The array of all heroes in Overwatch. Note that the order might change at the release of new heroes. The current order is as follows:
0. Reaper
1. Tracer
2. Mercy
3. Hanzo
4. Torbjörn
5. Reinhardt
6. Pharah
7. Winston
8. Widowmaker
9. Bastion
10. Symmetra
11. Zenyatta
12. Genji
13. Roadhog
14. Cassidy
15. Junkrat
16. Zarya
17. Soldier: 76
18. Lúcio
19. D.Va
20. Mei
21. Sombra
22. Doomfist
23. Ana
24. Orisa
25. Brigitte
26. Moira
27. Wrecking Ball
28. Sojourn
29. Ashe
30. Echo
31. Baptiste
32. Kiriko
33. Junker Queen
34. Sigma
35. Ramattra
36. Lifeweaver
37. Mauga
38. Illari
39. Venture
40. Juno
41. Hazard
All Heroes;
Returns: Array (Hero)
Parameters: None