Overwatch Reworked + 3 sources
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
This code is a compilation of three different codes I've made for each of the roles. I've decided to put them all together so everyone can have fun at once.
Role Queue is now in the game! (This was the only way I could implement Bastion standing on Tanks because the Workshop is stupid. sorry guys) The top two slots are for Tanks (yes this includes Doomfist), middle two for Damage and bottom two for the Supports!
I am currently working on making several new abilities customizable using the Workshop Settings. This includes things like knockback and damage scalars, whether or not Moira's allowed to Fade through walls, etc.
- Moved to the Tank category.
- Base health increased from 250 to 300
- Base armor increased from 0 to 150
Model size increased by 55%
The Best Defense... shields increased by 20%
Hand Cannon pellet damage decreased from 6 to 5
Hand Cannon max ammo increased from 4 to 8
Hand Cannon recharge rate increased by 200%
Rocket Punch damage decreased by 34%
Rocket Punch now travels 35% faster
Rocket Punch knockback increased by 40%
If Doomfist deals damage with Rocket Punch, all allies in a 10 metre radius get 15% damage resistance.
Seismic Slam now knocks enemies down for 0.75 seconds
Seismic Slam cooldown decreased from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
Seismic Slam damage reduced by 20%
Rising Uppercut cooldown decreased from 6 seconds to 4 seconds
Rising Uppercut damage reduced from 50 to 40
If Doomfist deals damage with an ability, Rocket Punch's cooldown is decreased by 0.5 seconds.
Meteor Strike now knocks enemies down for 2 seconds
Meteor Strike damage decreased by 50%
Ultimate cost decreased by 13%
In trying to fix Doomfist as a Damage hero, I found I couldn't keep his identity intact and make him balanced as a DPS at the same time. Now, he doesn't have to be. Doomfist is now a CC heavy Tank, much like Wrecking Ball. He displaces, stuns and assassinates enemies, and lives to tell the tale. Now, he's less roll or get rolled, and probably a little less infuriating to fight.
A little.
- Defense Matrix recharge rate decreased by 10%
- Fusion Cannons movement penalty reduced from -40% to -25%
- Boosters cooldown reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
- Boosters knockback increased by 20%
D.Va's in a good place right now, but she tends to hold the top ranks and OWL hostage while being kind of eh for the other 90% of us. Now, her Defense Matrix is slightly less overbearing, while her Boosters have a little more oomph to them.
- Base HP reduced from 200 to 150
- Base armor increased from 250 to 350
- Protective Shield HP reduced from 600 to 450
- Protective Shield cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
- Fortify cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 9 seconds
- Halt! cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds
- Fortify now grants Orisa a 75% speed increase
- If Orisa runs into an enemy while using Fortify, she knocks them back and deals damage to them.
Orisa's slow, patient gameplay isn't fun for the majority of Orisa players, or the people she plays against. Now, she can afford to be more aggressive, and she's far bulkier, but at the cost of her barrier being very thin. With Sigma's barrier uptime absolutely gutted, Double Barrier shouldn't be a concern for buffing Orisa.
- Movement penalty while holding shield reduced from -30% to -15%
- Can now cancel charge
- Rocket Hammer knockback increased by 20%
- Barrier Shield recharge rate increased by 34%
- Base health increased from 300 to 350
Reinhardt's biggest weakness is how much poke damage he's forced to take as he approaches his enemies, which can shred his barrier. Now, he walks much faster while he holds his barrier up, somewhat alleviating that weakness. The charge cancel is just a nice quality of life change for him.
- Base HP reduced from 600 to 550
- Take a Breather healing reduced from 300 to 200
- Take a Breather now grants all allies in a 10 metre radius 100 healing over 2 seconds, with an extra 100 for Roadhog. Will not activate unless Roadhog is within 15 metres of an ally. Stacks with Take a Breather.
- Take a Breather now grants Roadhog a 50% speed increase
- Scrap Gun pellet damage increased from 6.6 to 7
- Chain Hook cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 11 seconds
- Ammunition clip increased from 5 to 6
Roadhog is a menace right now. While he still remains very threatening with higher damage, his hooks are less frequent (but more deadly) and he's heavily incentivized to stay with his team for higher healing on his Take a Breather. He's also a much better shield breaker now, so he can bully enemy tanks a little better.
