
Funnywatch 2 | Inspired by Alomare + 5 sources

Made by Walaydir#2729

Code: J776ZY

Inspired and designed from Funnywatch by Alomare#11266

A workshop script intending to replicate most of Overwatch’s April Fool’s changes, and also add some more funny changes. Is it balanced? Definitely not! But it's something to do instead of losing brain cells in competitive.

Make sure to leave suggestions or feedback in the comments! It's all heavily appreciated!

Hero Changes
Characters have their role assigned to their respective category - Tank, Offence, Defence and Support.
Junker Queen
Wrecking Ball


Soldier: 76



Dev Comment: Opponents will often take glee in destroying’s mech, disrespectfully neglecting pilot D.Va’s power. It will now be even more difficult to survive a mech being dropped on top of you.

Fusion Cannons
  • Movement speed penalty removed.

Call Mech
  • Ultimate cost reduced by 30%.

  • Call Mech deals 1000 damage to enemies on impact.

  • The self-destructing mech now deals up to 90 damage to nearby enemies.


Dev Comment: With the new Tankfist rework we are facing more and more unfortunate issues of Doomfist players touching the ground. After months of gruelling work we have decided to flip the table and bring the old doomfist back.

  • Moved to the Offence role.

  • Health reduced from 450 to 250.

Rocket Punch
  • Charging up Rocket Punch does not affect movement speed.

  • Hitting an enemy with left fist will reduce the cooldown of the right fist.

  • Punch travels in any direction.

Rising Uppercut
  • Replaces Power Block.

  • Boosts Doomfist and nearby enemies into the air, dealing 50 damage.

Meteor Strike
  • Doomfist’s meteor strike builds up power as he speeds through the air.

  • Landing a final blow will trigger Meteor Shower, instantly reusing Meteor Strike.

Junker Queen

Dev Comment: She’s bigger, scarier and won’t instantly die when charging into battle.

  • Character scale increased by 15%.

  • Now takes 1% less damage for every 2% health lost.

Jagged Blade
  • Gracie now pulls enemies on the flight back.

  • Grants a decaying speed boost over 1 second.


Dev Comment: Since she was released, Orisa has mastered her horse legs. Also if you’re reading this before some update I could turn her into a Helicopter with Terra Surge that created a nuke before blizzard broke it and I’m still mad about that.

  • Forward run speed increased by 50%.

  • Taking damage reduces Orisa’s other cooldowns.


Dev Comment: We noticed a small bug where players who fought Ramattra didn’t always suffer as he had. This bug fix should patch this glaring issue.

Void Accelerator (Omnic Form)
  • Projectile speed decreased by 30%.

Void Barrier (Omnic Form)
  • Damage dealt by Thunko through the Void Barrier is increased by 100%.

Block (Nemesis Form)
  • 20% of damage blocked is dealt to each nearby enemy.

  • Now leeches life from enemies.

  • Sucks enemies toward Ramattra.


Dev Comment: Reinhardt finally oiled his metal suit. It’s a little more maneuverable now.

  • Wall impact damage increased from 300 to 400.

  • Can now strafe while casting.

  • A jump can be charged up by holding Space.

  • Slowly magnets enemies toward Reinhardt.

  • Holding crouch will speed Reinhardt up to extreme speeds.

Fire Strike
  • Now burns hit enemies for 3 seconds.

  • Projectile speed increased by 50%.

  • Now slams enemies near the hammer into the ground.

  • Damage ramps up based on air time.


Dev Comment: Roadhog’s power and strength are only to be questioned when pigs fly.

Chain Hook
  • Cooldown is reduced by 50% after successfully hooking an enemy.

  • Successfully hooking an enemy will sling them toward Roadhog.

  • Hitting a wall will grapple Roadhog toward it.

Take a Breather
  • Gas can is now filled with hogdrogen and helium.

Whole Hog
  • Now launches Roadhog in the opposite direction while launching Primary Fire if he is not touching the ground.


Dev Comment: As it turns out, the Experimental Barrier is heavier than expected, perhaps ditching it will allow Sigma to grasp his full gravitational powers.

Experimental Barrier
  • Cooldown reduced to from 2 to 0.1 seconds when retracted.

  • Gives enemies in the way a little nudge.

Kinetic Grasp
  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 8 seconds.

