
WARNING: Flashing Lights and Aim Speed Changes

Hello, fellow reader. Welcome to OverScuffed 2, the most chaotic and ruthless bloodsport that the Overwatch Workshop has to offer! Engage in exciting 4v4* brawls with over 300 brand new abilities across 43 different Legends, as well as 5 brand new roles, with some Legends changing to fit said roles! In combat, you can also obtain medal-like Accolades, as well as score high Kill Streaks. This is about a rough summary of what I have to offer in a reasonable text length, so if you'd like, you can see anything and everything in the mode below!

* Thank you again, Blizzard, for the player limits.


OverScuffed features a lot of wacky changes, from abilities to general gameplay features.
This bit covers each and every one of the general gameplay features found within the Games.

All self-healing has been removed, and replaced with a custom 15 per second heal.

Ultimate Charge is no longer carried over when swapping Legends.

Having more Kills than anyone else on your team gives you the Kill Leader status.
Being the Kill Leader grants nothing more than bragging rights regarding your skill.


Want to spice up the Games more? Visit the Workshop Settings tab to select various features!

Player Voice Pitch: Select between various differently pitched voices for the players!
Free Ultimate on Swap: All Legend swaps during the match will give you your Ultimate!
Oops! All Governments!: Ana's nade will send you to 1 of 20 random governments!


All 43 Legends have 7 unique changes to their kits, with the exception of 2 brand new ones!
They are also divided across 5 roles, with each role having a unique passive to help their team!


Tanks excel at keeping the frontline safe and advancing with their team.
[LAST STAND] Tank Passive: Receive less damage while at low health.

D.Va, Terror Titan

Passive: Bunny Hop
  • Your Mech can perform a double jump.

Primary: Close Cannons
  • Damage dealt at close range is amplified.

Secondary: Offense Matrix
  • Rapidly damage all players within the area of effect.

Ability 1: Mega Bump
  • Bumping into an enemy launches them back and cancels your flight.

Ability 2: Random Rockets
  • Rockets incur random status effects on enemies.

Interact: Force Eject
  • Hold Interact for a moment to demech at will.

  • Overload your mech's core, causing an explosion that stuns all players.

Hammond, Crafty Hampter

Passive: Vital Scaling
  • Your size changes constantly based on your health.

Primary: The Unloader
  • Damage is increased while low on ammo.

Secondary: Heat Transfer
  • Hit enemies to set them on fire and deal damage over time.

Ability 1: Roadkill
  • Move much faster and rush across the terrain.

  • If moving too fast, catch on fire until you slow down.

Ability 2: Spike Shield
  • Adaptive Shield constantly damages nearby opponents while active.

Crouch: Ground Pound
  • Launch enemies very high up, and knock them down and deal fall damage.

  • Trigger a self-destruct sequence, killing yourself and damaging all nearby enemies.

Junker Queen, Outback's Empress

Passive: Queen's Warning
  • Junker Queen deals more damage to traitors (Junkrat and Roadhog).

Primary: Scatter Sniper
  • Shotgun deals more damage at farther range.

Secondary: Warlord's Best Friend
  • Knife hits deal more damage, and thrown impacts are automatically recalled.

Ability 1: Adrenaline Rush
  • Dash forward, knocking enemies back and igniting them, dealing damage over time.

Ability 2: Scarring Slash
  • Axe deals more damage over time to enemies above half health.

  • Carnage will no longer gain a reduced cooldown from enemy hits.

Melee: Fighter's Takedown
  • Non-Knife melees knock the enemy unconcious for a short period.

  • Deal damage over time that increases as the Ultimate goes on.

Ligma, Elder of the Cosmos

Passive: Podiatric Petrification
  • Rapidly damage anyone who looks at your feet.

Primary: Hypersphere
  • Launch one ball instead of two.

Secondary: Expanding Barrier
  • Summon a barrier that grows in size over time.

Ability 1: The Force
  • Grasping pulls players towards you while active.

Ability 2: ''Cleansing'' Boulder
  • Send an enemy out of existence for a brief moment.

Jump: Cosmic Drift
  • Greatly lower your gravity and float around the sky.

  • Lift all players up, and slam them back down for absurd damage.

Maui, Reckless Raider

Passive: Perpetual Punishment
  • Hitting enemies has a chance to slightly replenish your magazine.

Primary: Disabling Decimator
  • Gunny has a chance to hack damaged enemies.

  • Deal more damage to enemies with any status effect.

Secondary: Tearing Terminator
  • Cha-Cha rips through enemies with more than half HP, and ignores armor reduction.

Ability 1: Fierce Marathon
  • Maui can pin enemies to him while using charge.

  • Stomping enemies launches them away from you.

