
Overwatch Unlimited™ 3: 114 Heroes!!!

Overwatch Unlimited™ 3 is an arena-like gamemode in which 2 teams of 3 players each have to battle each other with 114 custom made classes. Game ends when a team captures 5 points.

Most of them are based on the Fate Grand Order™ mobile game but knowledge about Fate Grand Order™ is not required to understand or play this gamemode.

The names are inspired by the Fate Grand Order™ Universe or created as jokes, keep that in mind

You have a tutorial screen when you spawn

Some heroes contain only one class. For the heroes that contain more than one class you use your "Primary and Secondary Fire" buttons to scroll through the list.

To confirm selection you press "Interact"(Symmetra teleporter button) and then leave spawn to see your ability explanation text (left-top of the screen).

Some heroes can only melee, that is not a bug, its to limit those classes to fight close range only.

You can see the health values of both team's players in the left and the right sides of the screen.

All 114!!! SubClasses and abilities in the game sorted by heroes:

Genji Part 1

Saber Alter

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Omnidirectional dash (like tracer blink) with 3s cooldown

  • Shoot a windgust that damages people it goes through

  • The endpoint of the windgust will do more damage and push the players (both teams) upwards

  • Ability ends when deflect is stopped

  • Shoot a projectile that creates a damaging energy tower. This tower does damage to everyone, including yourself.

  • While ult active you can shoot a maximum of 2 and a third energy towers

Jack The Ripper

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • You can use dash twice after one cooldown.

  • You get pushed hard backwards and while pushed you are invisible

  • Select the closest enemy to the crosshair. Holding Primary Fire will make you melee very fast, each time you damage the enemy like this (if he is the current selected enemy) you receive healing and 1 second of invincibility

  • Killing the target will assign a new random target until ultimate duration is over

Sasaki Kojiro

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Dash towards the closest enemy around you (you get teleported in him)

  • Deflecting makes you immune to all damage and damages enemies in front of deflect

  • A purple sphere will appear on player. Enemies inside this area will have their HP divided to 2

  • Effect is triggered 3 times while Ultimate is active

Katsushika Hokusai

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Teleport a medium distance in the direction you are looking

  • Teleport behind any enemy that is alive and not in spawn

  • You do extra damage to enemies you melee from behind

  • Create a water tower prison around you

  • Enemies that try to escape this area are damaged and pushed back inside

Hassan of the 100

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Dashing into an enemy turns them on fire. The fire does damage

  • Deflecting while you are damaging an enemy roots him for a few seconds

  • This can be combined with the fire from the dash or shooting shurikens before deflecting

  • Select an enemy in your Line of Sight. He ill get rooted and 3 genji bots will spawn above his head dashing into him and doing massive damage

Genji Part 2

Miyamoto Musashi

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Dashing into an enemy ignites them for big fire damage or freezes them for a few seconds

  • Pressing the button switches the mode from Ice to Fire and back

  • Every swing from the blade will apply fire to the enemy and will root him for a few seconds


Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • The bigger your ULT charge percentage will be, the more damage Swift Strike will do

  • Damage taken while deflecting will be reversed to the attacker and multiplied a few times

  • While the ULT is active you have unlimited dashes

  • Every dash will damage the enemy for 50% of his current HP

Lanling Wang

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Steal the ULT charge of the enemy and give it back to him a few seconds later

  • Deflecting will shoot a projectile that stuns enemy if it hits them or near them

  • Dashing into this enemy will give you more ULT and the enemy will receive only 75% of the ULT that was stolen from him

  • While ULT active you heal around you. When first casting DragonBlade enemies around you will be forced to look in the direction you are looking until they get out of range. Range is about 9m


Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Charge for 1 second then dash forward. Dash does more damage and stacks fire on the enemy

  • Select an enemy in FoV and LoS. Deny all damage from him for 2 seconds

  • While this is active the enemy is outlined through the walls

  • Create an area around you that makes you invincible while you are inside it

  • You also have your speed and damage greatly increased while inside

Senji Muramasa

Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Dashing into an enemy cancels their animations, removes all extra-health they have and cancels their Ultimate

  • Create a fire sphere around you from your position as the center

  • Enemies inside it are ignited. Area is removed when you stop deflecting

  • The damage given by the sphere is much bigger while Ultimate is active

  • All enemies around you have their Ultimates cancelled

Genji Part 3


Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • You are faster after dashing

  • Start shooting a laser that does medium damage

  • You can shoot 3 energy spheres while the ultimate is active by pressing the Secondary Fire button (shurikens button


Mobility Class

Swift Strike
  • Damaging an enemy with dash applies a damage over-time effect on them and dash cooldown is reduced to 4 seconds

  • Remove the extra-armor given to you

  • Now the Deflect ability will damage and push upwards enemies around you

  • If you are in the air you will do a ground slam before damaging the enemies. This does more damage than using the ability already on the ground

  • After full DragonBlade animation you will shoot 4 red projectiles in a straight line.

  • The spheres travel through walls and do massive damage to both enemies and allies (but not yourself)


Ambusher Class

Swift Strike
  • Your dashes do 40% of your missing life as extra damage

  • The person you are deflecting at will start looking at you until deflect is over

  • You will also get 3s of healing if a target was selected

  • Do a shuriken tornado around you, the shurikens will start following enemies around you



Poking Class and by Poking I mean pokes you once and then throws you off the map

Chain hook
  • Teleport to the enemy you hit

Pig pen
  • Become faster for a few seconds

  • You cannot melee the enemy until your cooldown on this ability activates

  • Grab enemies you melee on top of you. Being stunned or damaged allows them to escape

  • You have a 3s delay before you can throw the picked-up person, another 6s in total after of holding them

  • Shoot your gun to throw the grabbed enemies where you want

Whole hog
  • All enemies damaged by the ult will start getting pulled to you

  • Look down while shooting to fly upwards

Moctezuma II

Ambusher if you hit your Chain hook punch, Poking if you manage to survive missing it

Chain hook
  • After pressing the button you will start doing a punch animation

  • If the enemy is hit by it he will receive massive damage, you will become invincible for 1 second and be fully healed

Pig pen
  • The sensitivity of enemies around you will be randomised for a few seconds

Whole hog
  • Enemies around you will have their healing disabled until they die or switch hero and pushed upwards

  • When the enemies land they will be damaged for 50% of their max health



Poking Class

  • Shoot a chain forward that goes through multiple enemies and damages them

Sticky bombs
  • Fly in the direction you are looking

Focusing beam
  • Shoot a small volley of quick rockets

  • An area will be created from your position as the center and it will grow until it reaches its max size

  • After reaching its max size everyone inside will have their healing disabled for a few seconds and will be chained to the ground

Archangel Michael

Poking Class

  • You can go through walls while using Flight.