Gravity Pulse - New Passive
  • As Sigma’s ultimate charge increases his gravity decreases and his projectile speed increases.

  • At 100% ultimate charge, Sigma will revert back to 100% projectile speed and lose Experimental Barrier but is no longer bound by Gravity.


Dev Comment: We have kept our eye on the bug where Winton sometimes became Loseton. Of course we couldn’t allow this, and the bulletproof genetically modified space-ape now lives up to our original envisionment of it.

Quick Melee
  • Melee attack increases in power based on momentum.

Jump Pack
  • Travel speed increased by 25%.

  • Knocks down hit enemies for 0.5 seconds.

  • Winton can now grab his enemies when Jump Pack is activated.

Barrier Projector
  • Starts at 40% size and grows to 200% size over the duration.

Primal Rage
  • Damage per swing increased from 40 to 90.

  • Knockback increased by 40%.

  • Winston throws down his barrier before using his ultimate.

Wrecking Ball


  • Crab form is now always active.

  • Damage dealt increased by 50%.

Grappling Claw
  • Cooldown reduced from 5 to 2 seconds.

  • Now knocks enemies down for 0.75 seconds.

  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 5 seconds.

  • Vertical launch height increased.

  • Hit enemies take 40 damage and are knocked down for 1 second upon landing.

  • Activating Piledriver while it is inactive will trigger Burrow.

  • Hammond Burrows into the ground for up to 5 seconds.


Dev Comment: The particle cannon is a bit low on battery after all those years of fighting. Due to that, Zarya has picked up the habit of ditching the gun and punching her opponents in the face.

Quick Melee
  • Can now melee at a rapid rate.

Particle Cannon
  • Primary fire now lifts enemies upward and flickers on and off.

  • Secondary fire has increased self-knockback.

Particle/Projected Barrier
  • Barrier scale increased by 100%.

  • Deals damage to nearby enemies upon popping.


Dev Comment: What can I say expect, you’re welcome!

Cha Cha and Gunny
  • Critical hits ricochet onto enemies.

  • Powerful recoil unless Mauga is in Cardiac Overdrive.

  • Is now unstoppable.

Cage Fight
  • Duration increased by 20%.

  • Mauga will execute a ground pound upon beginning the Cage Fight.

  • Mauga is now unkillable during Cage Fight.


Dev Comment: Obliterating opponents with a point-blank shotgun and sailing into the air with a rocket jump should give Ashe just the little push she needs to pick off flankers - and maybe everything else while she’s at it.

  • No longer slows movement speed.

Coach Gun
  • Projectile damage increased from 6 to 15.

  • No longer knocks back enemies.

  • Players affected by the dynamite spread fire to their nearby allies.

  • Ashe can rocket jump off the explosion.

  • Ashe heals for 50% of her damage dealt while on fire (literally)."


Dev Comment: Unfortunately, the rework Bastion received greatly dilapidated the vision we had for him at the time. After spending years sedulously crafting the best rework, we threw it out the window and went back to the raw, brutal firepower of his original form.

  • Character scale reduced by 25%.

  • Health reduced to 100.

  • Regenerates up to 100 armour at full health.

  • Bastion tracks his coordinates.

Configuration: Recon
  • Ammo capacity increased to 100.

Configuration: Sentry
  • Bastion stops moving but enables a rapid-fire weapon that deals high damage.

Configuration: Tank
  • Replaces Configuration: Artillery

  • Bastion enables a cannon weapon that deals large damage in a huge radius for 6 seconds.


Dev Comment: Bullets and tumbleweeds work strangely in the future.

  • Headshots refund one ammo.

Combat Roll
  • Dodge all damage while rolling.

  • Covers double the distance.

  • Now costs regenerating stamina instead of having a cooldown.

  • Ammo reloaded decreased from 6 to 2.

  • Explosion now stuns for 0.8 seconds.

  • No longer limited to 1 tumbleweed.

  • How Western can this scene get?


Dev Comment: We noticed that Echo’s player base was dropping rapidly. To fix this, we have decided to import every single hero into her to offer a familiar experience to players who love to play a different hero.

  • Echo will duplicate enemies she eliminates for up to 8 seconds with 100% ultimate generation that is shared between duplicates. Echo’s Duplicate ultimate is not affected by this.

