
♥ Friendly Mode Menu V 1.0 (Alternative Version)

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

• This is the alternative version of my Friendly Mode Menu V 1.0, which contains a more "classical" menu.

Current available menu options:

  • Change Hero
  • AFK
  • Custom Camera
    • Enable / Disable
    • Edit
  • Toggles
    • Enable / Disable Protection
    • Enable / Disable No Cooldown
    • Enable / Disable Ghost Mode ( flying and going through any wall )
    • Enable / Disable Invisibility
  • Hero Settings
    • Voice
    • Scale
    • Hero Speed
    • Projectile Speed
    • Enable / Disable Goofy Voice
  • Statuses
    • Kill
    • Knock Down
    • Freeze
    • Stun
    • Hack
    • Burn
  • Teleport
    • To Player
    • Player To You
  • Attaching
    • To Player
    • Player To You
  • Punishment
    • Mute / Unmute
    • Kick
    • Ban
  • Access
    • Promote to V.I.P
    • Promote to MOD
    • Promote to ADMIN
    • Demote
  • Structure Creation
    • Lootbox Simulator
    • Destroy Created Structure

About privileges:

I implemented five types of privilege in this gamemode: Common, V.I.P, MOD, ADMIN and Special ( Trusted Person / Boss ).

  • Common: all players get this privilege from the start of the match by default.
  • V.I.P: player can get this privilege only from MODs or more higher players.
  • MOD: player can get this privilege only from ADMINs or more higher players.
  • ADMIN: player can get this privilege only from players with a Special privilege.
  • Special (Trusted Person): only certain players that were chosen by me gets this privilege.
  • Special (Boss): only Host Player and me get this privilege.

Table of allowed options for each type of player (Please note that a player cannot apply many of the options to a player whose privilege level is greater than his own or equal to it!):

Privilege Common V.I.P MOD ADMIN Trusted Person Boss
Privilege Level 0 1 2 3 4 5
Scale Limit 200% 500% 1000% 2000% 2000% 2000%
Change Hero
Custom Camera
Hero Settings Own Own
Statuses Own Own
Protection Own Own
No Cooldown Own
Ghost Mode Own
Goofy Voice
Teleport Only To
Attaching Only To
Punishment Only Kick and Mute
Access Only V.I.P and Common Only V.I.P, MOD and Common
Structure Creation

Bonus things:

  • Simple piano playing effect on Paris map :)
  • In-World effects that make it possible to enter some unreachable locations on a certain maps ( It works only on Paris for now )

I hope you'll have a lot of fun playing this mode. ^.^

Please, be ready for bugs and report of them to me if you can.
• Contact me on discord if needed: irlinin.

Players | 1 - 12
Categories: Miscellaneous
Tags: friendly
Heroes:, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, and 34 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.0


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Ability 1
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Primary Fire
[Menu Navigation] Use Option
Secondary Fire
[Menu Navigation] Go Back
Grab / Release Player (In Menu)
Use In-World Object / Enable/Disable Abilities In Menu (In Statuses)
Open / Close Menu
[Menu Navigation] Previous
[Menu Navigation] Next
[Menu Navigation] Use Option
[Menu Navigation] Go Back
Grab / Release Player (In Menu)
Use In-World Object / Enable/Disable Abilities In Menu (In Statuses)
Open / Close Menu
[Menu Navigation] Previous
[Menu Navigation] Next
[Menu Navigation] Use Option
[Menu Navigation] Go Back
Grab / Release Player (In Menu)
Use In-World Object / Enable/Disable Abilities In Menu (In Statuses)
Open / Close Menu
[Menu Navigation] Previous
[Menu Navigation] Next
[Menu Navigation] Use Option
[Menu Navigation] Go Back
Grab / Release Player (In Menu)
Use In-World Object / Enable/Disable Abilities In Menu (In Statuses)
Open / Close Menu
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[Menu Navigation] Use Option
[Menu Navigation] Go Back
Grab / Release Player (In Menu)
Use In-World Object / Enable/Disable Abilities In Menu (In Statuses)



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