Abort Abort If Abort If Condition Is False Abort If Condition Is True Add Health Pool To Player Allow Button Apply Impulse Attach Players Big Message Break Call Subroutine Cancel Primary Action Chase Global Variable At Rate Chase Global Variable Over Time Chase Player Variable At Rate Chase Player Variable Over Time Clear Status Communicate Continue Create Beam Effect Create Dummy Bot Create Effect Create HUD Text Create Homing Projectile Create Icon Create In-World Text Create Progress Bar HUD Text Create Progress Bar In-World Text Create Projectile Create Projectile Effect Damage Declare Match Draw Declare Player Victory Declare Round Draw Declare Round Victory Declare Team Victory Destroy All Dummy Bots Destroy All Effects Destroy All HUD Text Destroy All Icons Destroy All In-World Text Destroy All Progress Bar HUD Text Destroy All Progress Bar In-World Text Destroy Dummy Bot Destroy Effect Destroy HUD Text Destroy Icon Destroy In-World Text Destroy Progress Bar HUD Text Destroy Progress Bar In-World Text Detach Players Disable Built-In Game Mode Announcer Disable Built-In Game Mode Completion Disable Built-In Game Mode Music Disable Built-In Game Mode Respawning Disable Built-In Game Mode Scoring Disable Death Spectate All Players Disable Death Spectate Target HUD Disable Game Mode HUD Disable Game Mode In-World UI Disable Hero HUD Disable Inspector Recording Disable Kill Feed Disable Messages Disable Movement Collision With Environment Disable Movement Collision With Players Disable Nameplates Disable Scoreboard Disable Text Chat Disable Voice Chat Disallow Button Else Else If Enable Built-In Game Mode Announcer Enable Built-In Game Mode Completion Enable Built-In Game Mode Music Enable Built-In Game Mode Respawning Enable Built-In Game Mode Scoring Enable Death Spectate All Players Enable Death Spectate Target HUD Enable Game Mode HUD Enable Game Mode In-World UI Enable Hero HUD Enable Inspector Recording Enable Kill Feed Enable Messages Enable Movement Collision With Environment Enable Movement Collision With Players Enable Nameplates Enable Scoreboard Enable Text Chat Enable Voice Chat End For Global Variable For Player Variable Go To Assemble Heroes Heal If Kill Log To Inspector Loop Loop If Loop If Condition Is False Loop If Condition Is True Modify Global Variable Modify Global Variable At Index Modify Player Score Modify Player Variable Modify Player Variable At Index Modify Team Score Move Player To Team Pause Match Time Play Effect Preload Hero Press Button Remove All Health Pools From Player Remove Health Pool From Player Remove Player Reset Player Hero Availability Respawn Restart Match Resurrect Return To Lobby Set Ability 1 Enabled Set Ability 2 Enabled Set Ability Charge Set Ability Cooldown Set Ability Resource Set Aim Speed Set Ammo Set Crouch Enabled Set Damage Dealt Set Damage Received Set Environment Credit Player Set Facing Set Global Variable Set Global Variable At Index Set Gravity Set Healing Dealt Set Healing Received Set Invisible Set Jump Enabled Set Jump Vertical Speed Set Knockback Dealt Set Knockback Received Set Match Time Set Max Ammo Set Max Health Set Melee Enabled Set Move Speed Set Objective Description Set Player Allowed Heroes Set Player Health Set Player Score Set Player Variable Set Player Variable At Index Set Primary Fire Enabled Set Projectile Gravity Set Projectile Speed Set Reload Enabled Set Respawn Max Time Set Secondary Fire Enabled Set Slow Motion Set Status Set Team Score Set Ultimate Ability Enabled Set Ultimate Charge Set Weapon Skip Skip If Small Message Start Accelerating Start Assist Start Camera Start Damage Modification Start Damage Over Time Start Facing Start Forcing Dummy Bot Name Start Forcing Player Outlines Start Forcing Player Position Start Forcing Player To Be Hero Start Forcing Spawn Room Start Forcing Throttle Start Game Mode Start Heal Over Time Start Healing Modification Start Holding Button Start Modifying Hero Voice Lines Start Rule Start Scaling Barriers Start Scaling Player Start Throttle In Direction Start Transforming Throttle Stop Accelerating Stop All Assists Stop All Damage Modifications Stop All Damage Over Time Stop All Heal Over Time Stop All Healing Modifications Stop Assist Stop Camera Stop Chasing Global Variable Stop Chasing Player Variable Stop Damage Modification Stop Damage Over Time Stop Facing Stop Forcing Dummy Bot Name Stop Forcing Player Outlines Stop Forcing Player Position Stop Forcing Player To Be Hero Stop Forcing Spawn Room Stop Forcing Throttle Stop Heal Over Time Stop Healing Modification Stop Holding Button Stop Modifying Hero Voice Lines Stop Scaling Barriers Stop Scaling Player Stop Throttle In Direction Stop Transforming Throttle Teleport Unpause Match Time Wait Wait Until While