  • Now provides a speed boost upon ending.

  • Echo can attempt to duplicate a hero that isn’t even in the game.

  • Enemies will now receive damage after Echo exits Duplication based on the damage they received while Echo was duplicated.


Dev Comment: We thought it was unfair that Hanzo got cool dragons and Genji just got one that hanged around while he did all the work with his blade. In this new update, his dragon actually puts some of its back into it. It also taught Genji how to be a real assassin - so there’s that I guess.

  • Genji is now allergic to the objective.

  • Cooldown is now reset after an elimination.

  • Use Primary Fire during Deflect to activate a Perfect Parry for half a second.

  • Now fires dragon's breath.

Cyber Agility
  • Amount of jumps increased from 2 to 3.

  • Now teleports behind an attacker on a finishing blow leaving Genji on 1 health.


Dev Comment: We thought it was a bit unrealistic that Hanzo’s Dragonstrike charges so slowly in the game, unlike the cinematic where he gets it without even hitting an arrow, so we decided to let him shoot three of them instead to make up for it.

  • Damage dealt increased by 4%.

  • Fully charged arrows and storm arrows become Sonic Arrows.

  • Number of dragons increased from 2 to 6.

Wall Climb
  • Now speeds up Lunge’s cooldown.


Dev Comment: Most players neglect Junkrat’s most powerful ability in his arsenal, impolitely ignoring the surprise he leaves behind upon his death, with these updated changes, Junkrat leaves behind far more potent bombs, along with some extra traps to make sure those pesky enemies don’t leave before appreciating the surprise.

Steel Trap
  • Cooldown reduced by 50%.

  • Cooldown resets upon trapping an enemy.

Concussion Mine
  • Amount of charges increased from 2 to 3.

Total Mayhem
  • Larger area of effect and deals a tiny bit more damage.

  • A killing blow will instantly respawn Junkrat.


Dev Comment: Mei’s abilities seemed far more suited toward crowd-control and area of effect than the traditional offensive hero would be. It would only make sense to move her toward the tank role, and giving her abilities a bit more punch - after all, would it not hurt if an ice block fell on your head?

  • Moved to the Tank role.

  • Character scale increased by 15%.

  • Health increased from 250 to 300.

  • Shields increased from 0 to 100.

  • Mei can ice skate by freezing the ground beneath her.

Cryo Freeze
  • Size increased by 100%.

  • Squashing enemies deals 150 damage.

Ice Wall
  • Now launches Mei up if built below her feet.


Dev Comment: Increasing Pharah’s mobility should make her a less prominent target for sleep darts, and Barrage should result on average at least one less player death.

Rocket Launcher
  • Recovery time decreased from 0.848 to 0.53 seconds.

Ground Pound - New Ability
  • Holding crouch while airborne causes Pharah to rocket to the ground, creating a shockwave upon hitting the floor.

Jump Jet
  • Now refills 50% of Hover Jets fuel when used.

Concussive Blast
  • Cooldown reduced by 30%.

  • Knockback increased by 50%.

  • Pharah can move while casting Barrage.


Dev Comment: Instead of simply being an edgy, raspy guy, Reaper can now fly and collect souls from fallen foes, just as was intended.

Wraith Form
  • Now grants flight through its duration.

  • Now disables collision with walls through its duration.

Shadow Step
  • Phases through the ground while the ability is used.

The Reaping
  • Lifesteal removed.

  • Defeated enemies drop orbs that heal Reaper for 50 health.

Soldier: 76

Dev Comment: Giving Soldier: 76 some of those new branded boots should greatly improve his running speed. Also, a few kicks on the visor made it scan more clearly too!

  • Now refunds 6 ammo per second while active.

  • Can now shoot while sprinting as long as Tactical Visor isn’t on.

  • Accelerates over time.

Tactical Visor
  • Now aims for headshots.

  • Ult charge percent needed reduced from 100% to 76%.


Dev Comment: Hey these changes aren't all gonna be winners - Sojourn is such a boring character and it’s really difficult to give her any gimmick. D:

Power Slide
  • Can use a second slide while the first is in progress.

  • Gives Sojourn an invulnerability shield that lasts a short time.

  • Slipping into an enemy will deal 80 damage and kick them up.


Dev Comment: [REDACTED]

  • Health reduced from 225 to 180.

