Overwatch: Uprising PVE
I have gone out of my way AGAIN! To recreate Overwatch: Uprising. This is a very early preview, this is NOT final in any way shape or form. The main things I will need to change and mess around with are the spawns of the enemies. So, if you believe the enemy spawns are "unfair", these will be fixed! I will be studying numerous amounts of clips/videos from Overwatch: Uprising and will try and get them to look somewhat the same! I hope you guys enjoy what I have currently got, and enjoy fighting against Null Sector!
Anti-Crash System by Zezombye: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchCustomGames/comments/egxkg0/howtoaddananticrashsystemtoyourgamemode/
How it works
It's like classic Overwatch: Uprising, firstly you have to capture all the terminals to unlock the payload, secondly you need to capture the payload and defend it for 4 minutes. Once 4 minutes is over, escort the payload to the factory, and after that you will need to kill all 4 Orisa's to get the wins.
Pathfinding by ItsDeltin
Pathfinding: https://github.com/ItsDeltin/Overwatch-Script-To-Workshop/wiki/Pathfinding