Ability 2: Helium Overdrive
  • Make all nearby allies lighter than air, allowing them to them float if they jump.

Melee: Bruddah’s Affection
  • Give an enemy a bear hug, dealing absurd damage if not interrupted.

  • Trap your enemies in a deadly cage match.

  • Gunny and Cha-Cha fire incendiary rounds capable of shutting down any opposition.

Orisa, Numbani's Guardian

Passive: Defender's Cavalry
  • Your teammates can ride you into battle, or die trying.

Primary: Blazing Fusion Driver
  • Deal more damage to enemies who are burning.

Secondary: Mighty Javelin
  • Hitting an enemy reduces their turn speed.

Ability 1: Metal Mayhem
  • Take a lot less damage while fortified, at the cost of mobility.

Ability 2: Perilous Propellor
  • Javelin Spinning forces you in the direction you're facing.

Interact: Stallion's Charge
  • Increase your forward move speed for a short period.

  • Radius is doubled, but the added area only deals minimum damage.

Ramattra, Null Sector's Hope

[OMNIC FORM] Passive: Unbreakable Exoskeleton
  • While you have armor, you will receive much less damage.

[NEMESIS FORM] Passive: Ultimate Nemesis
  • Nemesis Form grants you a lot of extra armor to protect you.

[OMNIC FORM] Primary: Focus Staff
  • Particles deal more damage if firing without interruption.

[OMNIC FORM] Secondary: Swift Builder
  • Move faster while holding out your barrier.

[NEMESIS FORM] Primary: Power Gauntlets
  • Every punch has completely random knockback.

[NEMESIS FORM] Secondary: Heavy Block
  • Blocking reduces damage taken further, but relies on a stamina meter.

[OMNIC FORM] Ability 1: Combat Lurch
  • Ramattra enters Nemesis Form and moves faster for a split second.

[NEMESIS FORM] Ability 1: Lingering Protection
  • When exiting Nemesis Form, gain Overhealth to protect you.

[OMNIC FORM] Ability 2: Disco Field
  • Enemies caught inside are forced to get their groove on.

[NEMESIS FORM] Ability 2: Discord Shot
  • Throw an orb which increases an enemy's damage received.

[OMNIC FORM] Melee: Interrupting Impact
  • Hit an enemy to stun them for a split second.

[NEMESIS FORM] Melee: Supermassive Slap
  • Damaging an enemy deals more damage and stuns them.

  • Annihilation lasts longer, and you grow in size.

  • Gain a significant amount of armor to protect you.

Reinhardt, Crushing Crusader

Passive: Crusader's Stance
  • Reinhardt is immune to almost all knockback.

Primary: Trembling Hammer
  • Hitting an enemy has a chance to knock them down.

Secondary: Trusty Shield
  • Only the mightiest warriors wield this shield in combat.

Ability 1: Ready, Set, Charge!
  • Reinhardt charges up his charge and zips across the map.

Ability 2: Fiery Force
  • Launch three fire strikes in a fan-like pattern.

Melee: Dauntless Driver
  • Bat your foes away from you like it's the 18th hole.

  • Send your enemies through the ground if knocked down, killing them instantly.

Winton, Evolved Scientist

Passive: Sixth Sense
  • Press Interact to enter third person view, and press again to exit.

Primary: Shock Spitter
  • Damage is heavily increased while firing.

Secondary: Aerial Denial
  • Hitting an airborne enemy brings them back to the ground.

Ability 1: Back Pack
  • Carry a nearby teammate and soar through the sky.

Ability 2: Baby Bubble
  • Deploy a dome that is much smaller in size.

Melee: Zap Tap
  • Electrocute an enemy, inflicting damage over time.

  • Unleash your anger, reducing damage taken and increasing speed.


Assault Legends are the best at killing enemies, no matter their health.
[TACTICAL LOADER] Assault Passive: Reload faster while you still have ammo in the gun.

Dave Deadeye, Wild Westerneer

Passive: Skyward Slinger
  • Dealing damage while airborne slows your fall briefly.

Primary: Combo Striker
  • Hitting a shot increases the next shot's damage.

  • Missing a shot or reloading resets the bonus damage.

Secondary: Coach Slug
  • Fire a shot that knocks you and enemies back.

Ability 1: Magician's Roll
  • Go invisible and move faster for a short period after rolling.

Ability 2: Flash Switch
  • Flashbanged enemies are swapped to a completely random Legend.

  • Swapping an enemy will keep their Ultimate Charge on the new Legend.

Melee: Sleight of Hand
  • Deliver a quick blow that jams enemies' weapons.

  • Damage is significantly reduced and you cannot move.

  • When the clock hits 12:00, gain increased damage and instantly fire.