  • Do damage to enemies that are looking at you while using the ability

  • After a short timer everyone under the sky and not in a building (except you) will receive massive damage. People in cover will receive small damage


Jeanne d'arc

Anything as long as you get your ULT before your enemy kills you

Guardian angel
  • Attach yourself to the back of an Ally, while attached you can fire your pistol and both you and the Ally take 20% less damage

  • You dettach if the Ally dies or stops existing

  • Teleport 15 meters in the direction you are looking

  • Primary fire will punch enemies multiple times a second. Every time you punch enemies you steal a small percentage of their ultimate charge

  • While ultimate active you will be immortal and absorb all damage directed towards you

  • If attached to an Ally you also absorb and heal his damage taken and add it to your ULT

  • Press Ultimate again to release the absorbed damage in a small area around you

  • The ultimate has a max duration of 15s after which the damage will be automatically released around you



Poking Class

Jump jet
  • Press or hold the button to fly in the direction you are looking

Concussive blast
  • Very big speed boost

  • Create a nuclear explosion in the area you are looking at. Explosion has a few seconds and a visual effect before activating

  • Everyone inside the area will die except you


Ambusher Class

Jump jet
  • You have a maximum of 3 air dashes you can use. Each one recharges over time

  • You can press RightClick to dash backwards (uses a charge and its smaller)

Concussive blast
  • Enemies around you will be damaged and rooted

  • You are invincible for a second after using the ability

  • You will shoot a concussive blast projectile. Enemies pushed by this effect will instantly become 25% MaxLife HP


Marie Antoinette

Poking Class

  • Holding Primary Fire while crouching will make you start flying in the direction you are looking

  • Teleport on the back of an enemy around you. You will stick to their back until you press the button again OR they crouch

Ice Wall
  • The enemy you are looking at (if he is close to you) will start moving towards you for a few seconds

  • Create an expanding (blue) sphere on your position. All enemies still inside it (13m range) after casting is finished will be Frozen for 6s


Ambusher Class

Ice Wall
  • Activate transfiguration mode. Punching enemies in this state will transform them into wrecking-ball with smaller life for 5 seconds, they will go back to the hero they were before after that

  • Become a Transfigured rein with very big damage and speed. You change back when you go in the spawn room

  • Your FireStrike will transfigure enemies

  • Your EarthShatter doesn't stun but kills enemies hit by it that are on the ground


Poking Class

Endothermic Blaster
  • The iceicles you fire are hitscan, have bigger damage and penetrate armor. Your beam is only active in Drone mode

  • Get pushed upwards and then slam into the ground doing massive damage around you

  • Become a Drone that spits fire. You will leave behind a mei clone that is your original body, if the clone dies you will also die.

  • You can cancel the ultimate at any time and be teleported inside your body

  • If you die in Drone form and your clone is still alive you will also be teleported back to your body


Ted Kazynsky

Poking Class

  • Punch enemies to mark them

  • Damage and root all marked enemies for a second

Pulse bomb
  • Explode all marked targets doing massive damage


Duelist Class

  • When under 50HP use an automatic Emergency Recall & Heal around 50% of your MaxHP (long cooldown)

  • Killing enemies heals your allies, gives 15% ULT charge and give the unkillable status for 2s

Pulse bomb
  • Enemies (in 5m range) are cursed to be Frozen and Unkillable (can't go under 1HP) while moving their Mouse (or Joystick) for 8 seconds


Kazuhiko Nagata

Poking Class

  • Start healing over-time, receive lower gravity and invisible for a few seconds

Defense matrix
  • You are faster and cannot receive damage for a few seconds

  • Start charging a dash. Everyone hit by the dash will be killed instantly


Hassan of the Great Hand

Poking Class

  • Punching the enemy from behind will give them a bleeding effect and give you ultimate charge

Seismic slam
  • Become invisible and faster for a few seconds (can't punch while active)

Power block
  • Dash towards the closest enemy to crosshair and slash him (if an enemy exists)

Meteor strike
  • Activate a marking mode. Punch an enemy with Rocket Punch to mark him

  • Press the Ultimate again while still active to kill him


Ambusher Class

  • Omnidirectional dash (like tracer blink) with 3s cooldown

Seismic slam
  • Enemies hit are stunned for a second

Power block
  • Speed boost and lower gravity

Meteor strike
  • Meteor strike kills all enemies hit by it.

Tamamo Cat

Poking Class

  • While charging the Rocket Punch you move very fast. The Rocket Punch is also very fast

Seismic slam
  • Become invincible for a few seconds after hitting an enemy

Power block
  • Toggle Defense Mode ON or OFF

  • You only receive 0.1% damage wwhen Defense Mode active but cannot move or attack

  • Ability ends when you press the button again or you are killed. Until then all damage pushes you

Meteor strike
  • Activate strong punch mode. While active your Rocket Punch will do 50% of Max Life of the enemy hit as damage

  • Can be used twice on each ult activation

Shinji Hakari

Ambusher Class

Power block
  • When pressing you have a 50% chance of either losing 50% of your current HP or getting infinite healing for 6 seconds

Meteor strike
  • A random player in the match (including you) will be instantly killed. It targets only living players outside of the spawnroom. You can't use the Ultimate while in the spawnroom


Jehsus Chrust

Tanking Class

Regenerative burst
  • Normal healing

Immortality field
  • Give yourself 750 armor that lasts around 4 seconds

Amplification matrix
  • Pressing the button will select a player to protect (closest to crosshair, ignoring range or LoS). You and this player will share the damage he takes and he will share the healing you receive.

  • Ability ends when the protected player HP goes under 5% of his Max Health and the link between players will be broken. Ability will have to be casted again on another person.

