
Hide & Seek: Ultimate

The classic Hide & Seek gamemode with improvements! The seekers must locate the hiders before time runs out. The hiders are given a period of time to hide. The hiders win if they can survive within the time limit, whereas the seekers will win if they eliminate all the hiders!

  • AROUND THE WORLD: Hide & Seek: Ultimate supports multiple maps, including ones in Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag!
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Seamless barrier noclip, simple but informative hud, accessibility settings for players, and more!

This workshop gamemode contains a variety of settings open for hosts to create their own style of Hide & Seek! To access them, head to Lobby > Settings > Workshop Settings


Setting Name Setting Description
Style DEFAULT uses standard game rules.
GLITCH grants noclip to all players.
TINY makes the hiders smaller
MERCY V. REINHARDT forces everyone to be Mercy and Reinhardt, have increased speed, and allow Mercy resurrections
Gamemode Start IMMEDIATELY: The game starts when there is one seeker and one hider, regardless of ratio.
WAIT FOR PLAYERS (TIMEOUT): The game will start when there is a specified ratio of hiders and seekers or if it takes too long.
WAIT FOR PLAYERS (NO TIMEOUT): The game starts when there is a specified ratio of hiders and seekers.
Hiding Time The amount of time the game gives for hiding.
Seeking Time The amount of time the game gives for seeking.
Required Seeker to Hider Ratio The number of seekers to hiders that are required. If it is set to "1:3" for example, the game will not begin unless there is a seeker for every three hiders.
Hider Outlines Determines whether hiders will have outlines on or off. Outlines make it easier for seekers to spot hiders.
Seeker Outlines DEFAULT: Seeker outlines are visible.
OCCLUDED: Seeker outlines are visible when occluded by the environment.
ALWAYS: Seeker outlines are always visible through walls.
Slow Hider When In Line of Sight of Seeker Determines whether hiders will be slowed down have their abilities disabled when in line of sight of a seeker.
Show Remaining Hiders When Round Ends LAST HIDER ONLY: The last hider will be revealed after the round.
ON: All remaining hiders will be revealed after the round.
OFF: No hiders will be revealed after the round.
When Match Is Complete (Skirmish) SKIP END GAME SCREEN: The game will skip the end game card screen.
SKIP POTG: The game will skip the Play of the Game.
DO NOTHING: The game will not skip anything.


Setting Name Setting Description
D.Va Player Accessibility ALLOW DE-MECH ONLY: The D.Va player can de-mech but cannot re-mech
ALLOW DE-MECH AND RE-MECH: The D.Va player is allowed to de-mech and re-mech.
OFF: The D.Va player cannot de-mech or re-mech.
Tank Hider Accessibility SCALE DOWN ALL TANKS: All Tank Hiders will be scaled down.
SCALE DOWN TANKS AUTOMATICALLY: The game will determine which Tank heroes will be scaled down.
OFF: No Tank Hiders will be scaled.
Wrecking Ball Hider Accessibility: Infinite Grapple Determines if Wrecking Ball Hiders will have no cooldowns on grapple.
Allow Hiders to Attach To Ceiling Determines if hiders can attach to ceilings.
Allow Hiders to Lay Down Determines if hiders can lay down. This allows players who don't own sitting emotes to hide.
Allow Slingshot Tool Determines if players can use the slingshot tool. This allows heroes with low mobility to be able to reach spots with high elevation.
Seeker Assistance Determines if Seekers will receive a message when a hider is nearby.
Camera Mode FIRST PERSON: The camera will be in first person view.
THIRD PERSON: The camera will be in third person view.
TOGGLE: The player can toggle the camera between first person and third person view.


Setting Name Setting Description
First Team To X WIN(S): The number of wins that a team must reach to claim victory.
Player Size Scalar Determines the base size of all players.
Player Speed Scalar Determines the base speed of all players.
Allowed Restricted Seeker Heroes Determines if restricted seeker heroes will be allowed in play. Sombra and Zenyatta are capable of highlighting enemies with their hack and discord orb respectively. Moira is problamatic due to her forgiving beam hitbox.


Third Person Camera Mitsiee#9370 (Discord)
Suggestions Zesty#8502 (Discord)

Source Code:

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