Doomfist, Talon's Troublemaker

Passive: Talkative Tyrant
  • Use a voice line to continuously spam it until you use a spray.

Primary: Multi-Shot
  • Hand Cannon has slower recharge time.

  • Press Reload to cycle between 4 deadly shots.

Secondary: Flexible Fist
  • Punching allows you to go in any direction you choose.

Ability 1: Seismic Smash
  • Slam has more mobility to traverse the terrain easily.

  • Damage is based on a charge mechanic (similar to OW1).

Ability 2: Superguard
  • Put up your block for an extremely short duration.

  • If anyone hits you while blocking, they will receive damage.

Melee: Ambidextrous Assault
  • Hitting an enemy with Left Fist resets Right Fist's cooldown.

  • Deal devastating damage to anyone near you when you land.

  • Anyone near the outside of the circle is knocked down when you land.

Genji, Cyber Assassin

Passive: Shimada's Enhancements
  • Genji has enhanced movement.

  • Climbing a wall resets your double jump.

Primary: Sharpshooter Shurikens
  • Shurikens deal more damage based on distance.

Secondary: Shuriken Overload
  • Launch 5 stars in a wide fan.

Ability 1: Sharp Slash
  • Dash through enemies and make them bleed, inflicting damage over time.

Ability 2: Stinging Reaction
  • All deflected projectiles deal more damage.

Melee: Refined Blade
  • Melee deals more damage and makes enemies bleed.

  • Channel your inner rage and transform into Genji NEO.

  • Gain a new set of abilities to help you turn the battle around.

Genji NEO, Awoken Nightmare

Passive: Shimada's Enhancements NEO
  • Genji has extremely swift movement.

  • Kills reduce your damage taken briefly.

  • Climbing a wall resets your double jump.

Primary: Blade of a Thousand Dragons
  • Every third blade swing deals increased damage, with a small cooldown.

Secondary: Fiery Laceration
  • Fire off a deadly concentration of flame from your blade.

Ability 1: Dulling Dash
  • Dash deals high damage and decreases with every enemy hit.

Ability 2: Ready Reflection
  • Cancelling your deflect early will decrease its cooldown.

  • Become unstoppable, gaining armor and removing dash cooldown.

Reaper, Grim Mercenary

Passive: Power of the Afterlife
  • When revived in combat, deal more damage for a brief period.

Primary: Death Dealers
  • Shotguns deal more damage to enemies.

Secondary: Soul Shot
  • Fire a high damage orb with great range.

Ability 1: Spectre Dash
  • Become a transparent apparition and bolt in your moving direction

Ability 2: Bouncy Step
  • Holding Jump while using Shadow Step will launch you up.

Melee: Grasp of Emptiness
  • Entangle an enemy in shadow, reducing their damage and move speed.

  • The shadows engulf you, giving you shields, increasing speed, and reducing Dash cooldown.

  • Kills will not only increase the duration of the ability, but they will also refill your Shield health.

Roadhog, Audacious Speedster

Passive: Hog-splosion
  • Roadhog explodes when he dies, dealing area damage.

Primary: Scrap-tacular Shotgun
  • The first shot in the magazine deals significant damage.

Secondary: Stim
  • Sacrifice a chunk of your health and move faster temporarily.

Ability 1: Chain Toss
  • Throw your hook at a surface to pull yourself to it.

Ability 2: Shrapnel Mine
  • Anyone who touches the trap in any state will be rooted in place.

Melee: Scrap Bounce
  • Launch a bouncy scrap ball that deals high damage.

  • Whole Hog has increased knockback and knocks you back as well.

Sojourn, Tactical Leader

Passive: Cyber Skull
  • Any non-fatal headshot damage is reduced by half.

Primary: XL-R8 Rail Rifle
  • Railgun fires in bursts, and ramps up in fire rate with each burst.

Secondary: Vaporizer
  • Charge shots deal more damage to enemies.

Ability 1: Slide Kick
  • While sliding, deal damage to foes in front of you and knock them back.

Ability 2: Corrosive Shot
  • Fire an orb that deals more damage to player shield health.

Jump: Robotic Leap
  • Jumping while sliding launched Sojourn into the air.

  • Spam charged shots against your will while active.

Soldier: 76, Relentless Marksman

Passive: Visor of Truth
  • Deal increased damage to enemies who are duplicating.

Primary: Commander's Carbine
  • Rifle has 2 fire modes that can be toggled by pressing Interact.

  • Precision Mode - Slower fire rate with no recoil.

  • Rapid Fire Mode - Fast rate of fire with high recoil.

Secondary: Rift Rockets
  • Hitting an enemy will either teleport you to them, or them to you.