  • Pressing the Ultimate button again while still protecting a player will give him temporary invincibility and a big healing boost

  • If you are the last player alive the ultimate will instead give yourself an extreme damage and speed boost that ends after 8 seconds or when you are stunned (or Ultimate disabled)


Poking Class

Regenerative burst
  • Start absorbing life from everyone around you

Immortality field
  • Release the damage collected (you absorb damage by doing damage) around you and also use it as healing around yourself

Amplification matrix
  • While the Ultimate is active you will do damage to everyone you are looking at (in LoS) ignoring teams


Support Class

Immortality field
  • Create a Paralysis Sphere on your position that activates after 1 second delay. Enemies that go through it will receive the Crippled effect (disables all buttons) and the Rooted status until the Sphere ability is over (+1second of the root and 5s of Crippled);

Amplification matrix
  • Copy the Hero of the first Player(All Teams) in LoS and FoV and then start using his Ultimate. This effect lasts for Ultimate duration +2s or a minimum of 10s (for heroes like Winston, Ghandi Ram or Junker Queen);

Moira Part 1


Mobility Class

  • You dash forward, cooldown is around 3s.

  • Shoot a small barrage of orbs (holding Primary Fire will transform it into a healing barrage)

Biotic orb
  • Start absorbing damage that will be released in a projectile after ability ends or when the button is pressed again

  • While absorbing damage you heal 50% of it

  • Beam of energy that does massive damage but while using Ultimate you take Double Damage

Vlad Tepes

Mobility Class

  • Jump higher, lower gravity

  • Vampire speed, 300km/h while dashing

Biotic orb
  • Steal a percentage of the ultimate charge of enemies attacking you

  • While absorbing damage you heal 50% of it

  • Create a slow floating orb that does massive damage to everyone around it, ignoring teams. You aren't damaged by it

Felix Faust

Mobility Class

  • Start damaging people in your LineOfSight, ignoring distance. Damage done with the ability gives you a lot of healing. You will stop doing damage and your ability will go on cooldown if you move or are moved.

Biotic orb
  • Shoot an orb that will chain the first enemy hit to the ground

  • Create a purple sphere on you. Press Primary Fire to shoot it forward.

  • After a short activation time enemies that touch the sphere start falling through the ground.


Mobility Class

  • Start charging a ball around you (maximum is around 8 spins). Every time the ball spins or moves it will get faster and do more damage. Press Primary Fire to release it and damage the first person it hits

  • Pressing Secondary Fire after the ball has been released will make the projectile start homing on the first enemy around it in a 500m range. The projectile gets cancelled when the targeted enemy is not in LoS anymore.

Biotic orb
  • Release a damage biotic orb that sucks ultimate charge from the enemies hit

  • Press the Button to increase the area around you. Press again to activate the effects. When ULT is cancelled or you stop it everyone in the range of the ULT will get resurrected (ignoring teams, not yourself if you are already dead) and the enemies will be damaged for 40% of their max HP over 4 seconds and an anti-healing effect for 3s


Mobility Class

  • Teleport switch location with the closest player to your crosshair in LoS

  • Conditions for the teleport are: Distance to the player shorter than 60m or his altitude higher than 5m

Biotic orb
  • Create an area around you that makes you invincible inside and damages enemies that stay inside it

  • Create a Black Hole on crosshair that kills everything that gets inside the center, including your team and yourself

Moira Part 2

Paracelsus von Hohenheim

Mobility Class

  • Shoot a laser explosion before dashing. The more ULT charge you have, the more damage it does

Biotic orb
  • Create a sphere that moves and captures enemies inside it. The sphere does damage if it hits a wall when the sphere reaches the destination or is cancelled

  • Ability will be cancelled when you move, are moved or you taking damage

  • Casting it while already DEAD but with 100% ULT charge will create a ball that cannot be cancelled until it reaches the destination - uses entire ULT to cast

  • Create an Energy Tsunami that damages everyone that gets hit by it. It increases in size until Ultimate is over.

  • Players that get out of the sphere and get hit by it again will be damaged by it again


Adrumf Himler

Mobility Class

Orb of harmony
  • Healing an ally with the orb will give them 500 temporary armor (5 seconds)

Orb of discord
  • While ability active any enemy you deal damage to will start looking in a random position

  • Transcendence now does big AoE damage


Mobility Class

Orb of harmony
  • Create a short energy tower on crosshair position that damages, pushes down towards it and roots everything in tower range for a second

Orb of discord
  • Start charging an orb barrage. Every hit on an enemy steals a percentage of his ULT charge

  • Create a prison on crosshair position that slowly shrinks in size. Enemies trying to escape from inside will be frozen, damaged and pushed back


Mobility Class

  • Secondary Fire will shoot all 6 orbs in the same time, no charging needed

Orb of harmony
  • Use a small percentage of your ULT charge to heal a percentage of your health based on it

Orb of discord
  • Don't move and deal damage to players around you

  • Anybody (except you) that moves will receive massive damage. Effect is Global until ULT ends. You cannot attack or move while Ultimate is active


Mobility Class

Orb of harmony
  • (HOLD Button) Start charging a laser. The more you charge, the more damage you will do after you stop holding the button.

Orb of discord
  • Create a Defensive Orb that will stay above your head until itself or you die

  • The Orb does damage to any enemy around you in a short radius

  • Become immobile while using Ultimate, creating a massive tower damage from you as the center. It does damage to allies too


Gilles de Rais

Mobility Class

Sentry turret
  • Normal turrets

  • Create 4 areas that damage enemies that walk inside them

  • Area damage will become normal only after all 4 of them are fully set up

  • Press the ability again after setup is over to explode all of them and do extra damage (ability ends)

Photon barrier
  • Create an area around yourself that does massive damage to players and spins them in circles

Donald Drump

Mobility Class

Sentry turret
  • Create a turret on crosshair position. This can also be placed on walls or in the sky

  • Primary Fire to shoot lasers while in Turret

  • Turret also has a symmetra clone inside of it, if she dies your ability enters a >10s cooldown

  • Pressing the ability again will cancel the turret. When another turret is spawned Symmetra will go back to the HP she had when you previously disabled the ability

  • Shoot a stunning beam while in Turret

Photon barrier
  • Activating Ultimate in Turret mode will double your firerate until Ultimate is over

  • Activating Ultimate OUTSIDE of Turret mode will create a giant wall that blocks enemies from walking through it

