
How to Properly Filter Arrays Last updated October 05, 2023

Most likely, Filtered Array will be one of the most used values in your workshop journey, but most new developers make a simple mistake that makes their code clunkier and harder to read. Let’s say you want to apply 3 filters to an array:

  • F1: Is Using Ultimate(Current Array Element)
  • F2: Is Jumping(Current Array Element)
  • F3: Is Firing Primary(Current Array Element)

It should be obvious, right?

Filtered Array(Filtered Array(Filtered Array(array, F1), F2), F3)

Well, that works. But it looks silly, because you’re stacking filters on top of filters. If you want a silly script, go ahead! But we’d rather have a professional, streamlined script, with parallel filters. This is where you get to know two very handy operators:

  • && (AND)
  • || (OR)

Below are some example filtered arrays with explanations on what they actually are:

1. Filtered Array(array, F1 && F2 && F3)
2. Filtered Array(array, (F1 && F2) || F3)
3. Filtered Array(array, F1 || F2 || F3)
  1. Elements that satisfy all Fs (is ulting, jumping and firing).
  2. Elements that satisfy both F1 and F2, or just F3 (is ulting and jumping, or just firing). Pay attention to the parenthesis.
  3. Elements that satisfy any F (is either ulting, jumping or firing).

This looks much cleaner, don’t you think? These operators correspond to the And and Or values in the in-game workshop editor, but we recommend that you use an external editor, which enables you to replace them with the symbols above, making your life a bit easier.
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