Ability 1: Agile Commitment
  • If sprinting without stopping for a short period, increase move speed.

Ability 2: Deathly Field
  • Biotic Field damages enemies inside it.

Crouch: Tactical Slide
  • While sprinting, press crouch to slide across the ground.

  • Gain ''aim assist'' and obliterate your enemies.

Tracer, Chronal Skirmisher

Passive: Lone Warrior
  • Engaging in combat alone increases damage output.

Primary: Flashy Finishers
  • Damage dealt is increased against low health targets.

Secondary: Flexible Blip
  • Teleport in the direction you're facing.

Ability 1: Flash
  • Blinking through an enemy damages them.

Ability 2: Total Recall
  • Recalling sets blinks back to max, but you can't restore health.

  • Recalling also has a chance to rewind the game by a few seconds.

Melee: Seizing Whap
  • Make an enemy's turn speed uncontrollably fast.

  • Slow down everyone, giving you complete control over the Timeline.

  • Damage is increased and you are given infinite ammo for the duration.


Defense Legends specialize in making extra space when the tank is unable.
[TOTAL REFRESH] Defense Passive: Healing from a health pack fully heals you.

Ashe, Sharp Outlaw

Passive: Modded Loader
  • Viper has more ammo in its magazine.

  • Reloading a few shots reloads the entire magazine.

Primary: Auto-Viper
  • Fire your gun to spam it until it's interrupted.

Secondary: Singe Rifle
  • Scoped shots deal less damage and set enemies on fire.

Ability 1: Outlaw's Partner
  • Fire a small shotgun with great damage and no knockback.

Ability 2: Blaze Bomb
  • Dynamite explodes instantly deals more damage over time.

Interact: Threatening Innovation
  • Swap Auto-Viper to Anvil Mode, and disable scoping.

  • Shots deal more damage, but fire slower and cost more ammo.

  • Summon B.O.B. into the battlefield, who will stay until his death and apply fire on the enemy team.

Bastion, Docile Creation

Passive: Heavy Treading
  • Staying on the ground reduces your ability to be knocked back.

  • Headshots deal amplified damage.

Secondary: A-36 Tactical Barrage
  • Launch three grenades in rapid succession.

  • Assault Form takes less damage and knockback, but cannot move.

Ability 2: Zipline Gun
  • Deploy a zipline for all players to use.

  • Interact can be pressed to destroy it early.

Melee: Piercing Blow
  • Melee deals high damage and ignores the armor damage reduction.

  • Fire 3 deadly missiles that set enemies to one hit point.

Brigitte, Salvatory Squire

Passive: Lindholm's Stand
  • Brigitte takes less damage from all sources.

Primary: Repulsive Flail
  • Flail hits knock enemies away from you.

Secondary: Prized Shield
  • Bring out a shield that is great in size and kinda ehh in health.

Secondary + Primary: Concussive Bash
  • Shield Bash stuns enemies for a short period.

Ability 1: Mighty Whip
  • Launch an enemy in a completely random direction.

  • Looking down while using Whip will launch you upward.

Ability 2: Overpack
  • Grant overhealth to an injured teammate.

  • Rallying forces your teammates to Rally with you.

Junkrat, Explosive Engineer

Passive: The Last Laugh
  • Bombs dropped on death instakill enemies.

  • Being set on fire heals you very greatly.

Primary: Mystery Launcher
  • Launch bombs with random damage and speed.

  • Every bomb must be loaded one by one carefully.

Secondary: Deceitful Detonation
  • Detonating mines will detonate a mine in your pocket.

Ability 1: Concussion Mine
  • Deploy a mine that stuns all enemies that it hits.

Ability 2: Shiny Snare
  • Trap breaks instantly and slows enemies for a brief period.

Melee: Varying Slap
  • Melee deals random damage with a random cooldown.

  • Tire explodes faster, but deals insane damage to enemies.

Mei, Frozen Fatalizer

Passive: Frost Walker
  • Mei walks much faster on her frost.

Primary: Polar Pistol
  • Mei's Pistol freezes enemies if hit enough times.

Secondary: Ice-capped Magnum
  • Fire icicles that slow enemies with headshot damage.

Ability 1: Forti-Freeze
  • Gain Frost Armor when entering cryo-freeze.

Ability 2: Great Ice Wall
  • Place a giant ice wall to keep your enemies out.

Melee: Deep Chill
  • Meilee shatters frozen enemies and deals area damage.

  • Polar Pistol will now freeze enemies a lot faster while active.

  • Hitting an enemy at all with Ice Capped Magnum will slow them.

Pharah, Aerial Avenger

Passive: Final Effort
  • While low on health, deal 20% more damage.

Primary: Tri-Launcher
  • Pharah fires 3 rockets in a wide spread from her gun.