Gordon Freeman

Mobility Class

Sentry turret
  • Start floating through walls like in Garry's mod

Photon Projector Alt Fire
  • Grab enemies and force them to float in front of you, Primary Fire to throw them away. Taking damage forces you to release them

  • Create an anti-air area that damages and pushes down any enemy that is jumping or in the air inside it

  • Allies are only pushed down, not rooted or damaged inside it

Photon barrier
  • Damage all enemies in LoS and cancel their Ultimates (works like a Star Wars Force Push)

  • Pushed Enemies will have 0 gravity and won't be able to move for 4s

Sherlock Holmes

Ambusher Class

Photon Projector Alt Fire
  • You shoot a homing healing projectile towards the closest enemy in LoS and FoV

  • Closest enemy in LoS and FoV gets flash-banged(you have to feel it to understand) for about 1 second

  • If an enemy was hit you start getting healed over-time

Photon barrier
  • All players around you are crippled for 7 seconds. Crippled players are hacked, their cooldown becomes 15s, they can't shoot or melee and their ULT charge goes to 0.



Mobility Class

Barrier shield
  • Start holding shield. All enemies that you look at and are looking back at you when you stop holding shield will be frozen for a few seconds. You and the frozen enemy take a lot less damage while

Whip shot
  • Enemies next to the whip shot will be ignited

  • Hitting the enemy hit the whip shot also roots them and increases their cooldowns with 5 seconds more

Repair pack
  • Heal allies, removes anti-healing curse, healthpack-denied curse and chain on the ground stuns on ally healed

  • Start flying 20 meters above ground. Press Primary Fire to land on the location you are aiming at and do damage to everyone around it

Mash Kyrielight

Mobility Class

Shield bash
  • Has a much longer range and does more damage

  • Holding up the shield makes you take only 10% (instead of 70%) of all damage

Whip shot
  • Damage and push away from you enemies that are VERY close to you

Repair pack
  • Allies healed by this will damage enemies very close to them

  • Everyone around you will become invincible for 5 seconds after activating ULT

  • Whip shot will also have constant 0 cooldown and every hit will root the enemy for 2 seconds


Mobility Class

  • Kills increase your MaxHP by 30

Whip shot
  • You will fly in the direction you are shooting your whip at if you are jumping while doing so

Repair pack
  • Use one charge to receive a boost in damage, speed and get healed for a few seconds

  • Every charge usage will reduce your Max HP by 20 to a minimum of 240

  • Your next two hits (Ability 1 or Primary Fire) do 50% of MaxHp of Enemy hit as NULL damage

Saint Lucia

Mobility Class

Barrier shield
  • Give 750 armor to all allies in LoS. The armor goes away a few seconds after you stop holding your shield

Whip shot
  • Push enemies back and start healing yourself

Repair pack
  • Link to an ally. Health of ally linked to you cannot go under 1HP. Ability is broken when one of you die, you activate ULT or ally is out of LoS. Link connects back to the ally after 4s if he is in LoS again

  • You and ally also receive ULT charge/second while linked

  • ULT generation for your ally stops when his ULT charge reaches 55%

  • Become a giant woman with huge damage dealt and damage resistence

Hannibal Barca

Ambusher Class

  • Killing enemies disables your abilities one by one but gives you a +20% speed Buff and +30% DMG buff (until you respawn, they stack) after each one. Max level is 5 so +100% speed and +150% damage dealt at MaxLevel.

Whip shot
  • Hitting the enemy gives him poison, poisoned-healthpack efffect and heals you

Repair pack
  • (Uses all 3 charges) shoot a sphere that chains the enemy to the ground

  • You receive Unkillable status and infinite healing for 4 seconds (this healing is special and can't be reversed)

Reinhardt part 1


Mobility Class

  • Resurrect as long as you have extra lives

  • You get an extra life on spawn

  • Become faster and deal more damage for a few seconds

Fire strike
  • Its normal

  • Go back to full HP and gain +1 lives to a maximum of 12 stored


Mobility Class

  • Fly in the direction you are looking

  • Start healing yourself, move slower and cancel animations of enemies around you while ability is active

Fire strike
  • Enemies hit by it will be pulled towards you at a speed that scales with distance to target (further away = faster towards you)

  • Start walking only-forward. Deal damage, knockdown and push towards your direction any enemies that get in front of you


Mobility Class

  • You do 50% of the enemy player ultimate charge as bonus damage (100% = +50dmg hammer)

  • You give 2% ULT charge/second to allies next to you

Barrier Field
  • Toggle ON/OFF. Drains ~6% ULT charge a second. You are much faster but take 35% more Damage while using it

  • Discharge your ULT charge as damage in the area around you. Uses your entire ULT charge.

Fire strike
  • Roots enemies hit to the ground for 2 seconds

  • Start a self-destruction that kills everyone around you, including you. If you die while casting the explosion won't happen after. You remove unkillable status of enemies around you right before exploding

Genghis Korn

Mobility Class

  • Become smaller or bigger. Small makes you very fast but do little damage and take a lot of damage. Big makes you slow but take a lot less damage and deal a lot more

Fire strike
  • Firestrike speed depends on your size, same with it's damage

  • Start charging an area. Enemies inside it when it ends will be made smaller, slower and take a lot more damage. You can press Ult while charging it to activate it sooner than max size


Ambusher Class

  • Select the Farthest Rein minion to you and order him to move to your mouse location. First seconds Rein will do a spinning attack around him.

Fire strike
  • Teleport the furthest away Rein minion to you

  • Create a Rein minions (limit is around 20, the max total bots that can be spawn in a match)

  • Spawning another Rein Minion instantly makes you 100% HP

  • The Rein minions do a lot of damage and will start moving towards the attacker and attack him

  • Pressing the ULT button without having 100% will make the selected minion shoot a firestrike that grabs an enemy to him

Reinhardt part 2


Dueling Class

  • Enemies hit by the Hammer receive 2s of healing-denied effect

  • Adapt to +15% of the damage of the selected enemy in LoS and FoV.

