Brigs gather around for an ultimate booping competition. Who will remaining standing in the arena?
The objective of the mode is to boop players outside of the box-shaped arena in order to score points. This is a FFA battle. Unlike normal Brig, she has multiple tools to do this in this mode.
This mode was designed with the "While You Wait" feature in mind, so it is enabled by default. It is fun quick arcade matches while sitting in a 10 minute DPS queue!
Now, Brigitte can self boop off of any surface!
Critical Hits
If Brigitte hits a target that is airborne, they receive a critical hit and go extra far!
Shield Bash
Brigitte's shield travels farther now too! However, it can only take one hit before it has a long recharge time!
Shield Crush
Brigitte can crush her foes if they are against a wall. Useful for annoying campers!
Finally, Brigitte's Ultimate allows her to become completely invincible (except from the arena of course)
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Thanks to 홀수돚거#3265 for Korean Translation. 한국어 번역을 도와주신 홀수돚거#3265님께 감사드립니다.