
Custom Movement Speeds

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Edit: ignore the title i really had no clue what to call this

A Semi-Realtisc movement speed modification to every hero. (wasn't really trying tho)

Speeds Used

  • 4.5
  • 5
  • 5.5 (Game Default)
  • 6

Also, a tool you can use to edit movement speeds with ease
(It is more a tool than a mode, so I put it in my tools collection)

All Non-Forward movement is reduced by a flat 2 meters/s
(built-in 90% backward move speed is removed)

All Crouching movement is reduced by a flat 3 meters/s

(Known Bug: Moving Diagonally Backward, bypasses most of the Flat 2 meters/s reduction)

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