Secondary / Jump: Jet Rush
  • Dash momentum is amplified, and allows you to deal damage to nearby enemies.

Ability 1: Blast Jump
  • Jump has increased strength and damages enemies under you.

Ability 2: Concussive Blast
  • Direct hits stun enemies for a short period.

Jump / Secondary: Super Jets
  • Jetpack has more fuel and increased control.

  • Call an airstrike to rain hell on your enemies.

Torbjörn, Charismatic Craftsman

Passive: Hurrying Holster
  • Holster your weapon to move faster.

Primary: Stun Gun
  • Headshotting an enemy will stun them briefly.

Alternate Primary: Lindholm Crippler
  • Break an enemy's legs, reducing their mobility.

Secondary: Siphon Shotgun
  • All damage dealt grants overhealth to you.

Ability 1: Strongclaw
  • Empower your claw, increasing its damage and range.

Ability 2: Power Up!
  • All nearby allies deal more damage and move faster.

  • Lindholm Crippler breaks enemies' skulls instead, killing them instantly.

  • Enemies caught in your lava have a hard time treading through it.

Venture, Subterranean Shifter

Passive: Resourceful Resilience
  • Healing from Health Packs grants you bonus health.

Primary: Excess Excavator
  • Fire shots that deal more damage to enemies with Overhealth.

Secondary: Drill Rush
  • Dealing damage with the drill makes enemies bleed, dealing damage over time.

  • Hitting an enemy while underground will knock them in the direction it hit them.

Ability 1: Powerful Delve
  • Dive into the ground and traverse with lightning speed.

  • When coming out with high charge, knock yourself and nearby enemies upward.

Ability 2: Pitfall Trap
  • Dig a hole that, when walked on, will trap enemies underground.

Melee: Power Drill
  • Melee drill attacks deal more damage to enemies with high health.

  • Fire off shockwaves which will knock enemies down if they come into contact with it.


Utility Legends support their team via various non-healing methods.
[SAVIOR'S SPRINT] Utility Passive: Move faster while not near your team.

Baptiste, Cunning Operative

Passive: Ambush Artist
  • Using an Emote renders you invisible.

Primary: Precision Scout
  • Firing your gun only allows 1 shot to come out at a time.

Secondary: Unbiotic Launcher
  • Grenades deal damage to enemies, rather than healing allies.

Ability 1: Immortality Surge
  • Activate a pulse that makes all nearby allies immune to all sources of damage.

Ability 2: Ranger's Field
  • While inside the fields, fire faster and more accurate shots.

Crouch: Hyper Boots
  • Exo-Boots have been modified to launch you higher into the sky.

  • Deploy a matrix that also enables burst fire for your gun while active.

Pilot D.Va, Determined Fighter

Passive: Panic Shield
  • Deploy a shield to protect you when low on health.

Primary: Light Blaster
  • Pistol deals more damage if it was not a headshot.

Secondary: Big Shot
  • Fire a large projectile that deals high damage, with a slow fire rate.

Ability 1: Gamer's Gallop
  • Move faster for a brief period, allowing you to escape danger.

Ability 2: Sticky Shockwave
  • Unleash a pulse that roots nearby enemies in place briefly.

  • Call in a new mech with heavily amplified knockback.

Echo, Curious Copycat

Passive: Adaptive Assailant
  • Most of your health is replaced with regenerating shields.

Primary: Interro-Shot
  • Headshotting an enemy forces them to use a random voice line.

Secondary: Gravitic Grenades
  • Stickies increase enemies' gravity to the point where they can't leave the ground.

Ability 1: Swift Soar
  • Zip around the chaos with amplified speed.

Ability 2: Adaptive Beam
  • Beam damage grants you overhealth.

Jump: Superglide
  • Echo can glide great distances with ease.

  • Analyze an enemy and turn into a perfectly identical copy of them.

  • Ultimate Charge is automatically gained while duplicating an enemy.

Hanzo, Solemn Archer

Passive: Shimada's Persistence
  • Hanzo climbs walls at a slower speed.

  • When knocked down, leap right back up.

Primary: Power Bow
  • Charging your bow for much longer turns arrows into Spectral Arrows.

  • Spectral Arrows deal more damage and move a lot faster than normal arrows.

Ability 1: Dragon's Light
  • Fire an arrow that blinds enemies for a short period.

Ability 2: Disruptor Arrows
  • Fire multiple arrows that deal more damage to shield health.

Melee: Dragon's Mark
  • Mark an enemy, allowing them to be seen through walls.

Jump: Amphibious Maneuvers
  • Lunge cooldown is reset every time you land.

  • Unleash multiple dragons to devour your enemies.

