Bounding Box Tool + 1 sources
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
In-game Description
Comes will all 40 heros (current hero amount) pre-done + has baby D.Va bounding box as well
However the reason you would be here is most likey to edit said bounding boxs.
0: Bottom, Left, Forward
1: Bottom, Left, Backward
2: Bottom, Right, Forward
3: Bottom, Right, Backward
4: Top, Right, Backward
5: Top, Right, Forward
6: Top, Left, Backward
7: Top, Left, Forward
Reaper-Mauga, 39 in total
It will not add it automatically when saving if the hero is not found.
(Also do not save if hero is not supported, as it'll override index 0, Reaper)
you need to enter the workshop and go down to "Global Setup" (4th rule up from the bottom).
inside the "Global Setup" rule should contain an action at the very top of the rule that sets the "All_Heros" array.
If your on PC I would recommend editing it externally since (on all versions) large arrays take a while to load and can crash the game when loading sometimes.
If your editing it eternally just copy it then paste into in VS-Code, Notepad whatever you have, and after the last "Hero()" add ", Hero()" with the hero name inside the "()", it will NEEDS to include the special letters (Torbjörn instead of Torbjorn, Lúcio instaed of Lucio, etc).
After your done just copy it again then you can paste it back into the workshop.
0: Dimensions
1: Crouch_Dimensions
Event Player.Crouch_Dimensions = Event Player.Dimensions;
Event Player.Crouch_Dimensions[4] -= Vector(0, Y Component Of(Event Player.Crouch_Dimenions[4]) * 0.250, 0);
Event Player.Crouch_Dimensions[5] -= Vector(0, Y Component Of(Event Player.Crouch_Dimenions[5]) * 0.250, 0);
Event Player.Crouch_Dimensions[6] -= Vector(0, Y Component Of(Event Player.Crouch_Dimenions[6]) * 0.250, 0);
Event Player.Crouch_Dimensions[7] -= Vector(0, Y Component Of(Event Player.Crouch_Dimenions[7]) * 0.250, 0);
0: Dimensions
1: Size_Scale
2: Index
3: Scaled_Dimensions
For Player Variable(Event Player, Index, 0, 8, 1);
Event Player.Scaled_Dimensions[Event Player.Index] = Vector(X Component Of(Event Player.Dimensions[Event Player.Index])
* Last Of(Event Player.Size_Scale), Y Component Of(Event Player.Dimensions[Event Player.Index]) * Last Of(
Event Player.Size_Scale), Z Component Of(Event Player.Dimensions[Event Player.Index]) * Last Of(
Event Player.Size_Scale));
Event Player.Scaled_Dimensions[Event Player.Index] = Vector(X Component Of(
Event Player.Dimensions[Event Player.Index]) * Last Of(Event Player.Size_Scale), Y Component Of(
Event Player.Dimensions[Event Player.Index]) * Last Of(Event Player.Size_Scale), Z Component Of(
Event Player.Dimensions[Event Player.Index]) * Last Of(Event Player.Size_Scale));
Pre-set bounding boxs are around 0.1 meters larger than the real bounding box, this is so you can use the box to actually get whether or not the player is colliding with something.
I just used the beam display as a guide for the 0.1 meters, i would go up against a wall as close as possible then increase the bounding box size on that side until it was fully within the wall.
Hero Array
0: All_Heros
Global.All_Heros = Array(Hero(Reaper), Hero(Tracer), Hero(Mercy), Hero(Hanzo), Hero(Torbjörn), Hero(Reinhardt), Hero(Pharah), Hero(
Winston), Hero(Widowmaker), Hero(Bastion), Hero(Symmetra), Hero(Zenyatta), Hero(Genji), Hero(Roadhog), Hero(Cassidy), Hero(
Junkrat), Hero(Zarya), Hero(Soldier: 76), Hero(Lúcio), Hero(D.Va), Hero(Mei), Hero(Sombra), Hero(Doomfist), Hero(Ana), Hero(
Orisa), Hero(Brigitte), Hero(Moira), Hero(Wrecking Ball), Hero(Sojourn), Hero(Ashe), Hero(Echo), Hero(Baptiste), Hero(Kiriko),
Hero(Junker Queen), Hero(Sigma), Hero(Ramattra), Hero(Lifeweaver), Hero(Illari), Hero(Mauga), Hero(Venture);
Bounding Box Array
1: Dimenions
Global.Dimenions = Array(Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0,
-0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.350, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.350, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.350, -0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.350,
0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(
0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550,
2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(
-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550,
-0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(
0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0,
-0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550,
0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(
0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.400, -0.800),
Vector(-0.800, 2.400, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.400, -0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.400, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550,
2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050,
-0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, 0.800),
Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.400, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.400, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.400, -0.800), Vector(
0.800, 2.400, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050,
0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(
0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550,
2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(
-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.100, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.100, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.100,
-0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.100, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(
0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050,
0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(
-0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550, 0.800)), Array(Vector(
0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), 0, Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550,
2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(
-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550,
-0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(
0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050,
0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(
0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550,
2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550),
Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(
-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.550, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550,
-0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.550, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550),
Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.200, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.200, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.200, -0.550), Vector(
0.550, 2.200, 0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0,
-0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050,
0.550)), Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550)), Array(Vector(
0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, 0.800), Vector(-0.800, 0, -0.800), Vector(-0.800, 2.350, -0.800),
Vector(-0.800, 2.350, 0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.350, -0.800), Vector(0.800, 2.350, 0.800)), Array(Vector(0.750, 0, 0.750),
Vector(0.750, 0, -0.750), Vector(-0.750, 0, 0.750), Vector(-0.750, 0, -0.750), Vector(-0.750, 2.350, -0.750), Vector(-0.750,
2.350, 0.750), Vector(0.750, 2.350, -0.750), Vector(0.750, 2.350, 0.750)));
Pilot D.Va Bounding Box
2: Baby_Dva_Dimensions
Global.Dimensions = Array(Vector(0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, 0.550), Vector(-0.550, 0, -0.550), Vector(
-0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(-0.550, 2.050, 0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, -0.550), Vector(0.550, 2.050, 0.550));
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.