Sweetswatch Chill
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♡ Welcome to Sweetswatch! ♡
♡ Let's hope you have the sweetest time here! ♡
♡ Current features ♡
- A "Passive Mode" enabled by default and a "Hostile Mode" with kills tracked for Deathmatch
- Easy hero swapping no matter where you are on the map
- A third person camera from both behind and in front of your hero
- Low cooldown for movement abilities, normal cooldown for other abilities
- An easy menu to select your Pronouns and Colour for your nametag
- A different killfeed on the bottom of the screen
- Changing the size of your in-game model
- The ability to hide your name from others to work in tandem with Streamer Mode
- No-Clip
- Moira, Reaper, Tracer, & Venture with Ability 1
- Pharah, Ana, Ashe, & Widowmaker with Secondary Fire
- Mercy & Sombra with Ultimate
- Some small, fun games
- A magic 8-ball to answer your questions
- A Russian Roulette game to play with your friends
- An ability to draw Overwatch themed Tarot cards in both upright and reversed positions
- Dice that sometimes cause you to explode
- Remade abilities that usually require allies for use in Deathmatch
- Independant Mercy flight with Guardian Angel
- A recreated Swift Step to use as Kiriko to teleport around
- A recreated Life Grip to use to drag your friends around
- Workshop Settings to disable pesky features you don't like
♡ How to Menu in Sweetswatch ♡
- Hold Crouch + Ultimate to open the Menu.
- Tap Primary Fire to switch your Pronoun.
- Tap Secondary Fire to switch your Colour.
- Tap Ability 2 to hide your Name.
- Tap Jump to confirm your selection and update your nametag.
Piece of Cake! ♡
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Free for all,
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