Overworked - Overwatch New Hero Abilities
Welcome to Overworked!
Overworked is a hero rework gamemode where everyone has a new set of abilities that greatly modify and vary the skill ceiling and hero feel, whilst still fun to play at the same time! Play in a Team Deathmatch environment in (kind of) unbridled chaos and fast-paced brawl.
What happens with a 5-man aerial comp? Some heroes will even have role changes! You heard of Mei being a tank. What happens if Symmetra is a has her Shield Generator again?
Torbjörn is an attack helicopter! Woah! I sure wonder how that's balanced!
- Creator: LemonAid#11644
Special thanks to:
→ Sethh
→ HeyCrayJay
→ Darkflame
→ MidnightKira
→ SayWhatNow
→ Spice
→ Fluffkin
→ Clarity
→ Mortis
→ Acostart
→ Josbird
→ Dude
→ Ender
PEJSY is the primary code of this gamemode, and will be a Team Deathmatch gamemode by default. If you'd like to play the vanilla gamemodes (Hybrid, Escort etc.), select them in the hero settings.
Note! This gamemode is still in its beta phase! Not everybody is added yet, and there are definitely bugs that exist!
Join our Discord server to report bugs, problems, and stay up-to-date with the most recent changes! We're open to feedback and ideas too! Come in and share!
Discord invite link: [https://bit.ly/fruitbowldiscord]
Tank Heroes
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Gyro-Boosters (Mech) | Jump | D.Va lowers her gravity for several seconds. Resource refills when using Boosters or on the ground. |
Force Eject (Mech) | Crouch | Hold to manually destroy the mecha and launch away. |
Fluffballs (Mech) | Interact | Launch 2 energy orbs forward that shortly explode after impact. They can impale into enemies and slow them down. |
Big Shot (Pilot) | Secondary | Unload the rest of Light Gun ammo into an explosive shot. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Numbing Rage | Passive | Dealing damage with abilities adds to a rage meter, up to 50%. |
Frenzy | Interact | Maximize rage and increase size for several seconds. |
Junker Queen
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Vitamins 'n Minerals | Interact | Boost wound effects and reveal all wounded enemies. Auto-activates with Rampage. |
Grace Period | Secondary | Recalling Gracie at its full stick duration on enemy to deal additional wound damage. |
Battle Cry | Ability 1 | Commanding Shout increases size and resistance by 20%. Grant 20% resistance to allies in the area of effect. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Icebreaker | Passive | Mei deals 30% more damage against frozen enemies. |
Glacial Grenade | Interact | Launch an ice bomb that shortly detonates after impact, instantly freezing enemies. |
Cold Snap | Ability 1 | Upon exiting Cryo-Freeze, Mei slows and freezes enemies too close. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Null Sectors | Interact | Orisa can place 3 large energy zones. Once placed, enemies have their movement and aim diminished as long as they remain inside. |
Cautionary Yield | Ability 2 | Hold the button to charge a vortex that pulls nearby enemies at the end of Javlin Spin. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Uprising | Interact | Speed up cooldowns by 50% for a short duration. |
Onslaught | Ability 1 | Double jump height and gain a decaying speed boost while in nemesis form. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Guardzone | Passive/Interact | A flag marks a large stationary zone that is always active, boosting the resistance of allies inside by 25%. Press Interact to reposition the zone to Reinhardt's current position. |
Crusade | Ability 1 | Press Crouch to cancel Charge, and hold Primary/Secondary to boost left/right. |
Fire Burst | Ability 2 | Fire Strike explodes as it deals damage, setting enemies on fire. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Exhilarate | Interact | Clear any active stuns and expel poisonous gas to nearby enemies. |
Rusted Anchor | Ability 1 | Hold the button while hooking an enemy to pull yourself towards them instead. |
Stored Fat | Ability 2 | Take A Breather can overheal up to 150 bonus HP. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Orbit | Passive | Naturally lower gravity and increased air speed. |
Distortion Rift | Interact | Sigma fires a wave rift forward, distorting enemy movement and vision. |
Accretion Disk | Ability 2 | Hold the Accretion button down to steadily charge the damage and flight speed of the ability. |
Wrecking Ball
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Rolling Out | Passive | Regenerate health when moving faster than 15m per second. (For reference, that's fireball speed) |
Snooker Jet | Interact | Instantly launch into the direction you're facing. |
Ball 'n Chain | Ultimate | Wrecking Ball emits a wave that inflicts a chain effect on enemies. Every time Wrecking Ball takes damage, 40% of the received damage is shared to all chained enemies. |
Damage Heroes
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Fiery Rage | Passive | When burning, gain a boost in speed and damage, along with infinite ammunition. |