  • Doesn't have a limit to stack but it will get reset after the ULT if the player selected was the same as this one

Fire strike
  • Enemies hit receive +5 seconds on their ability cooldowns

  • You will adapt instantly to +100% of the selected enemy in LoS and FoV damage. All damage comming from him will be reduced by this percentage until you go back in the spawn room. Can be used on different people for different damage negation values, all of them stack differently

  • When you've adapted more than 100% to an enemy his damage starts healing you

  • After the ULT ends the selected enemy percentage will be reseted to 35%


Charles de Gaulle

Mobility Class

Javelin spin
  • Create an area that pushes enemies away if they try to go through it

Energy javelin
  • Create a mine under you that damages, stuns and pushes away enemies if they step on it

Terra surge
  • Create an area that moves with you that you can push enemies in a corner or off the map with

Marcus Aurelius

Tanking Class

  • You can not be killed through normal ways. Only jumping off the map will

  • (PRESS) To start using your own life to heal the allies around you

Javelin spin
  • Freeze enemies hit

Terra surge
  • Players around you are chained to you for a few seconds and you receive 5 seconds of +50% damage

Hanzo Part 1


Mobility Class

Sonic arrow
  • Activate a shield that absorbs damage for you. Shield depletes over time if active. Pressing the button again will remove the shield and stop the depletion.

  • Shield recharges back to max HP only after it gets destroyed and used again

Storm arrows
  • Shoot one arrow that stuns and damages the enemies around it

  • Create an area on you, trapping all enemies around you inside it

  • HOLD Primary Fire to Shoot laser beams while Ultimate is active


Mobility Class

Sonic arrow
  • Chain enemies around you to the ground

Storm arrows
  • HOLD to start shooting lasers. Float while shooting them. You do more damage if the lasers hit the body instead of the ground next to the target. Shooting the lasers uses Ult charge

  • Ability stops when you're out of Ult charge and then you are given 30% for your next shooting session

  • Destroy everyone in the area you are aiming at, you are given 2000 armor after Ultimate has been used


Mobility Class

Sonic arrow
  • Shoot a homing arrow towards a marked enemy in LoS

  • Damage an enemy to mark him

Storm arrows
  • Arrows hack enemies

  • Shoot a homing arrow towards the first enemy in LoS and then bounces to each enemy in his LoS until there is only 1 left alive or everyone else ran away (and in cover)


Mobility Class

  • Shoot enemies with arrows to slow them down

Sonic arrow
  • Mark an enemy through the walls

Storm arrows
  • Slow down and hack the marked enemy if he is on the ground, push him down and root him if he was in the air

  • You can also use it to root the first NOT-marked enemy in LoS if you have not used your marking ability yet

  • Create a meteor shower on the area you are aiming at

Chen Gong

Mobility Class

Sonic arrow
  • Push far away enemies that are close AND in front of you

Storm arrows
  • Create a double water-tower on crosshair that pushes upwards and does damage to enemies inside it

  • You can press it again faster to have the second tower activate sooner

  • Create a fast, bouncing projectile that does a lot of damage and pushes back the first enemy hit

  • The damage of the orb is also spread 3m around the victim

Hanzo Part 2

Tawara Tōta

Mobility Class

Sonic arrow
  • Start a short punching barrage

Storm arrows
  • Hit enemies to push them up and away from you and to receive 150 temporary armor for each storm arrow hit.

  • One shot Dragon. You become intangible for 3s after every tick of damage from the dragon. Dragon removes unkillable status before killing the enemy.

Nikola Tesla

Ambusher Class

  • You steal 4% ULT charge / tick of damage to enemies

Sonic arrow
  • Create an area that shoots lightning at enemies that pass through it

Storm arrows
  • Shoot 6 electricity arcs that do a lot more damage if you aim them directly at the enemy

  • (Press Primary Fire) To respawn all players, including you from the small area you are aiming at


Amadeus Mozart

Mobility Class

  • Make you and your allies next to you very fast for a short time

Amp it up
  • Give a big healing burst to allies next to you

Sound barrier
  • Create an area on your crosshair that damages enemies inside it, slows them down and makes them take a lot more damage while inside it


Mobility Class

  • Go in a ghost form that ignores all damage and makes you faster. Ghost form uses a resource bar that starts filling back up after you go back to the normal form. Rooted stun will disable your ability

Amp it up
  • Create a clone of yourself that moves when you move, in the direction you are looking at

  • Clone will damage the attacker for a 45dmg/tick of damage received by it

  • Press the button again to explode the clone and damage enemies around it

Sound barrier
  • Create another clone that will start homing like a rocket towards the closest enemy to the crosshair. When the clone reaches said enemy it will damage him and the enemies next to him and knock all of them down


Billy the Kid

Ambusher Class

  • Headshots do 1/5 of Max HP of enemy hit and give you more Ultimate charge

Combat roll
  • Freeze all enemies very close and around you

Magnetic grenade
  • Start using anti-armor bullets. Enemies hit that still have armor on them will take 1/12 MaxHp as damage

  • (Only) First enemy hit dies, there is no loading needed, you can quickdraw it

Abigail Williams

Poking Class

  • Headshots cancel enemy Ultimates, root the enemy for 0.1 seconds and push the enemy upwards

  • Bodyshots heal you

Combat roll
  • Escape any stun, receive smaller gravity and a short speed boost

Magnetic grenade
  • Create a trap on crosshair. Enemies moving through it will be stuck in the middle until it's over. Pressing the button again will cancel the ability and restart the cooldown

  • All players that get close to you will get a 3s damage over time effect that stacks forever as long as you are next to them

  • You cannot use your dash while ULT active if ULT was activated before the dash



Poking Class

Shadow step
  • Omnidirectional dash (like tracer blink) with 3s cooldown

Wraith form
  • Create a Solomon Pillar. You can spawn a maximum of 6 Pillars. Each Pillar will generate Ult charge and 10HP for you every second. Max ULT Charge Farming is 36% ULT every second.