Lúcio, Techno Tactician

Passive: Tactical Wallrun
  • Riding a wall increases your mobility until you land.

  • If staying on one wall for a while, wallruns are disabled until you land.

Primary: Staccato Shotto
  • Fire a wide spread that deals high damage to enemies.

Secondary: Charged Soundwave
  • Charge your boop over a short period to deal more damage and knockback.

Ability 1: Song of Passing
  • Speed Song reduces the cooldowns of all nearby allies.

Ability 1: Verses of Violence
  • Heal Song deals damage to enemies within radius of Lúcio.

Ability 2: Versatile Crescendo
  • Song of Passing's cooldown reduction is increased.

  • Verses of Violence's damage is significantly amplified.

  • Lúcio charges up a deadly soundwave and crushes enemies that he lands on.

Sombra, Anonymous Assailant

Passive: Off The Grid
  • Sombra is completely immune to being Marked.

  • Hacking a robot displays information for your entire team.

Primary: Kill Reporter
  • When getting a pistol kill, reveal all nearby enemies to you and your team.

Secondary: Neural Impairment
  • Hacking an enemy reverses their movement inputs for a short period.

  • Hack cannot be used while invisible, and Sombra moves slower while using hack.

Ability 1: Malware Shot
  • Cube increases an enemy's damage received.

  • If the enemy is a robot, they will instead be shut down.

Ability 2: Hacker's Kit
  • When uncrouched, throw a device and teleport to it shortly.

  • When crouching, deploy a drone to spy on your enemies.

Melee: Ammo Buster
  • Hitting an enemy fully depletes their clip, with a few exceptions.

  • Disable all HUD elements and communications for nearby enemies.

Symmetra, Devoted Lightmaster

Passive: Ulti-Blessing
  • When you die, drop a gift that grants ult charge to the collector.

Primary: Barrier Basher
  • Beam deals insane damage to barriers while firing.

Secondary: Ulti-Vantage
  • Blasts deal more damage based on your Ultimate Charge.

Ability 1: Biological Projection
  • Summon a lifelike decoy to deceive your enemies.

  • Press Interact at any time to control the decoy.

  • If an enemy hits a decoy, they are temporarily Marked.

Ability 2: Light Rift
  • Press Ability 2 to enter portal construction configuration.

  • Press Primary and Secondary to place portals for everyone to use.

Melee: Ulti-Charge
  • Deal more damage and gain more max HP for a short period.

  • Place a massive barrier that sets all teammates to 100% ult charge.

Widowmaker, Incisive Eliminator

Passive: Intellectual Initiator
  • Killing a Marked enemy resets Venom Pulse's cooldown.

Primary: Kickfront Killer
  • Firing your gun pushes you forward.

Secondary: Widow's Fang
  • Sniper only fires one shot while scoped.

  • If a fully charged headshot is hit, the enemy will instantly die.

Ability 1: Venom Pulse
  • Mark all enemies in front of you, highlighting them for your team.

Ability 2: Shrink Mine
  • Enemies who trigger your mine shrink in size for a brief period.

Melee: Assassin's Signature Bonk
  • Meleeing an enemy stuns them for a short period.

  • Widowmaker can fire shots that go through terrain.

Zarya, Wielder of Gravity

Passive: Reverse Polarity
  • Rocket jumping will decrease your gravity until you land.

Primary: Lifeforce Restrictor
  • Beam damage reduces enemy healing received.

Secondary: Displacement Launcher
  • Grenade knockback is significantly increased.

Ability 1: Bursted Bruiser
  • Deal more damage if an enemy breaks your bubble.

Ability 2: Oversized Bubble
  • Deploy a bubble of comical proportions to shield your ally.

Melee: Bodybuilder's Biff
  • Melee can be spammed to dish out rapid damage.

  • Make your enemies see the world in a completely different point of view.


Support Legends pack a lot of healing and other ways to help their team.
[MEDICAL REVELATION] Support Passive: Receive more self-healing when active.

Ana, Serene Sniper

Passive: Markswoman's Efficiency
  • Scope speed reduction is completely removed.

Primary: Boosted Blaster
  • Reloading when low on ammo overloads the next magazine.

Secondary: Sniper's Mark
  • Scoped shots deal more damage and healing to players.

Ability 1: T-Dart
  • Teabagging a slept enemy damages them.

Ability 2: Nade of the Law
  • Send an unsuspecting enemy to the Brazilian Government.

Melee: Anti-Fist
  • Affected enemies cannot heal for a brief period.

  • Put a teammate down and use their power to strenghten you.

  • Can only be used in Elimination modes and OverScuffed™️ Royale.

  • Nano yourself, but you will also receive damage over time while active.

