BruceLee Overwatch, but extremely chaotic Copy K9XK8 Previous Next Description Snippet Comments 0 View original size Genji's dash is a teleport Bastion dealing damage gives instant ult Widowmaker's ult stops time Cassidy's flashbang has ridiculous knockback Doomfist stuns on any damage Pharah's jets will cause AOE burning Reaper makes enemies go to his team and releases them when he dies Zen's headshots will kill instantly Sombra will be invisible forever Soldier sprinting is similar to Wrecking Ball Reinhardt has 300 more armor Ana kills if she heals anyone Sleep darts last forever's ult will kill her Orisa's fortify stops her from moving Roadhog's E ability kills him Sigma has no gravity Winston is always in rage Wrecking ball spams ult Zarya only has one clip Ashe spawns multiple bobs Echo has random projectile speeds Hanzo arrows can't stop firing Junkrat's jumps are all mine jumps Mei is removed (thank me later) Symmetra spams her up voice line Torb is tiny Tracer causes a big explosion on death Baptiste is just weird Brig shield is massive Lucio is double fast but deals 10% of normal damage Moira has a chance to just die every second Mercy is definitely very OP and balanced Players | 1 - 12 Categories: Hero Adjustments, Miscellaneous Tags: strange chaotic adjustments chaos op Heroes:, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, and 26 more... Maps: Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Paris, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and 20 more... Created at: Last updated: Current version: Beta Share URL: Report code Snippet Loading... Fullscreen Copy to clipboard