  • All of the solomon pillars disappear when you die

Death blossom
  • Very fast Death blossom with damage over time that stacks each time you damage them with the Ultimate

Charles-Henri Sanson

Duelist Class

  • 60% higher lifeSteal on enemies

Wraith form
  • Select the closest teammate to reticle. You will start transfering your HP to give him as healing over time. Ability ends when you press again to stop it or when one of you die

Shadow step
  • Create a reaper clone on your location. If a player kills the clone he will be frozen for 3 seconds

Death blossom
  • Switch your HP with the closest enemy to reticle you are aiming at in FoV and LoS



Mobility Class

Coach gun
  • After a very short delay start flying in the direction you are looking

  • Shoot 5 slow-moving homing rockets that do massive damage

  • Create an area around you that cancels Ultimates of enemies inside it, hacks and ignites them

Xuanzang Sanzang

Mobility Class

  • Hold crouch and jump in the same time to dash forward

Coach gun
  • Pull enemies around you to you and root them for a few seconds

  • You punch enemies away and you get speed and damage resistence buffs

  • Shoot an orb that heals and removes all curses of the allies it hits while also giving you 4 seconds of very fast punching

Caster Gilgamesh

Mobility Class

Coach gun
  • Create a lightning storm on crosshair position, it damages allies

  • Shoot 3 magic, fast projectiles forward

  • Create a Projectile Rain on a big location you are aiming at that does massive damage to both enemies and allies (ignoring you).

William Tell

Mobility Class

Coach gun
  • Start grappling towards a location (under 36m). Press again to cancel

  • Create a trap at your legs that stuns the enemy and does big damage after he moves through it

  • You can press the button again to cancel it sooner and restart cooldown

  • Start aiming with your gun and charging a railgun. Shooting or stopping the aim animation will shoot the railgun projectile (maximum of 750dmg ignoring damage modifications)

  • It does a lot more damage if you are aiming directly at the enemy.

Soldier: 76 Part 1

Cu Chulainn

Mobility Class

Helix rockets
  • Damage the enemy for a 1/4 of his Max HP as damage and remove 15% of his Ultimate charge

  • Dash in the direction you are looking

Biotic field
  • Remove most curses, become invincible for a few seconds and heal yourself

Tactical visor
  • Start charging your rockets. After the charging is over you can shoot your Helix Rockets

  • First person hit by the rockets will be killed after 1 second (including yourself)


Mobility Class

  • Makes your maxHP only a third of the normal one but gives you infinite healing (can be reversed) for 4 seconds, then your maxHP goes back to normal

Biotic field
  • Shoot 2 Helix Rockets that do more damage and stun the enemy

Tactical visor
  • Start flying in the direction you are looking at and through walls. You will damage the first enemy you come in contact with

Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

Poking Class

Helix rockets
  • The Poison rockets will start a permanent poison on the enemy hit (or until them or you die) that stacks forever

  • The Penetration effect will remove all invincible stats but Unkillable (the one where the enemy can't go under 1 HP)

  • Switch the Helix Rockets mode from Penetration to Poison and back

Biotic field
  • Knockdown, push away, damage and remove all invincible stats (including Unkillable) from the enemies around you

  • Gives you 30 healing / second for 3 seconds. Healing given / second is multiplied by the number of players you hit with ability

Tactical visor
  • All enemies around you will receive an anti-healing effect and Double Damage Received (120%) until ULT cancelled (8s duration)

  • Ultimate also gives him Unkillable status for a duration of 1.25s * people hit by ultimate


Mobility Class

  • The lower your HP is, the faster you will Punch

  • Do a short dash forward that damages and knocks-down and backwards enemies you dash through

Biotic field
  • Pull out your Shield, you receive only 35% of damage while ability active but you cannot Punch. You can dash while using the Shield

Tactical visor
  • You and the allies very close to you have 8 seconds of Unkillable status (can't go under 1hp)

  • Receive +80% Speed Boost while ULT active


Mobility Class

Helix rockets
  • Slowdown enemies hit by the rocket

  • Start floating upwards (until button pressed again or ability over)

Biotic field
  • Start shooting a laser beam

Tactical visor
  • Create a giant sphere that will go up and then to the area you have selected, hitting the ground and doing massive damage to all players inside it

Soldier 76: Part 2


Mobility Class

  • Command the clone to start shooting at the enemy you are pointing at (Double tap on an enemy to switch target)

Biotic field
  • Create a clone that traps inside it the first enemy that goes in it's range (including through walls or floors)

Tactical visor
  • Select an enemy through walls. Both you and the enemy will be poisoned (about 30s of your max-life as damage percentage) and receive the anti-healing status. The person that survives it will be fully healed


Simo Häyhä

Mobility Class

Sleep dart
  • Hit an enemy to freeze him, push both of you upwards and then receive a short speed boost

Biotic grenade
  • Create an area on your position that makes you invisible while inside.

  • The area will damage and steal ultimate charge from enemies that get inside

Nano boost
  • Your next bullet is a one shot

Robin Hood

Mobility Class

Sleep dart
  • Enemy hit is hacked and ignited for 5 seconds (enemies with bigger ULT are damaged longer time)

  • His ability cooldowns are both increased with 5 seconds each

Biotic grenade
  • Enemies hit are hacked and ignited for 3 seconds

Nano boost
  • After a short casting animation explode the area you were aiming at and also ignite everyone caught in the explosion

  • The explosion will also heal your allies inside it


Mobility Class

Secondary fire
  • Shoot a projectile that explodes dealing damage to an enemy and giving him the 'healing-denied' status for 3.5 seconds

Sleep dart
  • For a few seconds you can go through walls

Biotic grenade
  • You take a lot less damage for 3 seconds

Nano boost
  • Start floating upwards. Press Primary fire or Jump to start shooting a laser while floating in the area you stopped

  • Laser damage also gives the 3.5 anti-healing effect


Albert Einstein

Mobility Class

Kinetic grasp
  • Slowdown time. While time is slowed you become very fast and all your damage is multiplied

  • The rock will push the enemy far away and then straight down

Gravitic flux
  • Enemies around you will be damaged and pushed away in the direction you are looking at, you also remove their unkillable status

  • Their gravity will also become 0 for a few seconds

The Old Man of the Mountain

Mobility Class

Kinetic grasp
  • You move very fast, have bigger punching damage and your punches knockdown enemies and push them away. Moving uses a resource bar, ability ends when your resource bar is empty or you manually disable the ability

  • Enemies hit will take damage for a few seconds

Gravitic flux
  • Everyone damaged by the ult will become 1HP after hitting the ground

  • They regain their normal Max HP after a few seconds



Poking Class

  • Create a clone. If you die and the clone is still alive you will be respawned in the body of the clone

