
Randomat! - Deathmatch with random events

Inspired by the Gmod TTT mod by the same name

Randomat! adds random events to your Deathmatch games. Every 60 seconds a new random event will shake up your game. I recommend playing with atleast 4 people, but it can be played with just 2. The more the better!


Currently there are 20 random events. The same event cannot happen twice in a row. These events are:

Colors match the colors in-game

Every 5 seconds 2 random players will swap places. The frequency can be adjusted in the Settings of this event.
Contagious Bodies
When you die you drop a large puddle that deals large amounts of damage to anyone standing in it. When you spawn you have a 2 second immunity to this damage to prevent getting spawn killed. The frequency and damage dealt can be adjusted in the Settings of this event.
Can't stop, Won't stop
You can't stop moving forward!
Don't jump!
Jumping causes you to lose 50% of your max health.
Hard of seeing
All players are invisible but everyone is marked by their Hero icon. The hero icon floats at roughly head level.
This could get messy
When you die you spawn right on top of someone else. If this goes on long enough this will lead to a constant brawl.
I don't do "Bouncy"
You can't stop bouncing!
Fear of heights
Fall damage is enabled! If you die due to fall damage, the last player to have damaged you gets kill credit.
Bounty Hunter
100 Coins spawn around the map, collect them to increase your score. Dying will drop half your coins. The player with the highest score will gain +5 to their killscore.
Send 'em flying!
Damaging someone pushes them back away from you. The more damage you deal, the further they fly. The intensity of the pushback can be adjusted in the Settings rule of this event
PHD Flopper
Falling from a great height causes an explosion around you that deals a large amount of damage. Damage is always the same, regardless of the height you fell. The amount of damage dealt can be adjusted in the Settings rule of this event
Changing Polarity
Everyone is given a random polarity, either Positive or Negative. Damaging someone from the opposit polarity will stun and damage you. Landing a melee attack will swap the victims polarity.
T-Rex Vision
You can only see enemies that are moving.
You and 1 random player are linked. Any damage or healing you receive, they also receive.
If there's an uneven amount of players one player will be left without a soulmate, sorry :(.
Gravitational Anomaly
Press [interact] to spawn an Anti-Gravity field. 10 Second cooldown. The size of the effect can be adjusted in the Settings rule of this event
Lucky Orbs
Multiple mysterious orbs have appeared in the map. Pick them up with [Crouch] to find out what they do!
The lower health you are the smaller you get.
Snowball effect
Kills increase your size and max health. Resets on death.
Serial Killer
Kills reset your cooldowns and grant 50% Ultimate charge.
Imposter Syndrome
Eliminations (kills or assists) teleport you to the location of the victim.
Randomness Intensifies
3 Random events from this list are activated at once! Some combinations might lead to deadly results!

Game settings

There are several Workshop Settings you can adjust to alter the game. From general game rules (like the interval of the Randomat), to settings for each event.

All heroes are untouched. You can play whoever you want, however you want.

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