
MEKA squad PvE

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MEKA squad PvE is like archives.

theres six slots and you can only play dva, but each one of them is different.

D.mon: Slot 1. D.mon is a tank with 700 hp. D.mon pretty much absorbs most of the damage. as D.mon you are RamattraRammatra.

Ability 1: Unleash an explotion from your jets that burn enemies around you. (jump is disabled for 5 seconds after that

Jump: nump to fly upwards.

Passive: Endless ultimate.

Secondary fire: Hold block to earn sheilds and your teammates around you by the ammount of damage you take. (300 dmage max) Slot 2. Dva is the same, but has 400 hp and is smaller and is a Dps now.

King: Slot 3. King is a Dps and has cc. 350 hp.

Ult: lift up all the enemies, knocking them down and hurting them (50 damage)

Ability 1: Blink in any direction, knocking people down on hit.

Ability 2: makes enemies fly up for a short anount of time.

Secondary: hold secondary for a slower fire rate, but deal more damage (125% damage dealt)

Primary: faster fire rate, but less damage (50% damage dealt)

Passive: higher jump.

Overlord: Slot 4. Overlord is a support that has high mobility and can fly. 300 hp

Ult: make a big explotion that deals a lot of hps (like zen ult, but 30 meters)

Ability 1: boost yourself to the direction you're looking.

Secondary 1: hold secondary and tap ability 1 while you look at a teammate to place a healing orb on them.

Secondary 2: hold secondary and tap ability 2 while you look at a teammate to place a dmage orb on them that hurts enemies around them. (like lucios aura, bur damaging instead)

Primary: primary is micro missiles (400% dmage dealt)

Passive: flight.

Casino: Slot 5. casino is a speedy support. 350 hp

Ult: your ult resurrects everyone on your team. (no range)

Ability 1: make your teammates twice as fast and enemies twice as slow.

Ability 2: Make enemies you hit take 35% more damge.

Secondary: Heal teamates with your secondary (no range)

Passive: youre 25% faster.

E.kra (spare character): Slot 6. do you have a friend who wants to play with you and wants to play quick play or ranked, but its a 5 stack? no problem! We added a spare Meka! E.kra is a off tank that can make enemies into teammates! 600 hp

Ult: add two more bots on you

Ability 1: fly into an enemy to attach them on you and make them be on your team!

Abilty 2: applies every negative effect on the enemy you hit.

Secondary: your secondarg now dmages enemies. (no range)

Primary: your primary is your secondary.

Passive: infinite secondary fire.

Story: defeat the Gwishin and save the city from the bad guys, but... The gwishin who made all gwishins joins the mission to self-destruct the MEKA base to take over busan!

Tips: join voice chat for better experience, you dont need to talk, but you'll understand if you join.

Warnings: if E.kra spawns off the map, just restart the game and it should fix itself.

Others: report to me if the game chrashes.

xXangelskiesXx on PSN - for having the original idea with me, making the bots, first wave and first story part

Frog#22481 - for continuing on the MEKA squad PvE after 2 years of the start of the making, abilites, rest of the story after wave 1, cutscenes and boss

LoveyNight#2426 - testing with me from the start of the remake, playtesting since then, and giving back thoughts and reviews

ElecterChaff#1567 - first playtest and giving thoughts

Jeherixo#1455 - first playtest and giving thoughts

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