
"Realistic" ow2

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Balancing may be wack since i only have played it with bots (i dont have friends)

But you play on symmetrical modes with the enemy team but your hp pools are very low and most weapons can 1 hit body. When hit your camera shakes up and your movement slows. Falldamage is equipped and everything moves a little slower.(even fps)

Some Comlicated custom abilities like ventures laser:
-Hold right-click while looking a wall really close
-Keep holding as you track the grey ball to (usually inside) a wall
-if you did it correctly a laser should form

Kiriko Drone strike
-Hold Down suzu to control drone forward

Brigitte nerfed healpacks
-has to have 3 charges
-look at an close ally
-press heal button

Some confusing/hard to find abilities:

-Mercy has her cadeceus staffs healing substituted for a better melee weapon

-Torbs hammer has increased movement speed

-Hanzos ultimate blocks movement for all in line of sigth

-Kirikos Ultimate Strikes a orbital cannon on closest enemy

-Hanzos smoke bomb shows enemy outlines

-Anas granade slows movement speed and hacks and stuns

-Ana deals damage instant

-lifeweavers ultimate gives armor to all close teammates

-reapers ult refreshes every time you damage an enemy with it

Its a lot of fun if the code wouldnt suck(i dont know how to optimize it more(the anti-crash triggers very often that i made))

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