
Meltdown: A Hidden Role Game

A team of agents must prevent the reactors from going critical. One of them is a saboteur who is destabilizing the reactors, killing agents, and causing all kinds of havoc. The agents can win by repairing all the reactors or killing the saboteur. If they shoot the wrong person, they die too! The saboteur wins if a reactor goes critical or by being the last one left alive. The saboteur must balance blending in by acting like an agent and progressing toward their end goals.

Saboteur abilities

Ability Button Info
Shroud Ability 1 Teleport a short distance and become temporarily invisible
Morph Ability 2 Change into a random unused hero
Fear Ultimate Temporarily blind all agents

Workshop settings

General Description Min-Max Default
How-To-Play Cinematic Before First Game Show a short demonstration of how to play before the first game Boolean On
Attack Cooldown Primary fire cooldown for all players 1-50 10
Time Until Meltdown How long a sabotaged reactor takes to go critical 30-120 70
Sabotage Duration How long it takes for the saboteur to sabotage a reactor 1-10 3
Repair Duration How long it takes to repair a reactor 1-10 5

Morph Description Min-Max Default
Max Morph Count How many times the saboteur can morph per game 1-5 5
Morph Cooldown How often the saboteur can use morph 5-50 15

Shroud Description Min-Max Default
Shroud Cooldown How often the saboteur can use shroud 1-50 18
Teleport Distance How far the saboteur can teleport with shroud 1-30 10
Invisibility Duration How long the saboteur stays invisible with shroud 1-20 5

Fear Description Min-Max Default
Fear Duration How long the agents are blinded with fear 2-20 8
Ult Charge Gain On Kill How much ult charge is granted to the saboteur for a kill 1-100 40
Ult Charge Gain On Sabotage How much ult charge is granted to the saboteur for a sabotage 1-100 30
Ult Charge Gain On Repair How much ult charge is granted to the saboteur for a repair 1-100 20

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