Headhunting | Interact | Emit a large signal pulse that can detect nearby enemies. Scope is enabled for the next clip. |
Viper Jaws | Primary | Scope is disabled; quick firing with lower ammo. Base damage increases by 4% with consecutive shots. Resets after not hitting shots. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Fusillade | Interact | Instantly shoot 3 high-impact Tactical Grenades. |
Trickshot | Secondary | Landing a Tactical Grenade attack heals 25 HP and reduces other cooldowns. |
Pressured Cannons | Ability 1 | Hold JUMP at the end of Configuration: Assault to initiate a powerful leap. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Bullet Time | Passive | Successfully hitting an enemy with the last bullet in the chamber refunds the shot and deals 20% more damage. |
Lasso | Interact | Cassidy throws a lasso that tethers to an enemy for several seconds, pulling them back towards Cassidy if they're too far. |
Combat Leap | Ability 1 | Hold the Combat Roll key to gain a small jump boost at the end of the roll. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Drift | Jump | Echo can double jump with a small speed boost for each jump. |
Spark Fuse | Interact | Echo detonates all active sparks, damaging all enemies who bear sparks. Echo heals a small amount for each spark. |
Spark Tabs | Primary | Every time Echo damages an enemy with her attack, she tags up to 10 sparks on that enemy. Sparks expire after 5 seconds of not hitting an enemy. |
Warp Drive | Ultimate | Echo targets an enemy to teleport to, explodes, then greatly buffs cooldowns for a short duration. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Lightning Fast | Passive | Genji gains a speed boost and reloads his shurikens after using an ability. |
Challenge | Interact | Genji forces another player to lock sights with him for several seconds. |
Dragon Fangs | Ability 1 | Swift Strike inflicts bleed onto enemies. Heal for bleed damage. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Dragonic Appetite | Passive | Arrow kills drop an enchanted arrow that can be picked up for a heal and damage boosty. |
Dragon Puffs | Interact | Unleash two oscillating puffs of dragon essence that slow enemies hit. |
Spotter | Ability 1 | After landing, the Sonic Arrow will burst, damaging, slowing and revealing all enemies still in line of sight of it. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Total Annhilation | Passive | Junkrat deals +100% more damage to barriers, objects and deployables. |
Trigger Happy | Interact | Junkrat armours himself up with fuses, detonating shortly or when broken. |
Joyride | Ability 1 | Landing from Concussion Mine creates an explosion. Gain an extra mine at full health. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Swoop | Crouch In Air | Hold Crouch to aim a ground pound attack, dealing damage and slowing enemies upon landing. |
Weaponized Storm | Primary | Last rocket in each clip flies faster and creates clusters. |
Turbulence | Ability 2 | Concussive Strike pulls enemies in, then it’s outwards blast is delayed. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Soul Globes | Passive | Enemies drop soul orbs upon death that Reaper can pick up and heal. The Reaping healing rate is halved. |
Jumpscare | Passive | Reaper damages and weakens nearby enemies whenever an ability ends. |
Taunt | Interact | Reaper taunts in front of him after a short cast period. Taunted enemies take more damage and can only deal damage to Reaper for a period of time. |
Death Is In The Air | Ability 1 | Reaper gains increased mobility and zero gravity during Wraith Form. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Kickslide | Ability 1 | Power Slide launch effect deals damage and allows for gliding. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Advanced Intel | Passive | No increased damage to hacked enemies. Dealing damage will reveal enemies to all allies for a short duration. |
Trojan Horse | Secondary | Send a virus that inflicts bonus hack and damage if it connects with an enemy. |
Stalker | Ability 1 | Stealth reveals footprints, but allows faster movement and regenerates health. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Sentry Drone | Ability 1 | Deploy a turret base and start piloting a drone, allowing flight at set altitude. If the drone or turret is destroyed, the ability ends. |
End Program | Interact | Press to manually end the Drone ability. |
Airstrike (Drone) | Secondary | Torbjörn fires a mini-explosive that burns enemies. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Pulse Punch | Melee | The next quick melee attack deals more damage and applies a drift effect. |
Flash | Ability 1 | Blinking through enemies damages them. |
Vortex | Ability 2 | Upon activation, Tracer drags and roots nearby enemies to her position. Holding the ability button while it's active will prevent Tracer from recalling to her previous position. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Widow's Gaze | Interact | Force enemies to deal 25% less damage and receive 25% more damage as long as they're in line of sight. |
