Creates Progress Bar In-World text visible to the specific players at a specific position in the world. This text will persist until destroyed. To obtain a reference to this text, use the Last Text ID Value. This action will fail if too many text elements have been created.
Name: Visible To
Description: One or more Players who will see the Progress Bar HUD text.
- Player
- Array: Player
Name: Value
Description: The value of the progress bar to be displayed as a percentage from 0 to 100.
Type: unsigned float
Default: 0Name: Text
Description: The text to be displayed (can be blank)
Type: Object
Default: CUSTOM STRINGName: Position
Description: The text's position. If this value is a player, then the text will appear above the player's head. Otherwise, the value is interpreted as a position in the world.
Type: Position
Default: EVENT PLAYERName: Scale
Description: The text's scale. This value is clamped between 0.5 and 4.
Type: unsigned float
Default: 1Name: Clipping
Description: Specifies whether the text can be seen through walls or is instead clipped.
Type: Clip
Default: CLIP AGAINST SURFACESName: Progress Bar Color
Description: The color of the Progress Bar text to be created. If a particular team is chosen, the effect will either be red or blue, depending on whether the team is hostile to the viewer.
Type: Color
Default: COLORName: Text Color
Description: The color of the text to be created. If a particular team is chosen, the effect will either be red or blue, depending on whether the team is hostile to the viewer.
Type: Color
Default: COLORName: Reevaluation
Description: Specifies which of this Action's Inputs will be continuously reevaluated. The text will keep asking for and using new Values from reevaluated Inputs.
Type: ProgressWorldTextReeval
Default: VISIBLE TO, POSITION, VALUES, AND COLORName: Non-Team Spectators
Description: Whether non-team spectators can see the text or not.
Type: SpecVisibility