
Adlersbrunn Crusade (Original Eichenwalde Zombies)

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Gameplay Eliminate enemies as they get stronger and faster to get points. Either survive as long as you can, or save up points among your team and buy victory after Round 19. Headshots and melee kills provide extra points. Healing and reviving your allies also provides points. Use points to purchase more areas in the map or new heroes to play. If an ally dies, you can revive them by standing in the circle left at the position they died.

Enemies Enemies scale in strength, health, and speed with each player, as well as the round number. Enemies have a chance to drop powerups, which include 3x Points, Increased Speed, Increased Damage, Unlimited Ultimate, a Passive Heal, a Freezing Zone around each player, an Overshield, and Endless Ammo.

As your team purchases stat upgrades, the enemies respond by progressively sending more elite enemies, which are stronger and harder to kill. These enemies also grant more points.

Challenge Rounds Every 5th round is an "Adrenaline Round" where enemies spawn with close to 100% ultimate charge. Other rounds have a chance to be one of 7 other challenge rounds. They modify the round and make it more, well.. challenging! In exchange you are rewarded with points that scale up with the Round number. The 7 possible challenge rounds are as follows:

  • Levitation Rounds - Players and enemies levitate for a few seconds upon taking damage.
  • Team Up Rounds - Players take extra damage when they are separated from their teammates.
  • Volatile Air Rounds - Players and enemies take damage over time if they are in the air at any time.
  • Ghost Rounds - Enemies rotate between being visible and invisible for seconds at a time.
  • Juggernaut Rounds - One enemy gains a lot of health and a little more damage for the entire round.
  • Self Destruct Rounds - Every enemy explodes upon death, dealing damage to nearby players.
  • Tiny Crusader Rounds - All enemies are scaled down in size for the duration of the round.

Bonus Objectives Occasionally a random bonus objective will spawn somewhere in the world. You have a limited amount of time to activate the objective. Successfully completing the objective will grant points based on how well you performed.

Control Point
Stand in the control point to gain progress. Reaching 100% progress completes the objective, and awards points based on how much time is left. If the timer reaches 0 the objective is failed. Capture progress is scaled based on how many players are in the game.

Secure a set amount of headshot eliminations before the timer reaches 0. Progress is scaled based on how many players are in the game. Points are awarded based on how much time is left upon completion.

Deliver 3 objects randomly placed in the world to the objective location. Points are awarded based on how much time is left upon completion.

Defend the objective position from incoming bots for 1 minute. Bots reaching the objective location reduces the objective health. If objective health reaches 0, the objective is lost. If the objective is still standing when the timer reaches 0, points are awarded based on how much health is left. Damage to the objective is scaled based on how many players are in the game.

A random hero appears at the objective location. Your objective is to escort the ally to safety. If the ally makes it to their goal, the objective is complete. If the ally dies or you run out of time, the objective is failed. Points are awarded based on how much time is left.

High Value Targets
Random enemies are assigned as high value targets. These targets are a bit stronger. Kill all HVT within the time limit to complete the objective.

Various areas are marked as hotspots. Kill enemies within these zones before the timer elapses to complete the objective.

Power In the last area of the map, you can activate the "Power" which enables the use of the Teleporter next to the final payload destination. Once the teleporter appears, you can activate it by finding the switch (a turquoise circle) placed randomly on the map. The teleporter stays open for a minute, and transports you to a saferoom where you can permanently increase your Damage, Healing Output, or Max Health for points.

Mystery Tank Whenever the power is activated, several upgrades appear across the map. One upgrade is a "Mystery Tank", which appears in a random spot on the map. Here you can spend points to gain a tank character and a certain amount of energy based on the current Round number. You can hold reload to swap between your hero and your tank. Killing an enemy as your tank reduces your energy by 1. Upon depleted energy, the tank is lost. Upon dying as your tank, your tank is lost and you get instantly revived. After the store is used a certain amount of times, however, it moves to a new random location.

Another upgrade you can purchase is "Nano-Upgrade", which provides a hero-specific upgrade until you go down.

