
Zombie Survival Missions Modded Hero Tweaks + 3 sources

I reworked some abilities that are not very useful, like barriers, to be more interesting.
This is a modified version of "Zombies Survival Missions Modded" - KamenRider "786tw",
which is a modified version of "Zombies Survival Missions" - Mazattack "MPJFR"

Some things have been removed to fit the code within the size limit.


  • most changes are for tanks, since barriers are much less effective when there are less projectiles to block.

Note: Overhealth provides infection resistance, and hacked zombies don't infect players.


Defense Matrix is hardly used in Zombies. I made it give a movement slow to match its "survivability" use, allowing to slow zombies down while she waits for boosters to come back up or comefortably hit zombies with micromissiles if she decides to be aggressive

Defense Matrix
  • Periodically roots zombies in matrix

  • Zombies in matrix recieve 24 damage/second


I find myself mostly using cage just to reload ammo. Not being able to escape, makes the ultimate more "Im trapped in here with you " than "Youre trapped in here with me". The extra overhealth should make it more of the latter. I tried making it give infinite ammo, but workshop is bugged and I cant change Mauga's ammo values

Cage Fight
  • Mauga gains 600 temporary overhealth while active


Unless it's swam shootout, Ram's barrier last too short to be used effectively even for things like blocking mercy or pharah projectiles, or aoe attacks. I orignally though of making it function like the barrier perk, but I don't like make abilities too similar. I decided to make it knock zombies into the air, which gives it its protective barrier properties, hindering zombie movement, and allowing you to line up shots. For block, it was kinda ok i guess, but i gave it a parry-like mechanic to make it more interesting, allowing you to prevent infection between swings, or prevent burst damage, like rein swings.

Void Barrier
  • Zombies are launched upwards at barrier's location

  • Invincible during the first 0.2 seconds on activation


Rein shield is rarely used like all other barriers. If I made it knock zombies back, it would be pointless in solo if it doesnt push back far enough, and since I cannot change barrier health, it would be too strong if it knocked zombies too far back. I instead made it more like a "counter", where zombies are knocked down long enough to safely attack, while having a risk of infection.

Barrier Field
  • Zombies are knocked down for 1.2 seconds when after biting Reinhardt while his barrier is up

  • Gain 50 temporary overhealth while barrier is up


barrier was situational, and grasp was rarely used and provided little value, making sigma feel like a dps that has a stun more than a tank. I made it not completely block zombies while stationary as it would be too similar to the barrier perk, and I cant drain barrier health as a resource, I instead made it slow zombies so that repositioning yourself and the barrier is required. I found the pushback during barrier positioning was a bit strong, so I made it drain hp so that there is risk for pushing zombies all the way back. I made kinetic grasp a movement tool, so that kinetic grasp can be used for survival again, and I wanted to give Sigma a movement tool as other "poke" heroes had them as well.

Experimental Barrier
  • Pushes zombies back during barrier flight

  • Shields drains by 120/second during barrier flight (actually more like health drains until all shields are depleted)

  • Slightly pushes back zombies when stationary

Kinetic Grasp
  • Increases movement speed by 30%


as yknow, barrier situational. I initially made It give all overhealth instantaneously, but it seemed too strong when testing on solo. So I made instead gradually give overhealth over time, so you have to be inside bubble. I found winston's damage output kinda too low, especially squishies are less abundant. I originally gave Winstion a simple damage bonus, but it seemed too strong. Instead, I made alt fire apply a debuff that increases primary fire dps instead. This makes it so he's stronger against bigger zombies but still havr the same lethality for basics, since stacking the debuff requires time and ammo consumption. I didn't change his alt fire damage since I wanted Winstion to still feel like a dive tank instead of sniping from long range.

Tesla Cannon
  • Secondary fire applies a permanent stacking "Charged" status affect to zombies

  • Primary fire deals an additional 30 DPS to zombies per "Charged" applied

Barrier projector
  • Allies in the barrier gain 40 temporary overhealth every 0.7 seconds for a total of 480 overhealth



blades lasting longer should make it feel better to use

  • Ultimate duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.


barrier situational. so I turned into shield generator. might do something different if i figure out how to track the barrier position.

Photon Barrier
  • All allies gains 225 shield

  • Symmetra teleporter cooldown is set to 0 during the ultimate's duration.



bionade antiheal doesnt do anything since there is little to no zombie healing.

Biotic Grenade
  • Hacks zombies


since zombies arent really players, stun wouldnt be frustrating, plus it gives her survivability as a close range hero.

Shield Bash
  • Stuns zombies for 1 second

zombie winston, boss reaper, nuke, and some ui elements have been removed to save space

the adding forked codes are not working so
786tw - zombie survival missions modded
XQG9N - shield tracking


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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