
- As of update, HUDs work again!. However, they are centered relative to other HUDs in the same position.
- In-world texts are now centered lower than usual if given a position. Before, they would float above the position, now they float nearly or totally centered at the position.
- Small Messages may not appear properly for some reason.
- The default font for small messages and in-world texts has been changed.
Settings as Text Formatting Changes
- When copying a game mode as text, maps now have a number at the end, which represents the map variant (e.g. evening/morning). Omitting this number when pasting will enable all variants of the map.
- Team Deathmatch can no longer be played on Havana.
Is Waiting For Players does not evaluate client-side, meaning that visual elements (such as effects and texts) will evaluate this value as always being false.
- Workaround: Dedicate a global variable to tracking this value and manually update it within a rule.
- Conditions checking for chased variables will not update until the chase has reached its destination. If chasing indefinitely (e.g. to
), the rule will never fire.- This affects both rule conditions as well as actions like Wait Until.
- Disable Game Mode In-World UI does not affect the icon over the Push robot.
Setting ammo & max ammo
Last updated: 17 July 2024
Alternate names included for easy CTRL + F
Heroes not in the table work fine
Readable = value can be read from workshop, e.g. the max ammo value
Hero | Set ammo works? | Set max ammo works? | Ammo readable? | Max ammo readable? | Notes |
D.VA, DVA | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | Applies to Pilot Form |
Orisa | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | Orisa still has ammo, it's simply hidden from the player, and only shown as the heat meter. By using Set Ammo, you can set the heat level, and setting Max Ammo no longer works. Ammo regenerates at a constant rate. |
Ramattra | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Bastion | ✅ | ⚠️ | ✅ | ✅ | Set max ammo only works with Configuration: Assault |
Reaper | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Kiriko | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | Set Max Ammo doesn't work on either clip. Set Ammo works, however. |
Lifeweaver, LW | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | Applies to both weapons |
Mei | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Ashe | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Echo | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Widowmaker | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Zarya | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Pharah | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Sombra | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Mauga | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | Neither Clip Works |
Venture | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | |
Juno | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | |
Roadhog | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
Setting Ability Cooldown
Last updated: 15 Oct 2023
This table lists heroes who contain abilities that are unaffected by the Set Ability Cooldown
Heroes not in the table work fine
⏹️ means Not Applicable
Hero | Secondary Fire | Ability 1 | Ability 2 | Notes |
Ramattra | ⚠️ | ✅ | ✅ | Secondary Fire cooldown cannot be changed unless it is currently on cooldown. Only applies to Omnic Form. |
Reinhardt | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Setting Fire Strike cooldown works fine, despite being on a charge. |
Soldier: 76 | ⚠️ | ❌ | ✅ | Secondary Fire cooldown cannot be changed unless it is currently on cooldown. Attempting to change it while off cooldown causes it to appear on cooldown but it is actually still usable. |
Zarya | ⏹️ | ✅ | ✅ | Setting Barrier cooldown works fine, despite being on a charge. |
Zenyatta | ⏹️ | ❌ | ❌ | Ability 1 & 2 don't have a cooldown normally so it cannot be changed. |
Lifeweaver, LW | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | Tested with "Manual Weapon Swap" control scheme. Ability 1 in this setting is Rejuvenating Dash |
Setting Ability Resource
This table lists heroes who contain abilities that are unaffected by the Set Ability Resource
Heroes not in the table work fine
Hero | Button |
Doomfist | Unknown (Possibly Secondary Fire or Ability 2) |
Orisa | Primary Fire (works as ammo, see above) |
Sojourn | Secondary Fire |
Hazard | Secondary Fire |
Reading Event Ability
Last updated: 19 July 2024
This table lists heroes whose Event Ability cannot be read for certain abilities and results in with null instead.
Heroes not in the table work fine
Hero | Button(s) |
D.Va | Primary Fire (Mech form) |
Junker Queen | Primary Fire |
Mauga | Primary Fire, Secondary Fire |
Ramattra | Primary Fire (Omnic form) |
Venture | Primary Fire |
Kiriko | Secondary Fire |
Lifeweaver | Secondary Fire |
Event Ability Issues
Create Projectile and Create Homing Projectile issues
When the action's Player argument is not Null and the actual set owner (Bot or Player) leaves the game or is swapped around while the owner's projectile's lifetime did not expire, the following issues arises:
- Projectiles only visually disappear (ghost entity)
- Occupy a counter for Entity Count without ever decreasing the entire match
- Due reaching the maximum allowed amount of Entities with this issue easily, it throws away the creativity and control over great projects.
Attempted workarounds are:
- Setting the Player(Owner) argument to Null
- Ask and beg any Players to not leave or deny moving requests
- Using Create Projectile Effect instead of the problematic and handle the logic with your own algorithmns
Workshop UI & Season 3 - Specific issues
- When searching for a value, you have to click the search bar before typing. (When the dropdown appears you should be able to start typing directly)
- When arrays are present in the Inspector, they do not displace other values out of their visual space, resulting in overlap.
- Opening any other menu while the Inspector is open will show both the Inspector and the other menu simultaneously (such as pressing 'L' to open the lobby, or 'O' for the socials menu). Under some circumstances you will be unable to close the Inspector after changing menus.
- The game is prone to crashing with a "Unexpected error"-popup, like when editing (medium-large?) rules (example: https://discord.com/channels/570672959799164958/1074803292963622963 ).
- Under some (unknown?) circumstances when trying to paste code, you will recieve an error message about the Workshop settings not allowing certain letters, despite it not containing such letters. Exiting the lobby and creating a new one will allow you to paste the code without errors.