Spider Web | Ability 2 | Fire a proximity mine that creates a webcage when triggered. Enemies inside can shoot through but not move through the web. |
Blow A Kiss | Ultimate | Equip a bolt-action rifle that deals massive damage through walls, but enemies can see Widowmaker and its ADS line. |
Support Heroes
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Airspringers | Jump | Ana has several charges that allows her jump multiple times in the air. |
Eye of Horus | Interact | Ana assumes a sniper position and stations herself. Danage and healing is increased, projectiles fly faster, and Biotic Rifle's scoped shots deal splash damage. Press again to toggle off. |
Nano Bolster | Ultimate | Nano Boost grants a bonus 30% speed boost to the boosted target. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Band-Aid | Passive | Baptiste enters a downed state for several seconds instead of dying. After a few seconds of not being finished, Baptiste will resurrect on the spot. |
Springboard | Interact | Baptiste tosses a gadget projectile that creates a jump pad that allies can use. Can be destroyed by enemies standing on it. |
Second Wind | Ability 1 | Regenerative Burst grants a speed boost to all allies in the effective radius. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Aura of Fortitude | Interact | Create a growing aura that grants bonus health and speed to influenced allies. |
Endeavour | Interact | Gain a boost in health and stats when barrier shield breaks. |
Steel Anchor | Ability 1 | Hold the button when striking an enemy to grapple towards them. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Shinobi Tactics | Interact | Create a smoke screen that blinds enemies and hides allies inside it. |
Spirit Guide | Ability 1 | Swift Step heals allies in an area when teleporting. |
Hunting Season | Ability 2 | Protection Suzu speeds up allies and reduces their cooldowns. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Wave Riding | Secondary | If Lúcio uses Soundwave against a wall while wall riding, he launches himself backwards. |
Beatmatching | Ability 1 | Dealing damage during Speed Boost adds additional healing to Heal Boost. Maximum bonus healing is capped at 300. |
Reverse Amp | Ability 2 | Amp It Up will also inflict the opposite effect of the currently played song to enemies (Speed Boost will slow enemies, Heal Boost will damage them). |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Heavenly Feathers | Passive | Gliding is now improved with additional flight. |
Flourish | Interact | Mercy fires down a beam of light that increases ally healing, and halves enemy healing. |
Phoenix Salvation | Ability 2 | If Resurrect is used on a living ally, it places a blessing that will instantly bring them back to Mercy if they reach 1 HP. Resurrect goes on a 20s cooldown. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Experiment | Reload | Hold to drain 75HP to gain a 30% boost in stats and reset cooldowns. |
Double Dose | Interact | Swap between 2 types of orbs, Necrosis and Covalent. |
Necrosis Orbs | Ability 2 | Orbs fly faster. Damage orbs will weaken enemy attack power by 50%. Healing orbs have high healing but harder to hit. |
Covalent Orbs | Ability 2 | Orbs are stationary. Throw 2 of either type with each use, depending on which button is held. |
Soldier: 76
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Morale Boost | Interact | Boost the damage of all nearby allies by 30% for a period of time. |
Radio Waves | Secondary | Fire long-range blasts of healing; up to 4 can be held onto at once. |
Sympathy Gains | Ultimate | After a short cast, grant all allies in sight a strong boost in stats. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Shield Generator | Interact | Create a generator that slowly decays overtime, granting allies in a massive radius bonus shields and regeneration. Decays faster if an enemy is standing on it. |
Energize | Secondary | Heal allies in front of you with a short blast of photons. |
Energize | Ability 1 | Enhance an ally with extra shields, healing, and a small boost in damage and speed. |
Reality Dash | Ability 2 | Vanish into an energy trace, healing nearby allies when reappearing. |
Ability Name | Button/Hotkey | Ability Info |
Spirit Link | Crouch | Hold Crouch to connect to an ally under Harmony Orb and link to them, fixed on their movement. Crouch again to detach. |
Spirit Link | Passive | While linked, the ally gains bonus healing and your attacks also become more destructive. |
Vigor | Interact | Boost the healing and stats of the ally currently under the effect of Orb of Harmony. |
More are yet to come! Not everybody is finished at this moment, so there will be bugs and some unbalance. Make sure to join our Discord server if you're enjoying the gamemode!
Discord invite link: [https://bit.ly/fruitbowldiscord]