- Base health increased from 300 to 400
- Hyperspheres damage increased from 55 to 65
- Experimental Barrier can now only be active for 1.75 seconds. Maximum travel distance now 4.125 metres.
- Experimental Barrier redeploy cooldown increased from 2 seconds to 7 seconds
- Kinetic Grasp cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 9 seconds
- Kinetic Grasp now grants Sigma a 75% speed increase
- Accretion cooldown decreased from 10 to 8 seconds
- Accretion damage increased from 70 to 75
Sigma's role as a shield off-tank has spawned the least enjoyable meta to date: Double Barrier. He's singlehandedly blocking meaningful Orisa buffs, and he even got Moira, Doomfist and Symmetra gutted to shift the meta while the devs refused to nerf him in 2019's Double Barrier meta. So, he shall be reworked. His barrier now functions much like Symmetra's old Photon Barrier, being used to block key abilities with low uptime. To compensate for this massive nerf to his shield, Kinetic Grasp is available much more often, and is an escape tool, and Accretion is more active as well. He also gets just a little tankier. These changes should once and for all be the end of Double Barrier.
- Base armor increased from 150 to 200
Winston explodes like a meat balloon a lot of the time nowadays, thanks to burst damage being so strong. Now, he should be just a little hardier.
Wrecking Ball
- Minefield duration decreased from 20 seconds to 16 seconds
- Minefield knockback increased by 20%
Wrecking Ball's minefield stays around for an obnoxiously long time. Now, it fades a little faster, but it also bounces its victims around more, making it potentially more lethal.
- Particle Barrier cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
- Base shields increased from 200 to 250
Zarya's previous damage nerf has made her arguably the worst tank in the game. Now, she gets a slight bump to her survivability that also makes it easier to maintain charge to circumvent her damage nerf. I wish I could've altered the way it scales, but I'm just a gamer with access to the Overwatch Workshop.
- Coach Gun no longer knocks enemies back
- Coach Gun damage increased by 125%
Ashe's ability to displace enemy flankers is part of what makes her so durable compared to other snipers, like Ana or Widowmaker. Now, she can just obliterate them point-blank instead.
- Base armor reduced from 100 to 50
- Model size decreased by 25%
- Reconfigure cooldown increased from 0 to 10 seconds
- Reconfigure is now activated with Interact.
- Sentry form pellet damage reduced from 15 to 10.5
- Sentry form now places Bastion on top of a friendly Tank's head. The Tank carries it around for 9 seconds, then drops it, where it will then turn back into Recon form. The Tank's movement abilities are paused for the duration, and their movement speed is reduced by 15%. (cannot use on a baby D.Va.)
- Recon form damage increased from 20 to 22
I wanted to make at least one ridiculous rework, and considering that I had no clue what to do with Bastion, I figured I'd give it a shot. Now, you can have an Orisa barreling at you with Fortify with a Bastion on her back. It's really funny to watch.
- Fan The Hammer damage reduced from 50 to 45
- Max ammo reduced from 6 to 5
- Combat Roll cooldown decreased to 5 seconds
- Flashbang removed
- New ability: Flash Grenade. Cassidy throws a grenade that explodes upon contact with an enemy. It will knock back, stun and set enemies on fire. Can stick to walls, ceilings or floors. Radius is 33% smaller than Flashbang's. 9 second cooldown, starts upon activation.
This change will reduce Cassidy's overall DPS due to his increased downtime thanks to the reload, as well as make his alternate fire less devastating. Now, low HP heroes have a chance to survive the stun to Fan the Hammer combo, and it should be less devastating to tanks now. To compensate, his mobility is more readily available. His new ability does still stun, but he can't really line up a Fan the Hammer on them since they're moving. It's kind of like a stronger Venom Mine that also stuns.