Ana (Sleep Dart+) - Sleep dart now knocks down victim, causes damage over time, lowers dart cooldown, and fills Ana's ult meter.
Ashe (Viper+) - Each primary fire hit stuns the victim for a brief period.
Baptiste (Biotic Launcher+) - Each heal with secondary fire grants immortality for a brief moment.
Bastion (Sentry+) - Each primary fire hit in sentry mode deals knockback to the victim
Brigitte (Repair Pack+) - Healing with repair pack grants armor based on how much health is missing.
Doomfist (Rocket Punch+) - Successfully landing a rocket punch causes the victim to be knocked down for a few seconds, and decreases Rocket Punch cooldown.
Echo (Focus Beam+) - Damaging enemies with the empowered focus beam instantly freezes the enemies. No cooldown.
Genji (Dragonblade+) - Dragonblade deals an additional 10% of the enemy's health in damage on top of the base damage. Refunds 50% ult charge when the ult is done.
Hanzo (Stormbow+) - Stormbow damage resets the stormbow ability, and damages all enemies near the victim.
Junkrat (Steel Trap+) - Steel trap stuns enemy for 8 seconds, and resets trap cooldown.
Lucio (Emote+) - Emoting causes bursts of healing for teammates, and damage/knockback for enemies.
Cassidy (Roll+) - Rolling nearby enemies trips them and knocks them down for a few seconds, dealing damage, and fills Peacemaker with more ammo than physically possible.
Mei (Endothermic Blaster+) - Each secondary fire hit instantly freezes the victim for a brief period.
Mercy (Resurrect+) - Resurrect is instant, and heavily damages nearby enemies.
Moira (Biotic Orb+) - Healing with biotic orb grants phased out for a brief period. Damaging enemies below half health with biotic orb puts the victim to sleep.
Pharah (Jump Jet+) - Using Jump Jet grants pharah a large of amount of shields, and increases projectile speed by a lot.
Reaper (Shadowstep+) - Using shadowstep grants phased out for the duration, and stuns nearby enemies for 3 seconds. Also roots nearby enemies for a brief period.
Soldier: 76 (Biotic Rifle+) - Primary fire hits to an enemy below 25% health instantly kills them.
Sombra (Hack+) - Hacked enemies are stunned for the duration.
Symmetra (Photon Projector+) - Primary fire chains to nearby enemies.
Torbjorn (Forge Hammer+) - Dealing damage with the forge hammer deals increased damage, stuns the enemy for 1 second, and resets Overload cooldown.
Tracer (Pulse Bomb+) - Tracer's ultimate charge starts at 50%. Pulse bomb always kills the enemy and chains to any nearby enemy.
Widowmaker (Widow's Kiss+) - Dealing any scoped shot reduces the enemy's health to 1, resets grapple cooldown, and heals for damage dealt.
Zenyatta (Harmony Orb+) - Healing an ally below 33% health with harmony orb instantly teleports Zenyatta to the ally and activates Transcendence. (Self Destruct+) - Self destruct nukes all enemies on the map.
Orisa (Fusion Driver+) - All primary fire hits teleport nearby enemies to the victim, clumping them together, and rooting them for a brief period.
Reinhardt (Firestrike+) - Firestrike lights victim on fire, and damages over time.
Roadhog (Hook+) - Hooking an enemy drags them down to the underworld, instantly killing them.
Sigma (Kinetic Grasp+) - Kinetic Grasp pulls enemies within view and holds them in front of Sigma for the duration of the ability.
Winston (Primal Rage+) - Using Primal rage terrifies all enemies and causes them to run away from the nearest ulting Winston.
Wrecking Ball (Roll+) - Dealing damage while rolling knocks the victim down for 3 seconds, and deals additional damage after 2 seconds.
Zarya (Particle Barrier+) - Shielding self instantly grants charge, and adds shields to Zarya's health. Shielding ally adds additional shiels to ally's health.

Two other upgrades are available as well, "Lucio Headphones" and "Akande Gloves". Each of these have 3 levels you can purchase, which get more expensive and more powerful with each level. Lucio Headphones increase your movement speed, while Akande Gloves increase your quick melee damage.

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