This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
This game is completely inspired by Landfall's ROUNDS. Check it out here!
* updates are indefinitely discontinued
Korean - 15D3C | Translated by Lonepier
- What Is ROUNDS?
ROUNDS is a fairly simple concept.
In it, you fight one other player. A 1v1, if you will.
But, there's a catch..
At the start of the game, each player gets to choose a 'card'.
These cards might change your bullets, how many of them you fire, how much health you have, how fast you move, etc.
You need to duke it out with the player until you kill them (by default) twice.
After killing or getting killed twice, the winning player earns a score.
However, the losing player gets to choose another card.
This continues until a player reaches the score limit, and it's very likely absolute chaos will ensue in that time.
nyawalking note: i recommend settings 'rounds till score earned' to 1 and 'score to win' to 10-20 cause you get a buncha cards and its funny
- Shielding?
Aside from your gun, you also have your shield.
Activating it will make you become temporarily immune to damage.
However, this invincibility is very short, and the cooldown is fairly lengthy.
Some cards upgrade your shield, see below.
- Difference between Multiplicative and Additive?
What 'Multiplicative' and 'Additive' means is how the effect of the cards are applied.
- Additive means the effects are applied on a flat scale
- Multiplicative means the effects are applied based on percentage
If you still don't understand, here's an example:
A card reduces your damage by 50. B card increases it by 50. Your regular damage is 100.
With Additive, having A and B card would make your damage 100.
With Multiplicative, having A and B card would make your damage 75.
Whichever you choose is mostly a preference thing, and while I prefer Additive for fun, Multiplicative is overall more fair.
- Why are some cards different colors?
The color of the card indicates its rarity, which (generally) dictates how good it is.
Yellow - the least rare, usually just changes base stats
Blue - slightly rarer, might have some special abilites or better stats
Purple - much rarer, usually has crazy stat changes or unique abilities
Red - the rarest, mostly suggestions by people I think are cool
Cards also have a list of effects tied to them:
(+) - an effect that is overall positive
(-) - an effect that is overall negative
(=/*) - an effect that is neither positive nor negative
Here's a list of the cards currently in the public version:
Card | Base Effects | Additional Effects/Notes |
Careful Planning | +way higher damage, +way higher shot speed, -way lower attack speed, -1 ammo | |
Burst | +3 burst, +3 ammo, -less damage | |
Quick Cooldown | +faster shield cooldown | |
Tank | +way more health, -lower speed | |
Pristine Preservation | +400% health when above 90% health | |
Refresh | +dealing damage refreshes your shield instantly | |
Teleport | +slightly more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding makes you teleport forward and shield a second time |
Ricochet | +2 ricochet, +slightly higher attack speed, -slightly less damage | |
Leech | +more life steal, -slightly less health | |
Parasite | +slightly more life steal, =damage over time, -less health | "this card is the bane of my existence" |
Rubber Bullets | +12 ricochet, -way less damage | |
Trigger Happy | +way higher attack speed, +faster reload, -less damage | |
Bigger Bullet | +bigger bullet, -slower reload | |
Explosives | +bullets explode, -less damage | |
Run In | +move faster when moving towards the enemy | |
Recycle | -slower reload | +1 bullet restored when you deal damage |
Extra Shot | +1 ammo | |
Buckshot | +3 shots fired, +higher shot speed, -1 ammo, -higher spread, -way lower range | "it's a shotgun if you couldn't tell" |
Fast Forward | +way higher shot speed | =bullets keep the default trajectory |
Huge | +more health | |
Spray N Pray | +3 ammo, +6 burst, -lower damage, -higher spread | |
Combine | +way more damage, -2 ammo, -slower reload | |
Healing Field | -longer shield cooldown | +shielding creates a healing field that activates after 3 seconds |
Thruster | +higher shot speed, -way longer reload | +bullets have thrusters which push enemies |
Vampire | +more life steal | +dealing damage increases speed |
Echo | +shielding triggers a second delayed shield | |
Radiance | +slightly more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding hurts nearby enemies |
Implode | +slightly more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding pulls nearby enemies towards you |
