
Battle For Olympus (3v3) [DLC]

Relive the glory days of the Battle for Olympus with your friends and foes - now in 3v3 format! This game mode plays like the original but with a few twists and knots:

  • Solitude: the team with less players gets extra damage reduction depending on how outnumbered they are!
  • Revenge: eliminating your killer grants you 30% ultimate charge! This will also apply after using your Ultimate.
  • Players who haven't received and taken any damage within 15 seconds will activate their Tracker, have their hero icon appear next to them and be visible to enemies. This is to keep all players engaged at all times!
  • Ultimate Charge packs do not exist.
  • The scoreboard is deactivated but a special HUD shows the status of your allies and enemies (if they switched heroes, are picking their hero, dead or not existing).
  • The match time is paused and the score to win is 200 - you don't have to actually win, just have fun while waiting in queue or diff-ing other players!

The hero abilities were copied from the original mode down to the minute details with a few exceptions (due to balancing reasons or workshop limitations):

Junker Queen

  • Lightning Strike (Zeus Form) deals 50 damage.
  • Zeus Form now grants 33% chance of striking a lightning to the target with her primary fire.
  • Zeus Form now lets Junker Queen to always strike a lightning to the enemies hit with Carnage and/or Jagged Blade.

Lifeweaver (DLC) Currently Unavailable

  • Lifeweaver has the Support Passive.
  • Rejuvenating Dash charms enemies looking at him within 10 meters for 1.75 seconds. Successful charms instantly reload his secondary weapon (Thorn Volley).
  • Tree of Life grants unkillable status to allies (not to Lifeweaver himself however) as long as Lifeweaver and the tree are both alive/active.
  • Aphrodite Form grants him 50% more damage and the ability to heal 50% of his damage dealt.


  • Soundwave wall stun now lasts for 1 second.
  • Hermes Form now grants faster primary fire projectile speed instead of faster fire rate.


  • No longer takes self-damage.
  • Can use Hover Jets when using Barrage. Pharah also flies towards the direction she's looking.


  • Ravenous Vortex pulls enemies caught inside into the center of the area until the effect ends.
  • Annihilation no longer expires and now has a fixed duration of 20 seconds.
  • Poseidon Form lets Ramattra punch much further (25 meters) and deal 100 damage to enemies.


  • Minotaur Form lets Reinhardt deal 1000 damage against pinned opponents.
  • Charge now lets Reinhardt fly or fall faster by pressing the Jump key or Crouch key respectively.
  • Earthshatter refreshes Reinhardt's Charge.


  • Cyclops Form now automatically shoots boulders that deal 40 damage upon impact but can still be temporarily cancellable by Roadhog's other abilities.
  • Whole Hog (Cyclops Form) only lasts for 8 seconds but has 2 charges.

Torbjorn (DLC)

  • Torbjorn can only use his hammer as a forger - meleeing nearby allies will grant them 10% Ultimate Charge. His melee deals 25 more damage to enemies.
  • Overload now lets him stun his enemies (once per cast) for 1.25 seconds with his Primary Fire.
  • Torbjorn can only build a turret when on the ground - activating Molten Core creates a barrier around the turret.
  • Molten Core refreshes as long as Torbjorn is in Hephaestus Form. Torbjorn cannot build/destroy a turret in this state however.


  • Medusa Form freezes enemies for 2 seconds after 0.85 seconds of continuous eye contact (blocked by barriers).

For the full hero changes, please refer to this link right here!

See you in the Olympus, gods and goddesses!

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