
Custom Heroes: Echo, Vigor, and Gravel by Voxcae#1233

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Echo Trailer
Echo's Trailer

3 heroes with unique abilities, designated for certain roles.

Echo (Soldier: 76)

Assassin type character, designed to get in and get out with ease.

Secondary Fire: Impersonate

  • Allows you to temporarily swap to the hero you hit if enough damage is dealt
  • Target is put out of play if enemies are in the vicinity

Ability 1: Decoy

  • Deploy a low health decoy that you will teleport after a short amount of time
  • Destroying the decoy cancels the teleport

Ability 2: Entanglement

  • Form a bond via quantum entanglement
  • Damage and healing you take is transferred to the entangled player
  • The target takes less damage/healing than you do while not impersonating

Ultimate: Metamorphosis

  • After entering a vulnerable crouch position, rapidly swap between 4 heroes
  • Sombra ult destroys all barriers
  • Zarya ult pulls everyone together
  • Sigma ult rises everyone into the air
  • McCree ult to finish them off

Vigor (Doomfist)

Quick brawler able to skillfully weave around the battlefield.

Passive: Newton's 3rd Law
-When approaching a wall at high speed, press interact to rebound in a chosen direction

Mechanic: Energy

  • Damage taken is directly conserved as energy which can be transferred

Secondary Fire: Kinetic Charge

  • Small medium damage lunge, able to be charged for a short time

Ability 1: Kinetic Launch

  • Propel yourself in a direction of your choice at breakneck speeds
  • Has 3 charges but a long duration between charges

Ability 2: Energy Conversion

  • Minimum 10 energy requirement
  • Heals for half the amount of energy you have
  • Entire energy is drained
  • 2 different options depending on whether you crouch or not
  • Option 1 (don't crouch): Convert your stored energy into a damage buff
  • Damage buff adds to your current damage in % (150 energy = 100% + 150%)
  • Damage only lasts for one attack, and must be used within 4 seconds
  • Option 2 (Crouch): Convert your stored energy into a speed buff for 2.5 seconds
  • Speed buff follows same rules as damage buff

Ultimate: White Hole

  • Become a white hole, releasing enormous amounts of energy
  • High damage and prevents enemies from entering

Gravel (Reinhardt)

Durable, defensive hero, designed to be a bodyguard to key targets of the enemy.

Secondary Fire: Earthen Uplift

  • Erect a row of 3 pillars of earth in the direction you face of you, each taller than the last
  • Does extremely high knockback and relatively high damage

Ability 1: Burying Bash

  • Launch forward, bodying anyone in the way
  • Anyone hit will be buried underground for a short time
  • Buried targets cannot interact with others or be interacted with

Ability 2: Hematite Armor

  • Become unable to lose health and gain knockback resistance for 5 seconds
  • Movement speed is decreased to compensate

Ultimate: Landslide

  • Launch forth a chunk of earth in the direction you face
  • High damage and drags targets horizontally towards it

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