  • Escape any stun, no cooldown

  • Explode the clone doing damage to everyone around it and making their sensitivity 10.000 for a few seconds

  • You obviously, need a clone active first BEFORE trying to explode it

Junji Ito

Poking Class

  • You deal extra damage depending if the enemy has a lot of kills. SMG Dmg * [(His Kills - Your kills) / 2]

  • Get inside the body of the first enemy in LoS and FoV. While inside the enemy will receive damage over time that ends when your ultimate stops or you manually cancel it

  • All damage while inside him will be healed and hurt your target. You can press the button again to eject this form



Poking Class

Grappling hook
  • Grapple into a surface, you will remain there until stunned or press the button again to release yourself from the location

Venom mine
  • All enemies hit by the mine will be knocked-down for a few seconds

  • Enemies will have purple outlines visible through the walls

  • Your normal damage is doubled, headshots stun the enemy and venom mine will insta-kill the enemy if the Ultimate is active


Duelist Class

Widow's Kiss
  • Spam Primary Fire to shoot your pistols create projectiles with bloom (meaning not exactly towards mouse position)

  • You will not fire these projectiles while shooting Scoped-in

Venom mine
  • Place teleport location, press again to teleport back to it

  • Cancels when you die but can be used again if you were sent to spawn by someone (tesla hanzo)

  • Shoot a short projectile barrage with both pistols (around 12/second)


Alfried Krupp von Bohlen

Mobility Class

  • Take less damage while in minigun form

Ability 2
  • Your life doesn't go under 1 HP for 3 seconds

Configuration: Artillery
  • Start charging a railgun, after charge is at 100% you can start moving again. Shoot your gun to fire the railgun cannon


Mobility Class

  • You become faster, all enemies that damage you in this state will have their speed slowed

Ability 2
  • Start reversing damage for 3 seconds

Configuration: Artillery
  • You will start spamming bastion grenades for a few seconds

Bounty Hunter

Ambusher Class

Ability 2
  • Mark an enemy player in LoS and FoV as a bounty. Bounty Player receives extra damage (currently 50% more).

  • The enemy is marked with a Downwards Red Icon and a zenyatta discord orb effect.

  • Effect is removed from the enemy if he breaks Line Of Sight

Configuration: Artillery
  • Receive extra armor on your body (currently 300) and reverse damage for the duration of the Ultimate

  • Every tick of damage you receive reverses back 45 damage



Poking Class

Void accelerator (omnic form)
  • Your gun projectiles are much faster

Nemesis form
  • Punches do more damage and make you invincible for a few seconds

  • Damage from the Ultimate is multiplied and transformed into healing for yourself

Marie Curista

Ambusher Class

  • Cursing an enemy will give you healing, damage them over-time for around 120hp and slow their speed with 30% for 3 seconds

Nemesis form
  • After 3 ticks of damage the enemy will get the Cursed effect (Punching, Nemesis punching or Ult damage)

Ravenous Vortex
  • Instantly give a player in your LoS and FoV the curse effect

  • You create a Ramattra clone that follows you above your head. While the clone is alive you get infinite healing per second, 80% damage boost and everyone inside your area gets the healing-denied effect

Hyakunosuke Ogata

Poking Class

Void accelerator (omnic form)
  • Your gun projectiles are much faster

Ravenous Vortex
  • Create a forward-moving Carpet Bombing attack that does a lot of damage

  • Damage and stun for 6s all enemies where you are looking through walls (only works on enemies you are looking at but your Line of Sight is BLOCKED by an object - like a box or a wall, or a Shield


Ivan the Terrible

Tanking Class

  • Damage enemies to steal ULT charge and heal yourself

  • Energy grenades also root the targets

Graviton surge
  • Create a Zarya clone on your location, if either of you survive for 10 seconds you will be resurrected and receive unlimited healing and 6x damage for another 6.5 seconds


Tanking Class

  • Punching enemies does a lot more damage and heals you

  • Your abilities use your Health as resource while active

Particle Barrier
  • (HOLD) Start shooting an aimbot laser towards the first enemy in LoS and FoV that stops when you stop holding the button or the selected enemy hides

  • You cannot move while using the ability

Projected Barrier
  • Deal moderate damage around you and give a lot of healing to teammates (excluding yourself) in the area

  • When the ability stops ALL damage over-time applied to you is also stopped, works on enemy ULTs too

Graviton surge
  • For about 8 seconds your MaxHP is increased with 45% and your abilities won't use your HP while ULT active and cooldown for abilities are only 1s long between uses (while ULT active)


Jack and Hyde

Poking Class

Tesla cannon
  • Your long range shots will heal you based on damage done

  • Your Primary Fire does 1/8 HP of enemy as True Damage per second

  • You have a passive 13m aura around you that slows enemies for around 20% and makes them unable to jump for 3 seconds while inside it (loops every 3 seconds)

  • Allies are only receive the no-spaceBar effect.

  • The more enemies are around you, the bigger the damage resistence to them you will have. 70%(base) - (15 * number of enemies around you in 16m range)

Primal rage
  • Your punches do 150dmg and steal 1/5 of the enemies ULT charge.


Winston ChurchHill

Tanking Class

  • Your life cannot go under 1 HP while active

Molten core
  • You cannot attack but the Turret does a lot more damage and both of you take a lot less


Ambusher Class

Forge hammer
  • Hammer does a lot more damage and pushes people

  • You can only die from your own ULT, falling or melee

Molten core
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors (primary fire, secondary fire or melee) first enemy in LoS and FoV. Loser of Rock, Paper, Scissors dies


L.H. Osvald

Ambusher Class

Power slide
  • You are invincible and heal while dashing

Disruptor shot
  • Chain the enemies to the ground

  • Rain a barrage of rockets from your position that follow enemy players and do damage if they explode near them

Head Hunter

Ambusher Class

Power slide
  • You are invincible and heal while dashing

Disruptor shot
  • Link to first enemy in LoS and FoV. If you can hold line of sight on him for 2.5s he gets stunned for 2s and receives some damage

  • Create a Toxic Gas area that does damage to All players (excluding you) - NULL damage - and the damage of the poison stacks while inside and increases with ULT active duration too (max damage is reached at 3.5s from the activation)


Popa Francesco

Duelist Class

Swift step
  • Teleport to allies much further away, AND/OR receive a short speed boost (if normally pressing the button, 3s cooldown)

