[PvE] Mass Effect 3 v3.X + 1 sources
I made an adaptation from Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer from Pug, the author of version 1.0 in Overwatch (E926N).
11 waves
- Missions in waves 3, 6 and 10: Defuse, Eliminate Targets, Hacking, Upload, Retrieval or Escort
- Wave 11 is Extraction.
- 4 difficulties: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
- 4 enemies factions: Ominics, Talon, Old Overwatch, New Overwatch
- More maps
- Limited uses of Cobra Missiles and Medi-gels
- Medi-gel works different in this game, having self-revive effect.
- 1st and 3rd person cameras (Hold Melee)
- More 2 enemies factions: Outlaws and Vigilantes
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.
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