
Protect the President v2

Get down, Mr. President!

Protect your Commander in Chief from a powerful, rogue assassin.

A buffed Widowmaker (assassin) attempts to eliminate a Zenyatta (president) while he is escorted by a security detail of up to 10 guards (Ashe, Cassidy, Soldier: 76, Sojourn, & Tracer) and their head bodyguard (Brigitte).

The assassin is stealthy and will only be visible when scoped in or when taking damage. When the assassin scopes in, time for everyone will slow down.

All stats automatically balance themselves based on the number of players currently in the game.

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An error was found in the Hero Update markdown

Head Bodyguard

Whip Shot
  • Deals 2.5x knockback to the Assassin and will reset its cooldown upon impact.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Power Shot".


Combat Roll
  • Will instantly heal Cassidy upon activation.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Quick Recovery".


Railgun Alt Fire
  • When successfully landing a charged railgun shot as a critical hit, all of Sojourns' ability cooldowns will be reset.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Power Surge".

Soldier: 76

  • Will increase Soldier: 76's movement speed the longer you are using the ability.

  • When you reach top speed, you have a chance of stumbling or tripping which will stun or knock down the player.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Aderenaline Rush".


  • Each time Tracer blinks, she will regain ammo.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Tactical Reload".

The Assassin

Grappling Hook
  • If holding CROUCH when using Grappling Hook, the Assassin will stick to the wall they grappled to.

  • The Assassin will remain perched on the wall as long as they are holding CROUCH.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Perch".

Venom Mine
  • Reworked into a custom ability that, when activated, throws a projectile (matches the velocity of Venom Mine). When the projectile makes contact with the environment or a player, it will explode and freeze the players within the impact area. The President (Zenyatta) is immune to this ability.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Frost Bite".

  • Will show players through walls and also hack the enemy team - disabling all of their abilities.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Hack".

The President

Immortality Field
  • Makes the President immune to the Assassin's "Frost Bite" ability.

  • Renamed (in-game) to "Power of the Iris".

Barrier Shield
  • The President can attach themselves to the Head Bodyguard for the most protection.

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