Illari, Solar Sunderer

Passive: Melting Point
  • Healing frozen allies will thaw them out instantly.

Primary: Exploding Executor
  • Solar Rifle fires explosive rounds that damage enemies in an area around the impact.

Secondary: Rapid Regenerator
  • Beam deals more healing at the cost of low energy.

Ability 1: Solar Consequence
  • Dash forward, setting damaged enemies on fire.

Melee: Sizzling Slash
  • Set an enemy on fire with each hit.

Jump: Halting Hover
  • Press Jump while midair to hover in place briefly.

  • Fire an orb that burns hit enemies and sunstrikes them automatically.

Juno, Celestial Wanderer

Passive: Martian Tech
  • While midair, gain extra control over your movement.

Primary: Rapid Burster
  • Your weapon deals more damage/heals to critical players.

Secondary: Disorienting Volley
  • Fire rockets that reduce hit enemies' move and turn speed.

Ability 1: Versatile Glidepack
  • Move swiftly around the battlefield, or stay still to move upward.

Ability 2: Drift Shot
  • Fire a projectile that makes hit enemies lose all control of their gravity.

Melee: Interstellar Kick
  • Hit an enemy to knock them back and stun them for a very brief period.

  • Deploy a giant field that reduces the gravity of all players who reside in it.

Kiriko, Kanezaka's Messenger

Passive: Kanezaka's Blessing
  • Press Interact while climbing to cling to a wall.

  • Kitsune protects you from death once per life.

Primary: Curing Talismans
  • Papers deal more healing to allies who have status ailments.

Secondary: Sacred Kunai
  • Kunai body shots have a chance to deal headshot damage.

Ability 1: Soothing Prayer
  • Give a moderate heal over time to a targeted ally.

Ability 2: Energetic Purification
  • Suzu'd allies move faster and jump higher for a short period.

Crouch: Swift Sneak
  • Kiriko can crouch to traverse the land a lot faster.

  • Empower all allies while Kitsune Rush is active.

  • Empowered targets deal more damage and move faster.

Lifeweaver, Petal Powerhouse

Passive: Death Blooms Anew
  • When dead, release a pulse that heals all nearby allies.

Primary: Energized Blossom
  • Healing allies increases their move speed temporarily.

Secondary / Alternate Primary: Ivy Volley
  • Thorns inflict a small damage over time to enemies.

Ability 1 / Secondary: Fortified Flower
  • Uppies have greatly increased health.

Ability 2: Rifting Reach
  • Grabbing a teammate teleports them straight to you.

Jump / Ability 1: Biolight Blink
  • Become invisible while dashing and relocate a short distance.

  • Planting the Tree of Life revives all fallen allies.

Mercy, Resolute Lifesaver

Passive: Self-Resurrection
  • When dead, press Reload to revive yourself at any time.

Primary: Cautious Caretaker
  • Staff pumps out more healing, but you move slower while doing so.

Alternate Primary: Medic's Tool
  • Shots deal more damage and move faster, but your pistol isn't automatic.

Secondary: Succ Staff
  • Grab an enemy and displace them to your will.

Ability 1: Angelic Boost
  • Fly in your facing direction without the need for a teammate.

Ability 2: Huge Rez
  • When reviving an ally, bring all nearby allies back from the dead.

  • Gain a drastic increase in healing and speed to assist your team.

Moira, Genetic Manipulator

Passive: Harmful Regrowth
  • Piss capacity is infinite at the cost of your health.

Primary: Revitalizing Mist
  • Piss deals more healing to allies who are under half health.

Secondary: Crowd Controller
  • Grasp is able to suck multiple people at once.

Ability 1: Phantasmal Reposition
  • Fading allows you to clip through walls.

Ability 2 [Heal]: Orb of Defense
  • Healed targets are granted shields.

Ability 2 [Damage]: Necrotic Orb
  • Enemies deal less damage for a short period.

  • Spin in circles while using your ultimate.

  • Deal damage over time to enemies and instantly heal allies.

Zenyatta, Ascended Omnic

Passive: Monk's Movements
  • Zenyatta can kick a wall and propel himself in the opposite direction.

Primary: Zipping Orbs
  • Orbs are fast with low damage.

Secondary: Eventual Orbs
  • Orbs move very slow with high damage.

Ability 1: Orb of Nightmares
  • Discord Orb increases an enemy's damage received further.

Ability 2: Orb of the Turtle
  • Healing is amplified, and slows allies down greatly.

Melee: Kick of Destiny
  • Instantly take an enemy down, and fling their lifeless corpse.

  • Unleash death upon the world of mortals.


Accolades are a fun way to add a bit of excitement to kills in OverScuffed™!
There are 11 different Accolades you can achieve by multiple different means.