- Dragonblade damage increased from 110 to 120
- Projectile speed increased by 25%
- If Nano Boosted during Dragonblade, Nano Boost only amplifies his damage by 30%
- Swift Strike cooldown halved in Dragonblade
Genji's place in the meta is odd. His only real use is a combination of Ana's Nano Boost and his Dragonblade, and he's generally weak when he doesn't have his ultimate. To combat this, Ana's Nano Boost will have a unique interaction with his blade, reducing its amplification effects, while allowing it to still be strong. Dragonblade on its own felt incredibly weak without Ana's assistance after the damage nerf, and it only further cemented his dependence on her. His mid-game when he doesn't have his ultimate has been improved as well.
- Storm Arrow quantity reduced from 5 to 4
- Lunge cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 6
- Projectile speed increased from 110 to 125 metres per second
Hanzo's role as a tank shredder was problematic, to say the least. Now, he's more of a sniper again, while still retaining some of his tankbusting power.
- If Junkrat gets a final blow with Total Mayhem, he gets +30% ultimate charge, and taunts the enemy from the grave.
- Junkrat will shrink incredibly small during Rip-Tire's duration.
Getting killed by Junkrat's passive isn't sufficiently humiliating. Now, you're forced to take a massive L.
- Max ammo increased from 120 to 150
- Ice Wall cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10
Now, Mei can stop playing reload simulator. Her utility also comes up more now.
- If the crouch button is held in mid-air, Pharah will accelerate toward the ground.
- Rocket Jets fuel recharge rate increased by 25%
Now, Pharah can be more unpredictable in the air, throwing off enemy hitscan's aim.
- Now gains a 50% speed boost for 1.5 seconds after exiting Shadow Step
- New ability: Reaper's Bite. Secondary Fire. Reaper fires a piercing tendril of smoke at an enemy that deals damage to all it hits, sets them on fire and drains their HP. 5 second cooldown.
- The Reaping self-healing reduced from 35% to 25%
- Base health reduced from 250 to 225
This change should help Reaper close the distance between him and his enemies a little faster. His new ability enables him to deal more damage and be more tactical. His base HP is lowered to compensate for his much higher potential self-healing.
Soldier: 76
- Helix Rocket cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds
- Helix Rocket projectile speed decreased by 20%
Now that Soldier: 76 is strong, his burst potential should be toned down.
- Base HP reduced from 200 to 175
- Hack cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 9 seconds
- Machine Pistol damage increased from 8 per bullet to 9
- Ammunition clip increased from 60 to 90
- Ultimate cost increased by 10%
- Base movement speed increased to match Tracer and Genji
Sombra now trades a little utility and some base HP for higher speed and damage. Sombra's main issue in non-OWL play is her low damage, and her utility being dependant on communication, and these changes should remedy that somewhat. The ultimate charge nerf is just to counteract the 12% more damage she'll be doing now.
- Deploy Turret cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 12; 6 seconds to 5 if destroyed manually
Now, destroying Torbjörns turret should feel more impactful, since he can't redeploy it so soon.
- Blink cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
- Recall cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 14 seconds
- Base health increased to 175
Tracer has consistently been one of the strongest damage dealers, mostly due to her extreme mobility allowing her to have an advantage in a duel against almost every other hero, including tanks. We're toning down her mobility, but compensating her with more survivability, though she will often find herself without cooldowns if used the way she is now. With her blinks toned down, she'll have a harder time dodging crowd control now.
- Base HP reduced from 175 to 150
- Venom Mine removed
- New ability: Widow's Elixir. Widowmaker drinks a solution that heals her for 100 HP over 4 seconds, and makes her 50% faster for four seconds, and bounces her forward in the direction she's facing. 15 second cooldown, starts upon activation.
I thought this ability sounded cool. It also allows her enemy to get the drop on her easier, but allows her to do a little more about it. You have to kill her pretty fast now, otherwise she's just gone.
- Biotic Grenade now applies a small heal over time to Ana if she uses it on herself
- Biotic Grenade damage reduced from 60 to 40
- Biotic Rifle healing reduced from 70 to 65
- Biotic Rifle max ammo increased from 12 to 15
- Sleep Dart maximun stun duration decreased from 5 seconds to 1.5 seconds
- Sleep Dart now applies a small damage over time and a burning effect when hit, and slows the victim down by 25% for five seconds
- Sleep Dart cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds
Ana's Sleep Dart is an incredibly frustrating ability to get hit by. To make this even worse, Ana can now dance around you gleefully while you die to her damage over time while you're anti-naded. Ana also gets a sustained heal for herself, because Ana privilege.
