
Overwatch Unlimited™ 3: 114 Heroes!!!

Overwatch Unlimited™ 3 is an arena-like gamemode in which 2 teams of 3 players each have to battle each other with 114 custom made classes. Game ends when a team captures 5 points.

Most of them are based on the Fate Grand Order™ mobile game but knowledge about Fate Grand Order™ is not required to understand or play this gamemode.

The names are inspired by the Fate Grand Order™ Universe or created as jokes, keep that in mind

You have a tutorial screen when you spawn

Some heroes contain only one class. For the heroes that contain more than one class you use your "Primary and Secondary Fire" buttons to scroll through the list.

To confirm selection you press "Interact"(Symmetra teleporter button) and then leave spawn to see your ability explanation text (left-top of the screen).

Some heroes can only melee, that is not a bug, its to limit those classes to fight close range only.

You can see the health values of both team's players in the left and the right sides of the screen.

All 114!!! SubClasses and abilities in the game sorted by heroes:

Other information

We have an official discord server where we send messages when a lobby is created, help other players understand the game and discuss changes.

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