
Turn Based Overwatch 2

Each turn, all players secretly choose their movement direction and attack direction. Then, all moves play out at the same time. Each hero has a primary attack, special ability, ultimate ability, and passive ability. Several orbs scatter the playing field giving useful bonuses to those who dare make the predictable move of picking them up.


Color Description
Yellow Gain +2 points for your team.
Blue Gain a movement range boost for 2 turns.
Red Unlock your ultimate ability (stackable).
Green Heal for 150.
Purple Teleport to the other purple orb.


Ana Ana (500hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot your biotic rifle, damaging enemies hit and giving a small heal to allies hit. 135
Special Ability Throw your biotic grenade, dealing splash damage to enemies and healing to allies. Cooldown: 3 turns 162/+72
Ultimate Ability Activate nanoboost on an ally, giving them a large heal and boosting their damage resist + attack. +200
Passive Ability Deal bonus damage when on the edge of the map. 25%

Ashe Ashe (500hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Throw your dynamite, dealing splash damage at the targeted tile. 130*
Special Ability Shoot your coach gun, dealing conical damage in front of you. Cooldown: 3 turns 188†
Ultimate Ability Send Bob forward. If he collides with an enemy, he stays on the island and deals high damage. 242
Passive Ability When you earn an elimination, throw a dynamite at a nearby tile to the killed player. --

Bastion Bastion (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot a grenade forward, dealing splash damage. 150*
Special Ability Switch to assault configuration and sweep a conical area in front of you with bullets. Cooldown: 3 turns 146†
Ultimate Ability Send an artillary strike at the selected tile. 297*
Passive Ability If you land two shots in a row, heal for 100. +100 D.Va (600hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Launch a volley of explosive rockets. 126
Special Ability Activate defense matrix, blocking projectiles in front of you. Cooldown: 3 turns --
Ultimate Ability Activate self-destruct, dealing a large amount of damage in an area around you, then call in a new mech (keeping your health at its original value). 300*
Passive Ability When your mech is destroyed, stay alive as pilot D.Va. --

Echo Echo (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot a volley of sticky bombs, dealing high damage. 162
Special Ability Fire your focusing beam, dealing 3.5x damage to targets below half health. Cooldown: 4 turns 90
Ultimate Ability Duplicate an enemy hero. The following turn, you will play as that hero before turning back into Echo. --
Passive Ability When you earn an elimination, gain a movement boost next turn. --

Genji Genji (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Throw a volley of shurikens that deal high single target damage. 162
Special Ability Deflect projectiles in front of you. Cooldown: 3 turns --
Ultimate Ability Activate your dragon blade, dash forward dealing damage, and swipe your sword. 100 + 165
Passive Ability Dealing damage with your special ability unlocks your ultimate for one turn. --

Junker Queen Junker Queen (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Throw your knife, dealing high single target damage. 166
Special Ability Swing your axe for massive damage, covering a short but wide area in front of you. Cooldown: 2 turns 227
Ultimate Ability Charge forward dealing damage and repositioning yourself. 175
Passive Ability Deal damage with your primary attack two turns in a row to gain movement boost next turn. --

Junkrat Junkrat (575hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot an explosive forward. 147*
Special Ability Throw your trap (max range 2 tiles). The trap persists until triggered or you throw another. Cooldown: 2 turns 175
Ultimate Ability Send your riptire in the direction you targeted. The tire automatically detonates when it reaches the targeted tile, but can be manually detonated earlier. 210*
Passive Ability When you take damage, throw a mine toward the attacker. 71*

Lifeweaver Lifeweaver (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot a volley of thorns dealing single target damage. 144
Special Ability Protect a teammate and pull them to your tile. Cooldown: 3 turns +30
Ultimate Ability Place the tree of life, healing nearby teammates. +178
Passive Ability Your primary fire ricochets to an enemy within 1 tile of your target. 108

Lúcio Lúcio (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot a sonic blast, dealing single target damage. 154
Special Ability Create a short-range blast, damaging and knocking back enemies right in front of you. Cooldown: 2 turns 195
Ultimate Ability Create a sound barrier, temporarily increasing you and your team's health this turn. --
Passive Ability Start each round with movement boost for 1 turn. --