Just kidding. It was more about the incredibly long range and long duration of the stun was problematic at best, but reducing it would just make Ana that much more vulnerable. Now, landing the sleep grants her an advantage in the duel, but not an escape. She gets more self-peel to compensate, too. It still interrupts enemy ultimates, though. She can still have 2 of the most impactful playmaking abilities in the game with relatively large hitboxes.
Maybe Ana privilege wasn't a joke.
- Regenerative Burst removed
- New ability: Anti-Gravity Pulse. Baptiste emits a pulse that increases teammates' jump height and decreases their gravity within a radius. Baptiste retains the Regenerative Burst self-heal, but at 25 HPS. 5 second duration, 17 second cooldown.
- Immortality Field is now a single-target, targeted ability. Now only cancelled by Baptiste's death, or a Hack.
- Immortality Field cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 23 seconds
- Ultimate cost reduced by 15%
Baptiste's Immortality Field being able to save an entire group of people from death within a radius... What does that remind me of? Oh, right. Mercy's old ultimate. So, it's getting the Moth Meta treatment. Baptiste also gets some new utility, allowing him to grant allies vertical mobility. His teammates can reach high-ground, even if they have no vertical mobility like Reinhardt.
- Base health increased from 150 to 175
- Repair Pack healing decreased from 55 per second to 45 per second
- Repair Pack cooldown decreased from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
- Inspire healing decreased from 15 per second to 12 per second
- Whip Shot knockback increased by 20%
- Barrier Shield size increased by 12%
- Shield Bash no longer stuns, instead knocks back
- Shield Bash damage increased from 5 to 50
- Shield Bash distance increased
- Shield Bash cooldown decreased from 7 seconds to 5 seconds
- Rally armor changed to overhealth
- Max overhealth increased from 100 to 125
- Overhealth gained per second reduced from 30 to 25
- Ultimate cost reduced by 5%
Sacrificing some of Brigitte's healing and utility should make her current role as the guardian of the squishiest heroes slightly less overbearing, but just doing that would also make her useless. Now, she functions more as the savior of front-line heroes like Reinhardt from crowd control hell, while still being capable of peeling for her best friend, the grandma.
- If killed in Duplicate, Echo dies as well
- Moved to the Support role.
- Max ammo increased from 12 to 20
- Focusing Beam removed
- New ability: Healing Aura. Echo places a healing aura that heals all allies within a 12 metre radius for 25 HP per second. 1.5 second cooldown to redeploy, cooldown starts on retraction. Does not heal while being placed. Can place anywhere, is blocked by line of sight. Aim with Ability 2 (E for PC players), and place with Interact.
- Sticky Bombs removed
- New ability: Snakeskin Cleanse. Echo cleanses a single ally of all damage over time and negative status effects, and gives them 50 temporary shields that disappear in 3 seconds. 7 second cooldown. Aim at an ally and press secondary fire.
- New ability: Weak Point. Echo exposes an enemy's weak point, causing them to take 20% more damage for 3 seconds. 7 second cooldown. Aim at an enemy and press secondary fire.
- New Ultimate: Biotic Bomb. Echo places a large aura that heals allies for 120 HPS and speeds up cooldown timers by 50%, hacks and damages enemies for 30 DPS. This aura expands from a 5 metre radius to a 15 metre radius over 8 seconds, and explodes, healing and damaging enemies in a 20 metre radius.
- Ultimate cost increased by 18%
Now, Echo's Duplicate isn't a free second chance at life... It's just very inexpensive. She's pretty likely to survive anyway if she doesn't take stupid risks.
I heard that Echo was supposed to be a support originally, and it got me thinking. Echo is now a Support that heavily encourages grouping up, while also being quite lethal. She doesn't deal nearly as much damage without two of her damaging abilities, but her healing is quite crazy, if not especially bursty. Echo as a DPS was the queen of high burst damage, which I'm trying to reduce on a wide scale, which explains the changes to Hanzo and Cassidy. Now, she does sustained, low AoE healing instead.