Every Accolade has a different meaning, so collect them all!

Close Call! Kill an enemy while low on health.
Deadeye! Kill an enemy with a headshot.
Element of Surprise! Kill an enemy with a melee attack from behind.
Environmentalist! Kill an enemy by throwing them off the map.
Long Shot! Kill an enemy from a very far distance.
Melee Massacre! Kill an enemy with a melee attack.
One Shot, One Kill! Bring an enemy's healthbar from full to 0 in one hit.
Quick Scope! Kill an enemy with minimal scope usage.
Tactikill! Kill 3 enemies within a short time frame.
Trickshot! Kill an enemy with a scoped hit while midair.
Two Birds, One Stone! Kill 2 enemies at the exact same time.


Getting multiple kills without dying shall grant you bonuses!
There are 5 different rewards, each of them better than the last!

10 Ultimate Refresh: Instantly obtain your Ultimate.
20 Scuffed! Status
30 Map Hack: Mark all currently living enemies.
40 Rapid Cooldowns: For a short period, all cooldowns are removed.
50 Scuffed!! Status

Scuffed! Status

Scuffed! Status is one of the most coveted statuses you can achieve! Merely with no benefit or disadvantage, it is to show the lobby that you are the best! While you're Scuffed!, you have an Echo duplication effect, which not only looks neat, but has a nice feel to it, too! Give it your best shot and make it to the top! If you die, you can always climb your way back up, too!

Scuffed!! Status

Scuffed!! Status is the highest award obtainable in the Games! Although not much different from Scuffed! Status, it has a lot more functionality than its former. On top of getting a hacked effect on your Legend, your Kill Streak counter is replaced with a Scuffed Streak counter instead. Scuffed!! Status also cannot be lost for the rest of the match, so try to set an even higher streak!


The Games have a few unique Status Effects which alter the Contenders in many ways!

Caused by Kiriko's Ultimate, this increases damage and speed.

Caused by Lifeweaver's Energized Blossom, this increases damage and speed.

Caused by Sombra's Neural Impairment, all of your movement inputs are reversed.

Caused by Dave Deadeye's Sleight of Hand, your Primary and Secondary no longer work*.
^ Subject to change based on Legend.

Caused by various sources, you are highlighted to all enemies and receive more damage.

Caused by Moira's Necrotic Orb, you deal less damage for a brief period.

Caused by Reaper's Grasp of Emptiness, you deal less damage and move much slower.

Caused by Mei's Ice Capped Magnum, you will move much slower for a short period.

╭— ON FIRE! —╮

On Fire has been changed to make it a lot more scuffed and exciting!

On Fire! now sets you on fire, dealing damage over time until you cool off.

Being On Fire! long enough with no stops, you will become Flaming, which increases the rate you take damage. It's up to you whether you tough it out and keep fighting, or chill out on the performance for a very brief moment!


Explore other new fun and exciting ways to play the Games, fit for your tastes!

Objective-based Modes

The OverScuffed™️ Colosseum [KKQ5G]
A new mode where two players engage in ruthless duels.

The OverScuffed™️ Colosseum [KKQ5G]
A new mode where two players engage in ruthless duels.

The OverScuffed™️ Colosseum [KKQ5G]
A new mode where two players engage in ruthless duels.

Elimination/Deathmatch Modes

The OverScuffed™️ Colosseum [KKQ5G]
A new mode where two players engage in ruthless duels.
The first player to get 7 score wins, and capture points are disabled.
NOTE: Tanks have reduced health to ensure fairer and more exciting matches.

The OverScuffed™️ Arena [9HHD8]
Much like Apex's Arenas, two teams of three will combat each other and rise on top.
Whichever team gets the courage to capture five points will take victory at their hands!

OverScuffed™️ Royale [SN9SE]
Eight players brawl it out on various maps to see who can be the last player standing.
NOTE: All players have 300 Health, paired with 100 additional Armor, to ensure fair fights.



I would like to thank many people for making this possible, ever since the start! there have been so many unique and redefining changes, and it couldn't be possible without any of these people!

Tooki - Made the thumbnail for the mode.

Jar of Gibbons - Made the revamped stat changes, and the platform, Lifeweaver, and Zen orb detections.

PharingWell - Helped me with simple things here and there.

Mitsiee - The main person behind the function of the Sombra Drone.

r/overwatchcustomgames - Helped me a lot in the early days of OverScuffed™ 1.

The Workshop.Codes Discord - Helped me altogether with every simple and silly thing I asked.

Aster Spice - The fine fellow who made the ring, loot, and spectator codes in OverScuffed™️ Royale.


I have many different social apps where you can see more of the mode!

Everything can be found on my Carrd page!

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