
Sketch Quiz! (Guess the Drawing)

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

The classic game of Guess the Drawing has now been implemented into Overwatch better than ever before, with custom types of effects for the artist, optimization for color/size modification of those effects, rounds, points, an on-screen keyboard which allows for custom words to draw, and so much more. Here's the general premise of the game:

How to Play: With each game, a selector, or chooser of the next word to draw, at auto workshop settings, is picked corresponding to the number at the left of their name on the text at the top left of your screen. This number represents the order in which selectors and artists will be chosen, and it is essentially a turn-based system (discussed more in the interface section). After the "selector" decides on what the next word to draw is, the artist is chosen and will draw the word that the selector has entered in. Keep in mind that the selector will not always be the artist depending on the workshop settings. Then, as you would expect, players besides the selector and artist will attempt to guess the artist's drawing. The amount of time an artist has to draw can be customized in the workshop settings. Guessing the word will get you points, which will be kept track of after the round is over. Overall, that's the gist of how to play, simple but the gamemode does function differently than other drawing games in some aspects.

Inferface/Mechanics: First off, as briefly talked about in the "How to Play" section, there is a player HUD on the left of your screen, which tells you the placement or order of when you will become selector/artist, your total amount of points, and your current role (whether drawing, the selector, or if you guessed the word). The way the "order" is organized can be determined in workshop settings (auto by a specific number). If rounds are enabled, there will also be a round hud at the top right of the screen and the effect count is also displayed to the left of that. If the artist hits the maximum amount of effects, they will unfortunately not be able to draw anymore due to current workshop limitations. The amount of rounds can be customized according to how you would like, again, in the workshop settings. Furthermore, for the artist exclusively, the skip feature, (skip drawing that game), the colors to change the effect to, and the size/type of effect can be found on the right of the art board. Lastly, players may change their sensitivity at any time on the upper right, to fit their preferences.

Note: Because of a temporary workshop bug that doesn't allow for two icons to be displayed in the same string, there may be a few issues with the presentation of some text in-game. Sorry about that, should be fixed soon. Updates coming in the future!


Kaeku's Overwatch Workshop Discord:

Translator: Zeke

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