Overwatch, but extremely chaotic
- Genji's dash is a teleport
- Bastion dealing damage gives instant ult
- Widowmaker's ult stops time
- Cassidy's flashbang has ridiculous knockback
- Doomfist stuns on any damage
- Pharah's jets will cause AOE burning
- Reaper makes enemies go to his team and releases them when he dies
- Zen's headshots will kill instantly
- Sombra will be invisible forever
- Soldier sprinting is similar to Wrecking Ball
- Reinhardt has 300 more armor
- Ana kills if she heals anyone
- Sleep darts last forever
- D.va's ult will kill her
- Orisa's fortify stops her from moving
- Roadhog's E ability kills him
- Sigma has no gravity
- Winston is always in rage
- Wrecking ball spams ult
- Zarya only has one clip
- Ashe spawns multiple bobs
- Echo has random projectile speeds
- Hanzo arrows can't stop firing
- Junkrat's jumps are all mine jumps
- Mei is removed (thank me later)
- Symmetra spams her up voice line
- Torb is tiny
- Tracer causes a big explosion on death
- Baptiste is just weird
- Brig shield is massive
- Lucio is double fast but deals 10% of normal damage
- Moira has a chance to just die every second
- Mercy is definitely very OP and balanced
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