- Soundwave now knocks Lúcio back as well
- Soundwave damage increased from 25 to 50
- Sound Barrier cost reduced by 17%
- Sound Barrier now deals damage and knocks enemies back, scaling non-linearly based on distance
- Sound Barrier now pops Lucio up in the air upon activation, increasing its cast time
Now, Lucio can even boop himself off the map! He also could use a little help in terms of ultimate charge since it's getting outpaced and outsustained by Transcendence... And now, Reddit Lucio's even stronger!
- Caduceus Staff healing per second reduced from 55 to 50
- Mercy now applies a small heal over time to her target after switching off healing, like Moira's Biotic Grasp.
- Resurrect cast time increased from 1.75 seconds to 4.5 seconds
- Mercy is now fully active in Resurrect's cast time
- Resurrect cancel range increased from 7 metres to 20 metres
- Resurrected teammates now have +50% movement speed during the invincibility frames.
- Removed Valkyrie
- New Ultimate: Angelic Blessing. Mercy grants all teammates within a 20 metre radius a 40% damage resistance, a small heal over time and a big burst of healing upon activation. Mercy also bounces up in the air, moves faster and has lowered gravity during its duration. 8 second duration, 1960 ultimate cost.
- Caduceus Blaster damage increased from 20 to 25 (30 during Resurrect)
These changes allow Mercy more control over her own actions during Resurrect, as well as allowing Mercy's enemies more time to counter her. Allowing both sides counterplay to Mercy's Resurrect should drive Mercy's skill ceiling up. Also, don't you just love a flying moth coming to pistol you down? Mercy's new ultimate provides another defensive ultimate, and an impactful one at that. A teamwide Fortify allows Mercy to toughen up her allies, and fly above the battlefield with grace.
- Biotic Grasp healing increased from 70 to 80 per second
- Biotic Grasp damage increased from 50 to 65 per second
- Biotic Grasp self-healing increased from 24 to 30 per second
- Resource consumption rate decreased by 50%
- Resource recharge rate increased by 1.167x
Biotic Orb- Removed. (as best I could, they still pop up but they disappear in like a second)
Biotic Enhancement/Degradation- New ability.
Moira grants a single ally a powerful buff to their abilities, increasing their speed by 30%, damage by 25% and healing received by 50%, while also granting a small heal over time. (30 HP/second for 5 seconds)
Alternatively, Moira can apply a harsh debuff to a single enemy, decreasing their speed by 25% and damage dealt by 25%, and forcing them down to the ground.
12 second cooldown.
Also a heal over time for herself that does 180 healing over 6 seconds. (30 HP/second)
- If Moira jumps during the ability, she gains a large vertical boost, allowing her to reach high ground.
- Moira can now phase through walls and ceilings
- Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds
- Ultimate cost reduced by 25%
- Jump height increased, gravity decreased (can now jump high in the air)
- Now phases out all allies in a 20 metre radius for 1.5 seconds when used
Moira sucks booty butt butt. Now, she sacrifices some of her high healing for a mini-Nano Boost on cooldown, and yet another way to mess up a Dragonblade among the support role.
