
Valkyrie Resurrect reversed + 2 sources

Mercy Valkyrie rez reversed (ver. console) : H5JH1


I tried to recreate Mercy that was available in the experimentation card with some change, sorry if there are bugs, I'm just a beginner in the workshop. (This is just a translation, sorry for any grammar errors)

  • Is no longer an Ultimate ability

  • Is now Ability 2

  • Healing increased from 55 to 65 health per second

  • Duration reduced from 15 to 3 seconds

  • Cooldown is now 17 seconds

  • Flying movement speed increased from 7 to 7,8

  • Is now an Ultimate ability

  • Can resurrect up to 5 people at once

  • Maximum range increased from 5 to 10 meter

  • Resurrect cast time decreased 1,75 to 0


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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Categories: Hero Adjustments
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