
Overwatch 1 Emulator

Accurate 6v6 Overwatch 1 in Overwatch 2

ecksdee#11729's attempt to recreate 6v6 Overwatch 1 in Overwatch 2 using Workshop scripts.
Goal is to recreate the last version of Overwatch 1 as accurately as possible.

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Overwatch 1 stats and mechanics are referenced using the wayback machine on the Overwatch Wiki.

Release build: KHTG0
Staging build: ESMXJ

For patch notes, see GitHub releases.

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Developer Guide

Features (may not be up to date)

Below documents only a small subset of all features implemented in this gamemode.
Please see GitHub for complete table of emulated OW1 abilities.


  • Exact OW1 hero hp, including health/armor/shields ratio
    • We are the first 6v6 gamemode to achieve this!
  • Exact OW1 barrier hp
    • 1600hp Reinhardt barrier
    • 700hp Winston barrier
    • 200hp Zarya barrier
    • 250hp Brigitte barrier
  • Custom Roles
    • Doomfist counts as DPS
    • default 2/2/2 role limit (adjustable through workshop settings)
  • No tank/support passive
    • No tank knockback passive
    • No tank ult negation passive
    • No support self healing passive
  • OW1 damage and cooldowns for almost every ability
  • OW1 ult charge rate
    • Full ult charge when shooting/healing tanks


  • OW1 Dva
    • 2 second matrix
    • melee cancels booster
  • OW1 Orisa
    • Protective Barrier
    • Halt
    • Supercharger
  • OW1 Reinhardt
    • single firestrike
    • 1600hp barrier
    • OW1 shatter crit damage
  • OW1 Roadhog
    • OW1 Take a Breather
  • OW1 Sigma
    • OW1 Accretion
    • OW1 hypersphere damage
    • 700hp barrier
  • OW1 Winston
    • No secondary fire
    • 6 second leap
    • 700hp barrier
  • OW1 Wrecking ball
    • OW1 Fireball knockback
    • OW1 Adaptive Shields hp
  • OW1 Zarya
    • OW1 bubbles
      • self bubble every 10 seconds
      • ally bubble every 8 seconds
    • As an unintended side effect of knockback passive removal, zarya can rocket jump much higher than in OW1


  • OW1 Bastion
    • Self-repair
      • Heal yourself by holding ability 2 (e) or right-click
    • Sentry mode
      • Stationary machine gun with 300 ammo
    • Tank mode (ultimate)
      • Fire tank shells (recreated using OW2 Bastion's grenade ability)
  • OW1 Cassidy
    • Flashbang (recreated using workshop projectile object)
  • OW1 Doomfist
    • We have the most accurate OW1 Doomfist out of all 6v6 gamemodes
    • Indicator slam
      • Doomfist ignores gravity in midair and slams directly towards the ground
    • Rising Uppercut
      • Deals 50 damage to enemies in melee range and knocks them upwards
      • Heals 30hp per target
    • Air time based slam damage
    • 1 shot Rocket Punch
    • OW1 Doomfist primary fire
  • OW1 Genji
    • 29 damage shuriken
  • OW1 Hanzo
    • OW1 damage falloff
  • OW1 Mei
    • Accurate primary fire freeze logic
  • OW1 Tracer
    • 6 damage pulse pistol
  • OW1 Sombra
  • OW1 Widow
    • OW1 damage falloff


  • Removed support self-healing passive
  • OW1 Ana
    • tanks sleep as long as DPS and supports
  • OW1 Baptiste
    • No instant healing from regenerative burst
  • OW1 Brigitte
    • Stun on shield bash
      • shorter bash distance
      • less bash knockback
  • OW1 Mercy
    • OW1 Guardian Angel
  • OW1 Moira
    • No fade during Coalescence

This project was started on June 9th, 2023.


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

Players | 12 - 12
Categories: Hero Adjustments
Heroes:, Doomfist, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and 27 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: v0.2.2

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