
Overwatch Chess - Original Overchess

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Overwatch Chess, updated with all new Overwatch 2 heroes and abilties!

Characters move very slowly at baseline and get one-shot, so be careful!
Play tactically and use your melee and some abilties to kill all players on the enemy team!
Basic melees do 60 damage. If you have an ultimate, you generally only get one use.

Some general notes:

Roadhog can tank a melee with his Take a Breather and Torbjorn can tank a melee with Overload.
Zenyatta moves faster at baseline.
Reinhardt and Brigitte have disabled primary attacks
Sojourn, Winston, and Pharah like to jump, like the original!
Discover the rest by playing!

Patched, coded, and balanced for Overwatch 2 by quenelope#1565 and evune#1963, while still trying to stay true to the 2017 version :)


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