
Posable Camera by WHO#11524

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Once camera is activated, you can move camera to any position, locking it to the world or your character.


Crouch: transfer controls to camera allowing you to look around and manipulate it. When you stop holding it, the camera will stop moving.

Primary Fire: While manipulating camera (Holding Crouch), the camera moves in the direction where you are looking (Forwards).

Secondary Fire: While manipulating camera (Holding Crouch), the camera moves in the opposite direction where you are looking (backwards).

Jump: While manipulating camera (Holding Crouch), locks camera to your position. "Locked" indicator appears at the top left of the screen. Jumping after, while manipulating camera (Holding Crouch), unlocks camera.
(Note that you cannot move camera while it is locked)

Interact: Resets everything and puts you back in first person mode.

Unintended features:

Characters that override camera using some of their abilities (perspective):

  • Brigitte
  • Reaper
  • Rein
  • Wrecking ball
  • Zenyatta

Characters that do not override camera using some of their abilities (perspective):

  • Junkrat

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Players | 1 - 12
Categories: Tools
Heroes:, Junker Queen, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and 29 more...
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Current version: 1.0.0

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