
Battle Royale

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A brand new free for all elimination game mode where 8 players fight amongst each other to become the last one standing. At the start of each round, players drop in and collect lootboxes to gain abilities. Players use these abilities to kill other players to get better abilities until they are the last one standing and win the round. Each round the lootboxes have higher rarities and abilities become much stronger. First player to win 3 rounds, wins the game.


As the rounds progress, lootboxes will have higher rarities which buffs abilities in certain ways. Many Abilities will have increased damage, longer effects, increased knockback, longer duration, or shorter cooldowns.


When opening a lootbox you gain an ability (and get healed) which you can use to defeat enemies around the map. If you already have two abilities, the ability with the lowest rarity will become replaced (or ability one if both abilities have the same rarity). Players will also drop lootboxes on death which will have the highest rarity that player had on them but will not match the ability they had. Instead, any players that open it will receive a brand new ability!


Supports tended to dominate matches by dealing damage and running away. They would then wait to get healed back and continue to eliminate enemies. This passive needed to be reduced to ensure all roles were viable in the game

Role Support
  • Passive Healing Reduced by 50%


Due to the fact that doomfist is heavily ability based, his primary fire was lacking usefulness. Due to this, we increased it's regeneration to hopefully make him more viable. We will be watching his performance in the next couple of months

Hand Cannon
  • Ammo Regeneration increased by 50%


Lucio having a wallride and speedbost made him extremely powerful at running away. Players would often take advantage of this to stay alive the whole round by not interacting with any other players. Due to this, his kit needed to be nerfed to avoid those situations

  • Movement Speed buff removed


In a Free for All Elimination gamemode, having invisibility indefinitely as a passive was too strong and often promoted hiding to win. A nerf to her passive was needed to ensure characters were balanced

  • No longer causes Sombra to go invisible

  • Detects other enemies while dropping in the map

  • Increased Speed while dropping in the map



Thank you so much to

  • Aevor
  • Lui
  • Saurio
  • Star
  • Comet
  • Sawyer
  • Aurelius

For testing out the game with me! They played the game when it was bare bones and provided feedback and helped report bugs. Wonderful people who I cannot thank enough for their kindness and effort! Most of them also helped film the clips in the trailer and in the videos above!


If you enjoy the game mode and would like to see more, consider checking out my socials to help support what I do! You can also check out my discord if you want to play future gamemodes before they even come out and also get to know me by joining my streams! Of course, it's all optional, you can always ignore this and just play the game ♡ either way I appreciate that you're reading this in the first place.

TikTok - Blueberrie.Milkshake
Instagram - Blueberrie.Milkshake
Youtube - Blueberrie.Milkshake
Discord - Blueberrie Cafe
Twitter - Shake.Blueberrie
LinkTree - Blueberrie.Milkshake

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