
Exactly what it says on the tin, the projectile will bounce off walls and explode once it hits the ground

Does not use Create Projectile workshop functions, and was created prior to that update

Math referenced


Known issues

  • If the projectile speed is set too high, the projectile will either ignore the surface, or it will bounce repeatedly on the surface
  • If the projectile is on a surface for too long (e.g. when ground detection is turned off) the projectile will fall through
  • Projectile reflection logic and the hit sound fires twice in the same loop, unsure why

Projectile Reference Table

Hero Ability Gravity Speed Delta
Biotic Grenade 9.84 30 0
Dynamite 8.03 25 0.07
Biotic Launcher/Immortality Field 20.1 60 0.007
Storm Bow (max charge)/Storm Arrows 9.82 110 0
Frag Launcher 12.35 25 0.075
Concussion Mine 20.3 25 0.09
Steel Trap 20.2 10 0.095
Protective Barrier 9.84 25 0
Hyperspheres 5.95 49.7 0
Accretion 18.35 37.4 0.1
Translocator 20.2 25 0.09
Rivet Gun 9.81 70 0.015
Molten Core 30.05 40 0
Deploy Turret 20 17 0
Pulse Bomb 30.8 15 0.19
Flashbang 9.84 30 0
Tumbleweed 10 4.2 0.577
Blizzard 9.9 20 0.09
Venom Mine 9.84 20 0
Particle Cannon/Graviton Surge 9.84 25 0.1

(provided from here)

Players | 1 - 6
Categories: Free for all
Heroes:, Doomfist, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and 27 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.0.2


Throw projectile
Throw projectile
Throw projectile
Throw projectile
Throw projectile



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