
How to create an import code for your project Last updated December 02, 2022


You've done it! You've created a cool new Workshop gamemode, you've playtested it with some friends, and you've ironed out all the bugs. Now, how do you let other people play it?

In order to share your project with other Overwatch players so that they can play it for themselves, you'll need to generate an import code. An import code is a string of numbers and letters, such as Q74P7, which players can use to play a copy of your Workshop gamemode! More details on how to import a Workshop code can be found in this article.

Step 1: Setting up your lobby

When you create an import code, a snapshot of your entire custom game lobby is taken (excluding any players, bots, or AI) and uploaded to Blizzard's servers. Therefore, you need to make sure that all your custom game settings are set to the right values and that everything you want to share is loaded.

If you've made any developer/debug tools, specified a datacenter preference, or made any other tweaks that you don't want other players to experience, now is a good time to remove or undo those things!

Step 2: Open the lobby settings

An Overwatch custom game lobby with the settings button circled in red

Step 3: Click the "Share Code" button

The settings page of an Overwatch custom game lobby with the "Share Code" button circled

Step 4: Click "Continue"

"Share A Game Settings Code" dialog with a closed dropdown that has selected "Create a New Code". Two buttons along the bottom of the dialog read "Cancel" and "Continue"

*Note that the other option on this screen, "Upload to Existing Code", is covered in this article. "Upload to Existing Code" overwrites the contents of a share code you created previously, whereas "Create a New Code" generates a brand new code.

Step 5: Share your new import code

A dialog shows the newly created import code, along with an option to copy the code

You have now successfully generated an import code that others can use to play your game. Clicking "Copy" will copy the new import code to your clipboard (PC only) so you can share it with the world!
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