
King of the Island

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Этот режим предназначен для веселья. Цель - Достич 1000 очков одталкивая всех противников от центра поля. Правил нет, делайте что угодно, кроме изменение настроек. У каждого героя есть свои способности.
Создал режим - wladrak#2456

Версия режима: 1.6

This mode is designed for fun. The goal is to Get 1000 points by pushing all opponents away from the center of the field. There are no rules, do anything except change settings. Each character has their own abilities. (Description of the mode written in Russian).
Created mode - wladrak#2456

Version: 1.6

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