Gunslinger | +way faster reload, +way higher attack speed, -1 ammo permanently | Suggested by Alomare |
Bombs Away | +slightly more health, -longer shield cooldown | +spawn 3 bombs under you when you shield |
Dazzle | -slower reload | +damage stuns the enemy multiple times |
Frost Slam | +slightly more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding slows nearby enemies |
Spam | +12 ammo, +way higher attack speed, -way less damage | |
Steady Shot | +slightly more health, +way higher shot speed, -slower reload | |
Glass Cannon | +way more damage, -way less health, -slower reload | |
Wind Up | +way higher shot speed, -way lower attack speed | |
Parry! | -way longer shield cooldown | +shielding any damage will shoot the enemy's bullet back at them. Suggested by WildByte |
Homing | +way more homing, -less damage, -slightly less attack speed | |
Mosquito | +slightly more homing, +slightly more life steal, -smaller bullet, -way lower shot speed, -slightly less damage | |
Straight Shot | +way lower bullet gravity, -lower shot speed | |
Decay | +damage dealt to you is done over 4 seconds | |
Demonic Pact | +way higher attack speed, +2 ammo | -shooting costs 2.5% of your health |
Radar Scan | -longer shield cooldown | +shielding will target and automatically shoot nearby enemies |
Absorb | +slightly more health | +steal health from nearby enemies |
Phoenix | -way less health | +respawn one time on death |
Tactical Reload | -longer cooldown | +shielding instantly reloads your gun |
Defender | +slightly faster shield cooldown, +more health | |
Marksman | +deal more damage when you are farther from the enemy. Suggested by LemonAid | |
Double Jump | +1 jump, +slightly higher speed | |
Glide | +slightly more health | +you can glide around while in the air |
Take Aim | -lower attack speed | +way more damage while crouching (1.5s delay) |
Friendly Fire | +way more homing, +way more damage | -shooting costs 5% of your health |
Double Up | +2 burst, +more damage, -1 ammo, -lower attack speed | |
Smol | +higher speed, -lower health | |
Cheeky | +way higher speed, -2 ammo, -less damage | |
Cowardice | -slightly less damage | +speed increases temporarily after taking damage |
Sprint | -longer shield cooldown | +shielding increases speed temporarily |
Automated Fire | -longer shield cooldown | +shielding fires a shot at the enemy |
Berserker | +dealing damage temporarily boosts your health by 200% | |
Reversal | -slightly lower attack speed | +bullets pull enemies towards you |
Concentrated | +more damage, -slightly smaller bullet | |
Rapid Fire | +7 ammo, +10 burst, -way less damage, -slower reload | by yours truly |
Turtle | +way faster shield cooldown, -lower speed | |
Focused | +more health | +resets your bullet spread back to default |
Jetpack | +more health, -lower speed | +you have a jetpack |
Crash Landing | -lower speed | +you can hold crouch at a certain height to slam the ground |
Drunken | +way more damage, -way higher shot spread | |
Double Barrel | +7 shots fired, +higher shot speed, -1 ammo, -slower reload, -higher shot spread, -lower range, -lower damage, | "y'know, when I write it like this, it sounds like the worst card ever" |
The Big One | +way more damage, +bigger bullet, -8 ammo, -slower reload | |
Practical | +more damage | "for boring people" |
Cloak | -longer shield cooldown, -slightly less health | +shielding makes you invisible for the duration of the shield |
Poison Cloud | -less damage | +dealing damage creates a cloud of noxious gas which only hurts enemies |
Accelerate | -slightly less health | +speed slowly increases the longer you move |
Bulletproof | +way more health, -way longer shield cooldown | |
One Up | +1 shot fired, -lower attack speed, -less damage | |
Body Armor | +more health, -slightly lower speed | +the health added by this card regenerates |
Combat Stim | +more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding near the enemy heals you a bit over time |
Tracking Missile | +way more homing, +higher range, =way lower shot speed, -lower damage | "lower shot speed is a '*/=' due to the effect that homing works better with slower shots" |
Head Hunter | -lower attack speed | +headshots deal extra damage |
Shields Up | -longer shield cooldown | +firing your last bullet will trigger a shield |
Shockwave | +more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding pushes away nearby enemies |
Static Field | +more health, -longer shield cooldown | +shielding creates a field which slows and damages enemies |
Mulligan | -slightly less health | +you survive the first lethal hit you take |