Chess + 1 sources
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
The Mouse usually spawns off-screen despite there being multiple resets when loading in.
Just press Interact (L3/F, i think there the default) to reset the Mouse to the middle of your screen
Yes, Local Play is available in the Rules Tab before starting the Game.
Yes, Promotion is possible even to the king during giveaway chess variant
(however like stated above multiple kings may cause bugs)
Yes, En Passant is a move fully supported by this mode.
Yes, Castling is fully supported for normal chess games. However castling is not possible with any king that didn't start on the E File. (may also break if multiple kings)
No, Checkmate is not supported as i would need to calculate every possible move of the checked kings pieces to see if they can block the check.
I would also need to do some calculations for the blocking itself.
Win by Capturing their king (like a Fog of War game)
Yes, Check is supported while in check the king will have a red circle under him at all times.
While king movement is restricted with check in mind its important to note while in check he can block a tile that he can move to, from being seen by the piece checking him allowing him to move to a tile that he'll be check at.
Yes, Custom Board Editing is available.
You can place any Piece and Pawn and select either color for them.
(Duck and King of the Hill win locations not supported)
There is a Total of 10 variants available, listed below.
- Duck Chess
- Fog of war (Not supported during Local Play)
- Crazyhouse
- Giveaway (Forced capture not supported, so basically impossible to win)
- Atomic
- Setup Chess
- Horde
- Chess 960
- King of the Hill
- 3 Check
All Variants can be toggled On/Off in the rules Tab before the Game
(Other than Horde and Chess 960, those are in the Board Tab Instead)
Yes, but some are incompatible.
Horde, Chess 960, Random and Setup Chess. All completely alter the starting board and thus are incompatible.
3 Check and Giveaway are also incompatible are they both alter Win/Lose Conditions That contradict each other.
Other than that all the ones left should be compatible.
So have fun playing "Duck, Crazy, Fog, Giveaway/3 Check, King of Hill, Atomic, Horde/Random/960/Setup" Chess
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