Moira Moira (475hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Throw a piercing biotic orb forward that damages enemies it passes near. 129*
Special Ability Fade toward your targeted tile (travels up to 3 tiles). Cooldown: 4 turns --
Ultimate Ability Activate coalescence, damaging enemies and healing teammates. 190/+224
Passive Ability When you reach critical health, unlock special ability (once per round). --

Orisa Orisa (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Throw your spear, dealing single target damage and stun. 155
Special Ability Spin your javelin, dealing damage to the tile in front of you and blocking projectiles. Cooldown: 3 turns 208
Ultimate Ability Gain fortified and deal damage in an area around you. 198
Passive Ability Gain fortified if you do not move (damage reduction only, not overshield). --

Reinhardt Reinhardt (500hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Sling a flaming projectile forward that pierces enemies. 150
Special Ability Put up your shield, blocking non-piercing attacks from the front. Cooldown: 3 turns --
Ultimate Ability Create a cone-shaped shockwave in front of you, knocking down players and causing them to miss their next turn. 62
Passive Ability Deal more damage the lower your health is. --

Roadhog Roadhog (600hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot your scrap gun, dealing single target damage. 169†
Special Ability Sling your hook out, pulling any enemy hit toward you. If you land a hook on an enemy, fire your primary attack. Cooldown: 3 turns 30 +169†
Ultimate Ability Deal damage in a conical shape in front of you. 234†
Passive Ability If you land your special ability gain increased damage next turn. 25%

Soldier: 76 Soldier: 76 (550hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Fire your helix rockets, dealing splash damage. 156
Special Ability Place your biotic field, healing yourself and nearby teammates. Cooldown: 3 turns +111
Ultimate Ability Activate tactical visor, dealing auto lock-on damage to any enemy in a conical shape in front of you. 159
Passive Ability When you heal a teammate, gain a movement boost next turn. --

Torbjörn Torbjörn (500hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Fire your rivet gun, dealing single target damage. 140
Special Ability Place your turret, which deals damage to the nearest enemy. Cooldown: 4 turns 117
Ultimate Ability Activate molten core, spewing lava in a straight path in front of you. 203
Passive Ability If your attack target tile has an enemy on it after players move, gain +100 temporary health. --

Venture Venture (600hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Fire your Smart Excavator, dealing splash damage. 133
Special Ability Burrow underground and travel toward your selected attack tile, bursting out of the ground for damage before traveling back to your starting tile. Cooldown: 4 turns 176*
Ultimate Ability Activate two tectonic shocks, dealing piercing damage in a line in front of you. 208
Passive Ability When a teammate dies, your primary attack gains bonus damage until the round ends. --

Zarya Zarya (500hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Shoot your particle cannon, dealing splash damage. 132
Special Ability Give yourself and a teammate you're aiming at a shield that blocks the first instance of damage they receive this turn. Cooldown: 2 turns --
Ultimate Ability Fire a graviton surge that lands on the tile you select. It damages and pulls nearby enemies to the tile. 128
Passive Ability After you take damage, regenerate 25 health. +25

Zenyatta Zenyatta (475hp)

Ability Description Damage/Heal
Primary Attack Charge up your orbs of destruction and unleash a volley of single target damage. 160
Special Ability Place the orb of discord on an enemy, increasing their damage taken. Cooldown: 3 turns +25%
Ultimate Ability Activate transcendence, healing yourself and nearby allies. +271
Passive Ability When you take damage, gain a movement boost next turn. --

* AoE damage values reflect max damage at closest range
† Spread damage values reflect max damage when lined up correctly at a close enough range

Workshop settings

Name Description Min-Max Default
Show How To Play Before Starting Show a short demonstration of how to play before the first game. Boolean On
Rounds How many rounds are played before a winner is decided. 1-5 3
Enable Turn Timer Whether or not there will be a time limit on turns. Boolean On
Time Per Turn How long players have to decide on their moves before the turn simulates. 5-45 15
Bot Backfill Team Player Count Minimum Sets minimum player count per team. Bots will spawn at the start of new rounds to fill teams up to this amount. 1-5 5
Always Show Enemy Health Show enemy health at all times, instead of only temporarily after you've damaged them. Boolean Off

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