
Murder AmongUs (Halloween Update!)

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Primary Fire
Melee - 2s Cooldown - Instakill (SD if hitting an ally)
As above. As Imposter; Uses separate cooldown but shows true form
Ability 1
Ability 1 (Imposter uses the fake's ability, e.g. Grapple)
Ability 2
Transocater (Imposter only)
Fake-Wave (Imposter only)
Secondary Fire
Hack (Imposter only)
Melee - 2s Cooldown - Instakill (SD if hitting an ally)
As above. As Imposter; Uses separate cooldown but shows true form
Ability 1 (Imposter uses the fake's ability, e.g. Grapple)
Transocater (Imposter only)
Fake-Wave (Imposter only)
Hack (Imposter only)
Melee - 2s Cooldown - Instakill (SD if hitting an ally)
As above. As Imposter; Uses separate cooldown but shows true form
Ability 1 (Imposter uses the fake's ability, e.g. Grapple)
Transocater (Imposter only)
Fake-Wave (Imposter only)
Hack (Imposter only)
Melee - 2s Cooldown - Instakill (SD if hitting an ally)
As above. As Imposter; Uses separate cooldown but shows true form
Ability 1 (Imposter uses the fake's ability, e.g. Grapple)
Transocater (Imposter only)
Fake-Wave (Imposter only)
Hack (Imposter only)
Melee - 2s Cooldown - Instakill (SD if hitting an ally)
As above. As Imposter; Uses separate cooldown but shows true form
Ability 1 (Imposter uses the fake's ability, e.g. Grapple)
Transocater (Imposter only)
Fake-Wave (Imposter only)
Hack (Imposter only)

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