
Heat Street PvE: Victory Edition 2 (Ecopoint: Antarctica) + 1 sources

Please note: This code will take you to Ecopoint: Antarctica! Please try the other maps with these codes:

All maps are now functional as of Version 5.0.3!!

  • Blizzard World: 6SRGE
  • Hollywood: X46P6
  • Eichenwalde: QGNNG
  • Chateau Guillard: XEXGG
  • Necropolis: 7P2HQ
  • Kanezaka: 23112

  • Victory Edition Classic: RMSXGY (Still uses OW1 mechanics, play at your own risk!)

Welcome to Heat Street: Victory Edition 2!

We have FINALLY updated to be compatible with OW2!

This mod is an extension of HS:VE with a COMPLETE overhaul of the in-game shop. In HS:VE2, the shop allows for complete and infinite customization of your character. Do you want your Reinhardt to soak up all the damage as a Tank, move fast like an Assassin, have big swings as a DPS, or be a Supportive shining beacon of hope for your team? The choice is yours!

Shop Features:

Tech-tree style pages

  • The shop divides perks into four categories: DPS, Tank, Support, and General. Buy perks that compliment the playstyle you are going for!

Evolve your character

  • As you invest more into buying perks of a certain category, you will unlock higher tier perks on that page, to truly evolve your character the way you always dreamed of!

No more RNG!

  • No more waiting for that perfect perk to hopefully show up, and no more having to save money just in case the next wave has a great perk selection. You'll know where every perk is right from the get-go, so no surprises in the shop!

New perks to explore

  • While many of your favourite classic HS:VE perks are still available, we've added in a whole lot more for you to play with! Each of the DPS, Tank, and Support pages contain 13 perks each, and with the 3 General perks, we have a grand total of 42 base perks. The combinations are endless!

Become a Legend

  • Each game, enjoy purchasing a Legendary Perk suited to your hero and playstyle. These perks are a little bit broken, so only one per customer!

New Active Abilities

  • Two new active abilities to freshen up your gameplay. Take on the hilarious dice rolls of Gambler's Folly, or play life on the edge with Glass Cannon. Classic Active Abilities like Stim Infusion, Resurgence, and Cloak are still available!

Outside of the shop, almost all elements of the original HS:VE are the same. I will be focusing on other aspects as time goes on, but this version is all about making the Shop into something phenomenal!

The game now features a Score mechanic!

Fight hard and try to score as high as possible! Points are earned for each kill. At the end of the wave, your time and deaths will be factored in for a huge bonus to your score. Faster clears and fewer deaths = more points! Find the balance between defeating enemies and clearing waves quickly to earn the highest score possible.
If you have a score you're proud of, feel free to drop the code to a replay/video of the game in the comments below, and I will add you to the upcoming Leaderboard!

Big shout out to my main tester/programmer Vlosk for all the work he put into this build. Seriously, he single handedly created the Beacon system from scratch. Also shoutouts to my other playtesters/bug zappers GatorTex, JackalNHide, Starlen, ProfChaos, LazyLion, BuyBoomstick, Teebolt, LulledLion, and Carrier for their inputs and hilarious bug-filled moments (436% Move Speed Doomfist, anyone?) :)


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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