A Different Overwatch
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
I return once again :D
A Different Overwatch Version 3.4:
Ammo increased from 4 to 20. Recovery time increased from 0.4 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Primary Fire decreases the total cooldown of all abilities by 3 seconds.
Duration increased from 0.3 seconds to 1 second.
Total healing received decreased by 49%.
Ammo increased from 150 to 600. Damage decreased by 10%.
Duration decreased to 8 seconds. Mauga is now rooted for 8 seconds upon use, no matter if the shield is destroyed manually or from damage. (You will be able to tell when you will not be rooted when your Overrun is able to be used).
Total duration before overheat increased from 5 seconds to 9 seconds.
Now roots Orisa, and resets the cooldown of Javelin Spin. Fortify is uncancellable.
D-47 damage decreased from 100 to 75.
Ammo increased from 100 to 150.
Cooldown decreased from 12 to 9.
Duration decreased from ∞ to 12 seconds.
Cooldown of 1 second upon release.
Damage decreased by 18%.
Cooldown is 2.5 seconds upon deploying.
Now refills Roadhog's Scrap Gun.
Maximum duration decreased from 2.5 seconds to 1.3 seconds. Maximum healing decreased to 320. Recharge duration is 6 seconds.
Now only fires 1.
Can no longer be cancelled.
Cooldown decreased from 2 seconds to 0.2 seconds. Cannot be used while using Infinity. No longer subtracts Ultimate Charge.
Infinity - Pressing Melee will now remove all gravity from Sigma. Can be canceled by pressing Reload.
Now applies the Burn effect instead of the Stun effect upon hit via first ultimate tick, or Hyperspheres.
Ammo decreased from 200 to 75.
Now refills Particle Cannon.
Ammo increased from 15 to 25. While Crouching, no longer fires automatically, and recovery time is set to 0.34 seconds.
Crouch now heals you for 20 health/second, but you move 50% slower. Cannot be used in Assault mode.
Jumping now adds to the cooldown of Combat Roll back by 0.45 seconds upon each jump. No longer forces a Fan the Hammer after use.
Ammo increased from 8 to 10.
Ammo increased from 23 to 30.
Now also resets upon Player Elimination (doesn't work against Training Bots)
Ammo increased from 120 to 140. Damage decreased by 20%.
Ammo increased to 150.
Adds 40 ammo to Photon Projector, capping at 150.
Refills Photon Projector.
Projectile speed increased by 100%.
Now only refills ammo to 4.
Damage decreased by 50%.
Duration decreased from 16 seconds to 12 seconds. Movement speed decreased by 20%.
It will probably be a bit before I return, but thanks for viewing this! Hope you have fun and see y'all around :)