

Different randomized mode each game! You can go from Escorting the Payload on Route 66 to to Team Deathmatch in the Workshop Chamber without leaving! Does not contain Practice Range, Hero Mastery, or Skirmish.


  • Mode updates:
    • Lúcioball Remix and Winston's Beach Volleyball enabled
    • The April Fools versions of Control, Hybrid, Flashpoint, Payload, and Push have been disabled. Enjoy a permanent (for the time being) APRIL FOOLS!
    • Bounty Hunter:
      • Game length decreased to 7 minutes
    • Lúcioball Remix
      • Score needed to win increased to 30
      • Removed mercy rule (score lead needed to win is now 100)
      • Bonus ball value decreased to 1
    • Winston's Beach Volleyball
      • Score needed to win increased to 30
      • Score lead needed to win increased to 15
  • Coming in 1.6:
    • Clash


MASSIVE update released!

  • Hero updates:
    • Mauga added
    • Venture added
    • Tank role passive health bonus always enabled
    • Hero limits enabled - 1 per team
  • Mode updates:
    • Flashpoint added
    • The April Fools versions of Control, Hybrid, Flashpoint, Payload, and Push have been enabled. Enjoy a permanent (for the time being) APRIL FOOLS!
    • Health packs always enabled
    • Competitive rules enabled for Control and Flashpoint to clean up UI
    • Elimination:
      • Hero selection time increased to 30 seconds
      • Previously-used hero restrictions disabled
      • Heroes revealed after 30 seconds
      • Tiebreaker begins after 90 seconds
      • Round ends in draw after 120 seconds
      • Tiebreaker point capture time increased to 5 seconds
  • Coming in 1.5:
    • Summer modes (temporary)


  • Winter modes (Mei's Snowball Offensive, Freezethaw Deathmatch, etc) removed


  • Bounty Hunter:
    • Max score: 832
    • Score per kill: 32
    • Score per kill as bounty: 64
    • Starting bounty: 128
    • Bounty increase per kill as bounty: 16
  • Team balancing disabled
Players | 2 - 10
Heroes:, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, and 35 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.5

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