Protection suzu
  • Heal your allies and give them +15% Ult charge

Kitsune rush
  • Slow-down time for a very short period after pressing the button. Your first Kunai thrown will kill the enemy IF it was a Headshot. Has a 50% chance of getting the ULT back when throwing the Kunai

Kento Nanami

Duelist Class

Passive 1
  • People in range between 3 and 7m take 3 TIMES the normal damage. The range is indicated with visual effects

  • This effect applies only if Nanami has more than 30% ULT charge, it uses 30% ULT for one Crit Shot (in that range)

Passive 2
  • You do 35 damage multiplied by the difference in Team Score. Difference only counts if the enemy team score is bigger than yours

Protection suzu
  • Heal allies, removes anti-healing curse, healthpack-denied curse and chain on the ground stuns on ally healed


Osmama Bindalen

Ambusher Class

  • Projectiles have 0 knockback

Concussion Mine
  • Enemies hit will receive fall damage after landing (yourself and junkrat enemies are not affected by this)

Steel trap
  • Enemies hit by the trap will have their HP divided into 2

  • The Floor is NOT Lava. The Sky and Jumping are Lava and damage you while doing so

Junker Queen

Jeffen Einstein

Tanking Class

Adrenaline rush
  • You get a lot more healing from it

  • You are very fast while slashing with the ability

  • Receive a huge amount of healing per second for 6 seconds after hitting an enemy with it

Wrecking Ball

Bunny Musoulini

Tanking Class

Quad cannons
  • Your damage ignites enemies for a few seconds

Adaptive shield
  • While your ability is active you heal damage from enemies depending on their distance from you. Under 5m they heal you, under 10m their damage gets fully negated, beyond 10 its only reduced.

  • After activating the ability your life cannot go under 1 HP for 3 seconds

  • Spawn 45 bouncing mines on your location



Annoying person that will survive 4 Noble Phantasms, 3 Reality Marbles, 2 Domain Expansions and 1 Bankai before finally dying

Rejuvenating dash
  • Invisible for a few seconds after activating

Life grip
  • Memorise the HP of all players in the match, after 6 seconds the HP of everyone will be reverted to the initial value

  • Enemies that died after the ability was activated will be resurrected, enemies that resurrected after this will not be affected (only their HP changed)

Tree of life
  • All living players from your team will receive healing, a speed boost for 3 seconds and +30% Ult charge.

  • Their Max HP will also be increased by 13% (doesn't scale) every time you use the Ultimate (this extra life can be removed)

  • Ultimate also removes the healing-denied effects from your entire team

Queen Elizabeth II

Ambusher Class

  • Enemies you damage will have their Healthpacks denied. After an enemy will try to heal using one he will be damaged by you

Life grip
  • Select an enemy in FoV and LoS. He will have his movement inverted for a few seconds and Healing received will also be inverted into Damage

Tree of life
  • All living enemies (not in the spawnroom) will have all healing inverted into Damage

  • All enemies will also have their movement inverted to the right (instead of Backwards like Ability 2)

  • All healing received while ULT active will be transformed into damage and multiplied a few times over



Duelist Class

Solar rifle
  • Your gun does a lot more damage

  • Select the closest enemy to crosshair in LoS. Both you and him will only be taking damage from each other until ability is manually cancelled or one of you Dies (or goes back to spawn)

  • Kill the player you are dueling to receive 3s of unlimited healing

  • You and your selected target can still damage everyone

Captive sun
  • Select a location in which to create an explosion with massive damage after a short casting time (enemies around the location will also be damaged in the casting animation)

Leonardo da Vinci

Duelist Class

Solar rifle
  • Your gun fires extra projectiles that explode when they fly past an enemy

  • You make the ally you are healing invincible while healing him with alt-fire

  • The more enemies are around you, the less total damage you take

  • This patch has it set on -20% damage received with each extra enemy around you in an area of 10m (doesn't matter if behind walls)



Tanking Class

  • Enemies hit get 2s root, +2s cooldown on their abilities and have their active animations and Ultimates cancelled

Cardiac Overdrive
  • 100% lifesteal for yourself while active

Cage Fight
  • Your life cannot go under 1 HP while active

LeBron James

Tanking Class

  • All burst damage over 50dmg is negated and healed. Only damage under 50 actually hurts him. If he dies from a damaging ability over 50 he instantly resurrects after

Cage Fight
  • Select enemy player in LoS and FoV. You will start controlling the movements and camera of the enemy player. While ULT active you have the Invincible status.

  • ULT can't be cancelled (lasts 8s at the moment).


HP Lovecraft 2

Ambusher Class

  • You are unkillable at the start of the animation and can also travel through walls while using the ability

  • Enemies hit by the exit from the ground will die if their Health is 1/3 or smaller than their MaxLife

Tectonic Shock
  • Ultimate also roots enemies for about a second when hit


Alphonse Elric

Ambusher Class

Orbital Ray
  • While your ultimate is active your punches damage and teleport enemies randomly around you

  • While ultimate is active your rockets freeze enemies for 3s

Other information

About game mechanics

  • Taking Health Packs fully refreshes 30% of both main abilities cooldowns and give you +15% ULT charge.
  • All heroes have passive auto-regeneration some seconds after being hit. This regeneration will not restart until all damage over-time has stopped or been removed. - Blizzard actually added this officially LOL
  • NULL Damage and Healing with no Healer cannot be reversed back to the caster;
  • Game contains abilities that can reverse damage, resurrect, do friendly-fire or even kill yourself. Reverse damage abilities are displayed with the "Echo cloning effect", while invincible effects are shown on players with a "Baptiste-lamp like aura".

Special Debuff Effects:

  • Anti-heal effects for Third Person are a Bad Aura Purple and have the normal Ana anti-nade visuals for First Person;
  • Healthpack Denied (healthpacks damage you) effect is a reaper wraith form for First Person and Third Person;
  • Bastion Mark for extra damage taken is Zenyatta discord orb for both First Person and Third Person;

We have an official discord server where we send messages when a lobby is created, help other players understand the game and discuss changes.

Players | 1 - 6
Heroes:, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, and 35 more...
Maps: Circuit Royal, Dorado, Havana, Junkertown, Rialto, and 17 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 4.6.2



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