
How to cancel ultimate voice line with a one tick freeze/stun Last updated November 26, 2024

Hello. During my research for creating a boss fight, I used many ultimates. But ultimate voicelines are very noisy, so I tried getting rid of them.

Someone suggested interrupting the ultimate right after the button was pressed. But there were two major issues. Will the ultimate still be active after the player was frozen? Will the voice line be cancelled?

So I froze every hero one tick after pressing the ultimate button. Here are the results:

I chose three categories to observe:

  • The type of ultimate (just to observe possible general observations)
  • Does it cancel the ult (we want a no here)
  • Does it cancel the voice line (we want a yes here)

Here we can see the point and click ultimates (where you have to use the ult and then press another button) are special. With a fast bot we can get rid of the voice line. (even with a fast human you can).

And as a conclusion, the heroes where this tip is useful are:

It could also be in a tricky way wth:

Hope this could help you.
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