♥Hold 'V' (Melee) to change hero ♥
♥Hold 'R' (reload) to enable/disable protection♥
create it by NAGISA later modified by DIAMOND
later reworked by RMFD and Suli
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hold(1sec) Hero_Switch
hold(1sec) to enbled Protection
to disbled mod
for third person
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hold(1sec) Hero_Switch
hold(1sec) to enbled Protection
to disbled mod
for third person
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hold(1sec) Hero_Switch
hold(1sec) to enbled Protection
to disbled mod
for third person
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hold(1sec) Hero_Switch
hold(1sec) to enbled Protection
to disbled mod
for third person
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hold(1sec) Hero_Switch
hold(1sec) to enbled Protection
to disbled mod
for third person