  • Hacked targets take 20% increased damage from all sources.

  • Now hacks the target’s interface.

  • Is now an activated ability - replaces Virus.

  • Stealth speed bonus increased from 65% to 100%.

  • Can’t be damaged while in Stealth.

  • Completely broken after the rework.

  • Upon teleporting, deal 120 damage to enemies near Sombra.

  • Cast time reduced from 0.35 seconds to 0.25 seconds.

  • Now hacks the announcer.


Dev Comment: We thought it was totally unfair that Torbjörn’s turret had more health than Symmetra’s turret - after all, what kind of turret built by a homeless dwarf has more health than the best architect in the world?

  • Health reduced from 125 to 1.

  • Shields increased from 150 to 299.

  • Taking shield or overhealth damage now grants ultimate charge.

  • Dealing damage will now add overhealth to Symmetra.

  • All cooldowns reduced by 50%.

  • Health of all deployables is doubled.


Dev Comment: Torbjörn’s turret camping playstyle has significantly been nerfed since Overwatch 2, instead of flipping the table and returning to the overwatch 1 playstyle like a few other heroes, Jared the intern had a far better idea of simply turning him into an assassin like Genji!

Forge Hammer
  • Damage during overload increased by 200%.

  • Heals allies by 55 health.

Wall Climb - New Passive
  • Allows Torbjörn to climb vertical surfaces.

  • He's invisible while climbing.


Dev Comment: In this timeline Winston didn’t get peanut butter into Tracer’s chrono device, so it functions far better.

  • Respawns 50% faster (as long as you don't view the kill cam for some reason).

  • Blink charges capped at 6 (they only automatically charge up to 3 charges).

  • Killing blows grant blink charges.

  • Taking damage grants blink charges.

  • Adds 3 blink charges upon use, stacking up to 6.

  • Now pulls enemies toward its point of use.

Pulse Bomb
  • Nearby enemies take damage from secondary explosions.


Dev Comment: We saw that Venture seemed unrealistic with her burrowing skills - if she can burrow through the floor then why not through walls and buildings too? Venture’s drill comes prepackaged with bonus features to ensure she doesn’t fall through the map (sometimes)!

Drill Dash
  • Cooldown resets upon an elimination.

  • Lasts a lot longer - cooldown scales with time spent underground.

  • Venture can burrow through walls and buildings.


Dev Comment: To aid the no-skill bronze players such as myself, we have decided to increase Widowmaker’s medium range damage output, give her some more health, and some brawling potential because I can’t aim for the life of me.

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Widow's Kiss
  • Primary Fire projectile damage increased from 13 to 26.

  • Removed movement penalty while scoped.

  • Scoped shots pierce through enemies.

  • Headshots hit for extra poison damage.

Venom Mine
  • Damage increased from 75 to 150.

Infra Sight
  • Activates a weak spot on enemies, causing them to take poison damage when critically hit from any source.


Dev Comment: Ana was long viewed as the workhorse of her team, being the penultimate example of an unfun support role. With these changes we hope to push her in the right direction to aid her team - by making sure there are less enemies to kill.

Biotic Rifle
  • Scoped shots pierce through both allies and enemies.

Sleep Dart
  • Enemies in a 3.5 radius around the slept target are also slept.

Nano Boost
  • Boosting an ally will now also boost Ana, increasing her healing by 50% as well.


Dev Comment: Supercharging all of Baptiste’s gadgets was a very good idea - as with the added bounce upon being hit by a biotic grenade is proven to motivate 79% of team members by giving them shell-shock before the battle even begins!

  • Projectile speed and gravity reduced.

Biotic Launcher
  • Healing allies pushes them around.

  • Healing doubled.

Immortality Field
  • Reduces incoming damage by 50%.

  • Cooldown reduced from 25 to 15 seconds.

Exo Boots
  • Landing on top of an enemy will boost Baptiste back up, knocking the enemy down. Can be repeated.


Dev Comment: Brigitte, being the beat-’em-up character of overwatch, was placed in an awkward position between a melee offensive character and a support. Due to this, we believe our new changes will reduce her involvement in melee combat due to all the enemies being dead, pushing her toward a more supportive role.

Barrier Shield
  • Shield size increased by 30%.

Shield Bash
  • Covers double the distance.