Create Projectile Last updated February 23, 2025


Create a projectile entity that either heals or damages players and player owned entities. This action will fail if too many entities have been created.


Create Projectile(Orb Projectile, Event Player, Null, Null, To World, Damage, Team(Team 1), 1, 1, 0, Bad Explosion, Explosion Sound, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);


Returns: Void
Parameters: Projectile Type, Player, Start Position, Direction, Relative, Modify Health Type, Affected Team, Amount, Amount Scalar, Explosion Radius, Explosion Effect, Explosion Sound Effect, Oversize, Speed, Lifetime, Impulse, Ricochet Count, Gravity

Projectile Type
Type: Projectile Effect, Default: Orb Projectile
Type of projectile to be created. New options can be added to this list by enabling the Projectiles Workshop Extension.

Type: Player, Default: Event Player
The player who owns this projectile and will receive credit for kills. If null, the projectile will be owned by nobody. The projectile will not affect its owner.

Start Position
Type: Position, Default: Null
The start position of the projectile. If null, the player's eye position will be used.

Type: Direction, Default: Null
The direction for the projectile to travel. If null, the player's facing direction will be used.

Type: Relativity, Default: To World
Whether the projectile's start position and direction are relative to the player or to the world.

Modify Health Type
Type: Modify Health Type, Default: Damage
Whether the projectile will heal or damage targets it collides with.

Affected Team
Type: Team, Default: Team
Which team the projectile will collide with. The projectile will never affect its owner regardless of team.

Type: Float, Default: Number (1)
The amount of damage or healing the projectile will apply to targets it collides with. If explosion radius is set to an amount greater than 0, this is how much damage the explosion will do at its center.

Amount Scalar
Type: Float, Default: Number (1)
If explosion radius is set to 0 this is how much to scale the damage amount for critical hits. If the explosion radius is greater than 0 this is how much damage the projectile will do at the edge of the explosion.

Explosion Radius
Type: Float, Default: Number
The radius of the explosion created by this projectile. If 0, this projectile doesn't create an explosion.

Explosion Effect
Type: Effect, Default: Bad Explosion
The effect to use when the projectile explodes. If explosion radius is 0 this effect will not be created.

Explosion Sound Effect
Type: Effect, Default: Explosion Sound
The sound effect to use when the projectile explodes. If explosion radius is 0 this effect will not be created.

Type: Float, Default: Number
A 0 to 1 range for how oversized the projectile should be, 0 being the default size, 1 being the maximum allowed size. The maximum allowed size is different for each projectile type.

Type: Float, Default: Number (1)
The speed in meters per second that the projectile will travel along its direction.

Type: Float, Default: Number (1)
How long in seconds before the projectile expires.

Type: Float, Default: Number
The impulse to apply to a target when hit by this projectile. If explosion radius greater than 0, this impulse will applied to all targets affected by the explosion.

Ricochet Count
Type: Integer, Default: Number
How many times the projectile will ricochet off the environment before expiring.

Type: Float, Default: Number
The amount of gravity affecting the projectile, creating an arc. If negative, the projectile will arc upwards.
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