
Valkyrie Mass Rez + 2 sources

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Valkyrie Mass Rez (Valkyrie rework)

I tried to mix mass rez and valkyrie, trying to make the rework not op. sorry if there are bugs, I'm just a beginner in the workshop. (This is just a translation, sorry for the grammar errors)

  • Upon activation of Valkyries, Mercy instantly resurrects dead allies in an area

  • Each resurrected ally removes 3 seconds from Valkyries

  • The radius of healing and damage increase of the caduceus affects allies close to the targeted one and their range is increased

  • Increased healing

  • Blaster has infinite ammo

  • Carry and movement speed of gardien angel increased

  • Cooldown of gardien angel reset upon activation of Valkyrie Resurrection

  • When no allies, resurrection ability available ; when allies resurrected, ressurect ability disallowed

  • Mercy is not invincible during resurrection with Valkyrie

  • Maximum range increased from 5 to 12 meters

  • Mercy can fly freely and faster


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