In all seriousness, Moira's range and mobility limitations, and her lack of utility just make her a worse version of Baptiste with a little more HPS that no one really needs constantly, and the burst healing is less consistent at saving people from death than the Frisbee. In my opinion, building utility into her existing kit without compensation is just asking for Baptiste/Brigitte 3.0, so removing some of her healing seemed reasonable. The buff she applies to her teammate is not nearly as strong as Nano Boost, nor does it last as long, but it can allow her to reach a staggering 175 HPS on a single target, allowing her to save them from crazy scenarios current Moira could not. It allows Moira more strategy, a long-range peel option, utility and a higher skill floor to make use of all in one, as well as a way to make ultimates even stronger.As for the debuff, it allows Moira to either weaken a tank, leaving them ripe for the picking, or stop a solo-dive in its tracks. Sure, you do force her to sacrifice the utility that she could use to save her team, but it's a 20% speed reduction, 25% damage reduction, and it forces airborne opponents down to the ground. She can screw with DPS players even harder than before, although still not from across the map. It has a 25 metre range, so she's not sniping anyone. Moreover, if she can apply it onto a lonely Zenyatta or Ana, they're as good as dead if her team decides to follow up, again making Moira more strategic and dependent on communication. And thanks to the new verticality on her Fade, she can enable a six-man dive featuring her, Lucio and Winston on even more maps, now that she's not limited by her purely horizontal Fade, as well as applying an impactful buff onto the Winston and allowing him to be more annoying. She can contest Widowmakers, mess with Pharahs, Echoes and Mercys alike, and absolutely screw Genji even harder than she already does. Seriously, imagine getting a 5 second debuff the second you pull out your weeb stick that cuts your damage from 110 per swing to 77, forces you to the ground and makes you slower. It is a fairly lenient skill shot thanks to workshop limitations, but it is blocked by barriers. At least Samito would probably be happy to see that random damage orbs are gone.
Overall, these changes should make Moira more engaging and challenging to play, making the player think strategically while also granting her some much-needed utility. She's finally breaking out of her role as the dedicated and underpowered Rush healer, and into a hybrid Rush/Dive healer with some serious utility and crazy single-target healing. And it's another massive indirect nerf to Genji lmao
Moved to the Support role.
New Passive: Shield Generation. When Symmetra damages someone with her primary fire, she generates temporary shields for herself. These shields decay over time, and cap at a max of 50 extra shields.
Base shields reduced from 125 to 100
Beam damage reduced by 22%
Secondary fire no longer deals damage or consumes ammo
Secondary fire now heals allies for a minimum of 25 HP and a maximum of 75. Charge for higher healing and projectile size, maximum charge time is 1 second. Can hold indefinitely. Cannot heal self.
Secondary fire projectile speed increased by 100%
Sentry Turrets removed
New ability: Photon Pulse. Symmetra applies 25 temporary shields and a small heal over time to all allies within a 15m radius. 15 second cooldown.
New ability: Electrical Field. Symmetra creates a 10m radius electrified field in which enemy speed is reduced by 20%, and enemies take 30 damage per second. 10 second cooldown, 6 second duration, cooldown starts upon completion.
Photon Barrier removed
Teleporter moved to Ultimate.
Symmetra now teleports all allies within a radius to a spot of her choosing, while also granting them a small heal over time and a 30% damage amplification. 10 second duration, teleportation happens four seconds through.
Symmetra started her life as a Support. It's time to bring her home! Now, she's a main healer with heavy zoning potential, and sustain. She's less personally survivable since she's not supposed to be especially aggressive now, but she can definitely hold her ground and microwave like crazy. Her ultimate is a more powerful version of E Teleporter, granting healing and damage amplification, while also having a bigger radius, longer range and waaaay more stealth. The enemy team will have no idea where her whole team will pop up, or even how many will come, so this ultimate definitely has a lot of potential.
- Orb of Discord damage amplification reduced from 25% to 20%
- Orb of Harmony healing increased from 30 HPS to 35 HPS
- Orb of Destruction damage increased from 48 to 52
- Base health reduced from 50 to 25
Expellment- New ability.
- Zenyatta's orbs knock enemies back for 4 seconds.
- 10 second cooldown.
Discord Orb has proven to be incredibly valuable for shredding tanks, and is a large reason why the role is so unfun. It has been toned down, but it has been compensated with slightly higher healing, and higher damage so Zenyatta doesn't feel affected himself.
While he is supposed to be a glass cannon, the current meta featuring Brigitte and Baptiste played alongside him can make him feel unkillable. With the changes to those heroes, as well as an HP nerf, he should feel easier to kill, unless he activates his new get-off-me tool. Now, Zenyatta takes his safety into his own hands, knocking back enemies with every hit for 4 seconds. This way, it's not Brigitte bailing him out from the Winston that jumped on him. It's himself.
Obviously, Winston will likely still kill him in a 1v1 situation with his shorter cooldowns, but Zenyatta can still buy himself some time for the rest of his team to save him. Or, just dink the monkey in the head lol
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.