  • Stuns for 1 second.

Whip Shot
  • Hitting an enemy resets the cooldown of Shield Bash.


Dev Comment: We felt that Illari’s melee attack wasn’t being used much, after we spent a few months in development designing that sweet melee animation. With these changes you should be seeing Illari’s melee attack a lot more, and she will also hit twice, one with each side.

Quick Melee
  • Sword hits for an additional 25 damage.

Solar Rifle
  • Illari will now throw in a melee attack when shooting.

  • Laser sets enemies on fire.

Captive Sun
  • After the sun is fired, Illari will attack with super-powered melee attacks.


Dev Comment: It’s literally an orbital strike - imagine my disappointment when I went to test out this new hero and the death beam doesn’t death.

  • Now disintegrates enemies.


Dev Comment: Kiriko wasn’t living up to her nature as a flanker, so we decided to give her temporary invisibility and some offensive boosts to assume her role as the DPS she was designed to be.

Swift Step
  • Travel distance increased from 35m to 105m.

  • Cooldown scales based on distance travelled.

Protection Suzu
  • Kiriko becomes invisible with increased mobility for the duration.

  • Affected allies gain jump boost for the duration.

Wall Climb
  • Gain higher damage and projectile speed after leaping off a wall.

  • Hold jump to glide after leaping off a wall.


Dev Comment: The removal of Lifeweaver’s signature Parting Gift ability left him with the annoying tendency to only aid his own team. Of course, we couldn’t allow this, so now his Tree of Life actually gives life to all, as it should.

Healing Blossom
  • Maximum targeting range increased from 30m to 60m.

  • Projectile speed is reduced based on how charged the blossom is.

  • Now heals allies in a radius of 7m around the target.

  • Hit allies become invincible for a second.

Rejuvenating Dash
  • Stuns players in a radius of 4m around Lifeweaver.

Life Grip
  • Maximum targeting range increased from 30m to 60m.

Tree of Life
  • Health increased from 1000 to 360001.

  • Now makes all players unkillable for its duration.


Dev Comment: Lúcio wasn’t getting the recognition he deserves, serving only as a booster to the team, so we decided to give him a more aggressive position to motivate the team into pushing. Even with these changes, the community may get mad that Lúcios are ‘feeding’, so we are letting them also ‘incite’ their own team into pushing alongside them.

  • Speed Song increases Lúcio’s wallride speed by 25%.

  • Healing Song self-heals Lúcio by an additional 30%.

  • Knockback increased by 50% when using Amp It Up.

  • Damage is increased based on movement speed.

  • Can now knockback allies.

Sound Barrier
  • Now deals 400 damage to enemies on impact.


Dev Comment: It has come to our attention that Mercy players have far too much work to do compared to the number of allies running into enemy teams. Since it is impossible to use the workshop to create an ability to fix stupidity, we did the next best thing and made it slightly easier to rez allies.

Caduceus Blaster
  • Ammo capacity increased from 25 to 125.

  • Projectile speed increased by 150%.

  • Grants 15 ultimate charge upon a final blow.

Guardian Angel
  • Ramming into enemies damages and knocks them back.

  • Dead allies will float toward Mercy while Resurrect is available.

  • Resurrected allies will last for 10 seconds before exploding.

  • Refreshes Resurrect cooldown.

  • Damage dealt during Valkyrie grants overhealth.


Dev Comment: Shifting Moira to the DPS role she was definitely intended to be was very difficult, eventually leading to her putting a flamethrower in her hand.

Biotic Grasp
  • Heal spray doubles up as a flamethrower.

  • Moira can sacrifice health for Biotic energy.

  • Movement speed increased.

Biotic Orb
  • Cooldown reduced by 1 for every 100 health restored to an ally.


Dev Comment: For all we know, Zenyatta’s power may be limitless; let’s just hope that he isn’t just modest. Never underestimate the power of floating metal feet.

  • Can now levitate for up to 3 seconds by holding Jump.

  • Healing output scales with damage dealt.

  • Allies affected by transcendence can levitate by holding Jump.

Snap Kick
  • Damage dealt increased from 45 to 90.

  • Can now kick at a long range, putting Snap Kick on a 4 second cooldown.

  • Melee surfaces to boost off them.

Awesome hero adjustment chart UI created by -oracles and detFriendly!


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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