
Element Count Calculation Last updated November 26, 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Base Element Cost
  3. Adjustment Rules
  4. Examples


Sometimes, it may be necessary for a Workshop creator to understand how element count is affected by various components within the Workshop. The total element count is the sum of the costs of each component, with several adjustment rules applied.

This wiki page is based off the work of Zezombye. In particular, this page is an adaptation of this GitHub wiki page by Zezombye.

Base Element Cost

The following table lists the element cost of every component in the Workshop at time of writing.

Note that some components match more than one description. For example, the Array value matches both the Value (Default) and Array description. In this case, the more specific description overrides the other descriptions, thus indicating that the Array value costs 2 elements before adjustment rules are applied.

Description Base Element Cost
Rule 1
Action 1
Condition 1
Value (Default) 1
Array 2
Workshop Settings 2
Evaluate Once 2
Literal (Default) 1
Locale/Localized String 2

Comments, custom game settings, Rule parameters (e.g. Event, Team, Player) do not contribute towards element count.

Adjustment Rules

The following adjustment rules are applied to the base element cost of components.

  • Disabling a Rule, Action, or Condition has no effect on the element count.
  • For every pair of hero literals within the parameters (no matter how deeply nested) of the top-level arguments of an Action or Condition, an additional element is added.
    • For example, Action(Ana, Zenyatta) does not cost an extra element, but Action(Array(Ana, Zenyatta)) does cost an extra element.
    • Similarly, Action(Array(Value(Ana), 1), Array(Value(Zenyatta))) costs an extra element.
  • Every top-level argument of an Action or Condition costs one less element than it would otherwise.


Example 1

The Rule itself costs one element. There is only one Condition and only one Action, so that is one additional element each for a total of two. (Subtotal: 3)

Within the Condition, Is Game In Progress is a Value, which costs 1 element, but since it is a top-level argument, its cost is reduced by 1 element, for a total of 0. Similarly, the True Value is normally worth 1 element, but since it is a top-level argument, it contributes 0 elements to the total cost. (Subtotal: 0)

The Action contains two top-level arguments: Global.A and Add. Both are normal Values, and as such cost 1 element each, which is reduced to 0 due to the top-level reduction. Within the Add value, two Index of Array Values add an additional 2 elements, and the two All Heroes add an additional 2 elements as well. The two Hero values add 2 elements, and the hero literals within add 2 more elements, for a total of 8 elements. However, an adjustment rule has now come into play, since the Hero literals were parameters within top-level arguments of the Action. This adjustment rule adds an additional 1 element to the cost. (Subtotal: 9)

Adding up the subtotals for each section, we find the total element count to be 3 + 0 + 9 = 12.
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